Trip to Santa Cruz

Feb 21, 2007 17:22

Last Saturday I drove down to Santa Cruz, taking Highway 1 from SF on down. It was a warm beautiful day, spring like. I stopped somewhere in San Mateo County and sat lookin at the ocean waves breakin on the rocks for a while. [Sorry no pics - I left the camera at home.]

Sandy was out of town with some friends so Cobra and I had the place to ourselves. Sunday was Chinese New Year. We spent most of the day lookin for a small brass bell I wanted to get for bikerbaer to use as an anti road gremlin on his bike. You would think at Santa Cruz bein the hippy capitol of California that would not be a problem. Ha! We looked in everystore we could think of and finally found them in the last store - a metaphysical book store. And they only had them as parts of wind chimes. I mailed 2 off on Tuesday, one small and one smaller.

We celebrated Chinese NY by eatin out at - what else - a Chinese restaurant. It was the worst chinese food I have ever had. Pork fried rice was edible, Pork Chow Fun was almost edible, the Ginger Chicken was not edible. Raw shallots, raw ginger, and tasteless chicken warmed up in a tasteless sauce of corn starch. Cobra's comment was "I haven't been here for a couple of years, now I remember why." We overheard other patrons saying they always come here for the good food. Ick!

Later that night we watched some porn - "LA Tool and Die" with Richard Locke. I have see other of his videos and liked them, but this was the strangest porn video I have ever seen.

Monday I had lunch with a former client and then off home. Nice drive up the coast, and lunch. A stop in SF at The Eagle at about 6pm for a rest and a cigar. Gypsy was there and greeted me warmly. I usually not much good at strikin up a conversation in bars and up comes this guy wantin to dicuss cigars - what I was smokin, where I got it, etc. His was whatever at $28 bucks... who gives a shit. Fortunatey Gypsy drug me away...
After Gypsy went back to the kitchen I talked to an interestin fellow from Portland for a few minutes. And then on my way home.

Good to get home and see Duke and Z.

I forgot to add: the first thing Gypsy said to me was "Do you know what Bikerbaer got me for my birthday? A microwave. He took me out to his car and it was in the trunk. No more eating out of a can!" He was almost jumpin up and down he was so happy.

santa cruz

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