Jul 12, 2011 12:51
Well I guess not just ANY man... but Scott in particular. Lots of things I would like to post there I now can't because I know he will read it. Like just now I was cleaning the bathrooms *LE GASP* and thinking to myself is it too much to ask a man to clean his own bathroom? Cuz for some reason when we have 2 bathrooms, like we did in the US, he claims one and I claim one, and then I tend to never EVER go in his again because its like ick all man and dirty. BUT if I ask that on Facebook he will get all offended and crap and I wouldn't be having a go at him, just wondering what ppl think... or just want to say that cuz it was what I was thinking. I find there are quite a few things that I cant say what I think because he or someone on my friends list will see... stupid eh? Cuz even if I blocked it from them, if someone comments I think they can then see because its a friend of a friend things, since just about everyone on my list is on his.
I'm kinda getting sick of ppl constantly asking me if I'm glad to be back in Australia OF COURSE IM BLOODY GLAD... What no-one noticed that I HATED living in Seattle???? WTF PPL.....
I can't wait for decent internet... I want to run a Heroic in WOW so badly