Jul 24, 2014 02:50
Random thoughts from the brain of an aging woman. Compiled while writing, watching videos online when I’m meant to be writing, cooking and other bits of life.
-I like books better.
-That damn cat…
-Dear Sir, it’s my opinion that you don’t know what the hell you’re talking about. You’re also doing a poor job of concealing your ignorance. GONG.
-I refuse to believe I have a zit. I’m squarely in the zit-free age.
-If Wright was alive I’d still go for the Gilmour-Wright sandwich. After a long nap, maybe.
-Dear Madam, not only do you not have the least idea about what you’re discussing, everyone interviewing you knows this. Yet they interview you. Weird.
-How the hell many Kardashians are there?
-Oooooh, shiny.
-I really need to take a dump today but no matter what, no prune juice.
-Why is that twelve year old boy wearing a three piece suit and pretending to be a lawyer on TV?
-That damn dog…
-I really don’t mind when a deer gets up on the porch. I’m supposed to mind, aren’t I? I don’t.
-Gentlemen, you have taught us all that there is such a thing as one tour too many.
-Why is that twelve year old boy wearing a suit and telling me he’s my doctor? Hell no. You need to have achieved puberty first. Nothing against Doogie Howser.
-I’m so glad I don’t watch TV.
-How can there possibly be a Gnostic church? I mean, really.
-Egg replacer= well, no, but it doesn’t work for me.
-What the hell size chicken laid this egg? I wonder if it was an Orpington. An old Orpington. Or she’s taken to keeping teeny ostriches.
-I didn’t fancy twelve year old boys when I was twelve years old. No wonder I don’t watch movies. Oh well, time to build the wall.
brain flotsam