Dinner in SF

Feb 25, 2007 10:42

Yesterday Duke and I went down to SF to have dinner and a movie with Bikerbaer and Les. The ride down was OK, but by the time we got to SF Duke wasn't feelin too well. We stopped at Walgreens and just gettin out of the truck and walkin around seemed to revive Duke.

We were early and hung out at the cafe across the street from Bbaer and Les' place til they got home. Dinner of burgers and fries and back to their place Bbaer's secret recipe popcorn and watch "Running With Scissors". A very Harold and Maude kinda movie. Good, but disturbin, and had a very woofy gay gay in it.

Drive home was Very Windy and some rain.

We had a good time and it was good ta see Bbaer and Les.

Fun with new cam

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