Work Trip to Santa Cruz

Feb 06, 2013 20:05

After getting’ home at 10:30 Friday night, I got up and to the post office by 8AM the next morning for a couple of hours work. I had a shitload of paperwork to do on the P.O. Boxes.

Home by 10:30AM, I packed and loaded tools into the truck for the work trip to Santa Cruz. I always take Hwy 1 south from San Francisco. A beautiful, and leisurely drive. I left very late and didn’t arrive at Cobra and Sandy’s until 8PM. Cobra is a much later riser than I … we started work at 10AM Sunday morning … cutting a 30 foot line of large Pfitzer Junipers from their towering 15-18 feet down to 8 feet. Carol, my client, treated us to lunch, and homemade cookies. It took us eight hours to cut it all. Tired out we left Cobra’s loaded truck there and took my truck back to his place, where Sandy ferried us down to town for a Thai dinner. Dessert back at home … a raspberry tart, and cookies.

Monday morning back again at 10AM to start hauling it all to the dump. I took one load in my truck, but they charged me so much more than Cobra that he took the rest. The difference being mine was priced by volume and his by weight. I wasn’t given the option of price by weight. Again Carol treated us to lunch. Four loads to the dump later, I started on thinning out the oldest trunks of the lilacs, creating another load. Another eight hour day, and we were done. Sandy cooked a tasty casserole that night, with left over dessert … the tart, store bought cookies, Carol’s cookies, and some cookies I had baked earlier in the week.

Oops … Carol thought we had bid the job … I thought I had been clear it was hourly. Carol paid us the hourly rate with no fuss, so we ate the dump fees … which lowered our hourly rate by some $2.50 per hour.

Tuesday morning was leisurely. I left Cobra and Sandy’s about 9:30 and arrived about 11:30 at Robby’s loft in SF for lunch, a tasty pasta and sauce. We had a great visit. 2 PM rolled around, Robby had to take Romeo to the vet and I had to get on the road to beat the traffic going north. Traffic was heavy, but moved along, I arrived home about 3:30, to unload, and clean up before Duke and I got something to eat … there being not much in the house for dinner.

santa cruz, cobra, work

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