
Dec 29, 2010 09:33

So, I want to be writing again, but I’d like to write more entries with a local edge. I want to write about local theater, events, concerts, restaurants, parks, shows, pubs, etc. There are already others out there that do some of this, so I would want my own angle and not step on anyone’s toes.

But I can’t decide … use this LiveJournal? (Changing my name)? I still really like that LiveJournal seems to be more interactive than other ways of journaling/blogging. Is there anyone that thinks they would drop me from their friend feed if I started posting Louisville-centric entries?

Or should I start something like a Wordpress blog, Blogspot or Blogger? I have no experience with any of those. Anyone have any words of advice? Pros and cons? Are they more conducive to having an interactive blogging experience with the existing community?

louisville, concerts, music, theater, ky, movies, food, kentucky, musicals, festival

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