Friday night I drove down to SF for the RMC Solstice and initiation of two new members. Duke didn't go as he has his Radio show Friday nights. Traffic was light except for San Rafael. Dinner was at Phuket in the lower Haight.
I got to the SF Eagle about 7. There was electric feel to the energy in the air, with a full moon out, and many RMC members already there. The initiation proceeded soon after I got there and then....the energy dissipated quickly. Various members were off to other bars. I tagged along with Gene and Greg to the Hole, where Tony and Ted are ridden off to earlier. They're bikes were out front, but they must have been usin' their invisa-shield to watch the goin' ons.
Several other RMC members arrived a short bit later, and with a brief tour around the bar it was time for me to head home. Not only do I turn into a pumpkin at 10pm, but I had to work the next day.
I did take some pictures with the camera Wulf gave us. Guess I need to use it a bit more. Most of the photos were so dark I deleted them.