Not much has been going on recently, except that I found my yearbooks from first, third and fourth grades and looked in a nostalgic fashion at pictures of people that I still know now, people like Nathanial, Grant, Sarah, Thea and others. We were so freaking cute. Except that I realized that I have not changed at all since fourth grade, except to get taller and less chubby.
I wasn't at school yesterday, and so I rummaged through our old tapes and succeeded in finding the tape from my tenth birthday party. In attendance were: Harry, Katherine H, Adam, Maya W, Autum, Rita, Zoe, and Mailyn. And, good Lord, I was annoying. I was still, to be uncreative about wording, chubby, and I basically just bounced around and yelled a lot. Autum, on the other hand, was the most wordy and articulate kid ever. I'm so jealous of her childhood self. I think what started to make me less annoying was the beginning of my experience in theater when I turned eleven. That was also, coincidentally, when I became un-chubby. Oddly enough, what is a ridiculously extroverted pastime made me a fierce introvert. In a good way.
Adam was just the cutest thing. He was slightly shy and energetic and fantastic with adults. Hehehe. I bascially fast-forwarded through the entire tape and played it when it looked interesting and didn't involve me.
To change topics completely, I have to be at Science Olympiad from 9:30 to 5 tomorrow. Curse you, Regionals!!! I love flying, but still. That freaking Auxiliary Gym completely sucks all my energy out and I hate hate hate it.
Zach wasn't in theater today, which was just really weird. It was just me and Shelby and Siarra. We were missing our "token guy", and it was frankly odd.
And, ONG (sic)! House seems to be coming back to finish its fourth season, as Wikipedia does not say the season is over, and the spot for the fourth season finale still says "TBA". I'm ever so pleased.