FIC: Can't See True Love Hitting

Mar 28, 2010 21:47

Title: Can't See True Love Hitting
Author: misfitish
Pairing: Gabe/William
Summary: Gabe lay in bed, watching his younger lover sleep, soft sounds coming from the boy. He’d always loved the way that William looked so innocent, so young when he slept. William moved a little, hair falling onto his face, so he brushed some of William’s hair away, giving him a perfect view of William’s beautiful face again.
Wordcount: 1785 words
Rating: NC-17. For sexy times!
Notes: Written for Lucy (longforlovers)'s birthday. She wanted Gabilliam sexy times. I gave her that. Hope you like it, baby girl!
Disclaimer: Not true. Unfortunately. (Not that I would want one part of this to be true anyway.)

Gabe lay in bed, watching his younger lover sleep, soft sounds coming from the boy. He’d always loved the way that William looked so innocent, so young when he slept. William moved a little, hair falling onto his face, so he brushed some of William’s hair away, giving him a perfect view of William’s beautiful face again.

“Gabe, tha’ you?” William mumbled. “Y’still there?”

Gabe smiled. “Course, babe. I’m here.” He said softly. “Always here.”

William opened his eyes and they gazed around, not focusing. Gabe’s smile fell a little, knowing the reason as to William not meeting his eyes.

William had been born blind. He had never seen a sunset, a sunrise, nothing. He couldn’t work out shapes, colours, everything was just dark. But he’d never let it get the better of him. He had learnt guitar and piano, over a long time but he had, and he’d joined a band. Yes, he was always asked about what it was like, being blind and in a successful band, but he always told them that it made no difference, he was doing something he loved with people who were like family.

True, it was difficult writing songs as someone who couldn’t see, but he had Mike to be his eyes when it came to writing things out. Together, they wrote every song together, whether they both contributed to the words or if Mike just wrote what William told him.

It had been when they were on Warped Tour, post-Midtown and pre-Cobra for Gabe, and William had lost his band that he had met Gabe. Sure, he had known who he was before then, but he had never met him. He was shuffling through the crowd, trying to hear for anyone calling his name, when a pair of strong arms stopped him and wrapped themselves around him.

“So, Beckett, lose your band?” William would recognise Gabe’s voice anywhere, he’d listened to Midtown and seen (hah! seen, yeah right) them enough to never forget it. His words might have seemed taunting had they any malice to them, but Gabe’s voice was filled with warmth and concern.

“Uh, yeah, just a little.” He said, laughing a little to make a joke of it.

Gabe laughed too. “Come on, I’ll get you back.”

William had held onto Gabe’s arm and since then, they’d forged a friendship that turned into a romance. Two years later, Gabe had kissed William gently on the lips.

“I like you Bill, and not in a way I should, but I do.” He had told him.

William turned his head in the direction of Gabe’s voice and used his hands to find his mouth. “Guess what? Me too.” And William leaned in to kiss Gabe, ending up getting his nose, making the older man chuckle.

“I like kisses on my nose, but here would be a lot better.” He said, guiding William’s lips to his own.

Since then, they had been dating, not yet moving in with each other. William was still in Chicago, and Gabe in New York, but when they saw each other, they were always next to each other, touching, William in Gabe’s lap, cuddling, kissing, or just talking.

And now, the two of them off tour, in William’s apartment he shared with Sisky (who had stayed the night at Butcher’s), in bed after a night of relaxing, snuggling and kisses. It may not seem it to anyone else, but Gabe Saporta loved snuggling, and he loved it more when it was with William.

William reached out for Gabe’s hands and the older man met them in their searching, squeezing slightly and smiling when he saw William’s bright smile appear, albeit a little sleepy too. Gabe leant over and kissed William softly, hearing a soft sigh.

“Morning, Carino.” Gabe murmured.

“Morning, baby.” William murmured back.

William moved his body so that he was laid on top of Gabe and Hispanic man noticed something then.

“Someone seems rather happy.” He grinned. William just smirked and ground down again, causing Gabe to groan softly. “Fuck, Bill.”

William leant down to roughly where he thought Gabe’s ear was and whispered, “I want you to blow me, then fuck me.”

If Gabe wasn’t hard before then, he sure as fuck was now. He grabbed hold of William’s face gently and pulled him into a crushing kiss, not pulling away until he knew the younger man was enjoying it.

He careful flipped William over so he was on his back and Gabe started to kiss at his jaw, down to his neck. He nibbled and teased at a spot he knew sent William crazy before he bit, sucking hard. William moaned loudly, arching his back slightly.

“Fuck, Gabe…”

Gabe pulled away from William’s neck, a red mark now tarnishing his perfect pale skin. “Oh no, Carino, that isn’t yet.”

Gabe proceeded to kiss down William’s body, kissing his chest, stomach, getting lower and lower. Gabe licked a stripe down his length, causing the boy to groan.

Gabe loved teasing William, but he’d only do it to a certain point. He wouldn’t tease him to the point of William cursing him eternally, but he had to have some fun with it. And seeing his boyfriend like this, fuck, it always got Gabe so fucking hot.

He licked at the tip of William’s manhood, hand wrapping round and beginning to pump slowly, the way he knew William liked it.

William threw his head back slightly, arching back and groaning. Gabe’s tongue was a fucking tool that should be made illegal, it was unreal at what it did to William. Sure, he had been with people before Gabe, just two, but they had never treated him with so much respect, given him as much pleasure as Gabe had.

William whimpered loudly as Gabe began to take him in his mouth, still pumping the base. William could only release a string of incoherent words at that point, panting already. Gabe hummed happily and sent the vibrations through the boy, causing incoherent words to be replaced with a loud moan.

“F-fuck, fuck…” William panted as Gabe took him down further, deep throating him. A little known fact about Gabe? No gag reflex. William had found that out a few weeks after they had got together, and took advantage whenever he could. Gabe loved it, so why shouldn’t William give him something he loved doing, receiving awesome oral for doing so.

William’s fingers scrambled around to find Gabe’s hair, tangling his fingers in, not pushing Gabe down, but resting them there. When Gabe pulled away, William whined.

“Ah, carino, the best is still to come.” Gabe whispered, placing a kiss on the head of William’s cock, receiving a whimper in reply.

Gabe moved over to the side table and pulled out lube. Neither boy, since they had been checked, had used condoms, they didn’t see the point if they were both clean. Gabe squeezed some into his hand, rubbing it into his length, causing him to moan softly. William looked up, eyes darting everywhere as if it would help him see.

“Gabe, come on.” He whined.

Gabe just grinned at the boy’s frustration and positioned himself at William’s entrance. He didn’t bother with prep, didn’t need to since they had enough sex to make sure William was always ready. He pushed in slowly, and William groaned out Gabe’s name as he felt himself become full, filled with the man who loved him truly.

Gabe rested when he was fully in, letting William adjust. At a nod seconds later, he pulled out and pushed back in, instantly hitting the spot that made William squeal with pleasure and thrust up.

“Fuck!” William moaned. “Jesus!”

“Carino, you should know by now,” Gabe pulled out and thrust back into the same spot, “I’m Gabe, not Jesus.”

“Now is not the time for jok- Oh, holy shit!” William arched his back as Gabe leant forward and nibbled at the sensitive spot on the younger boy’s neck, building up a rhythm.

William wrapped his arms around Gabe, reaching for his ass to pull his thrusts closer. He wanted to be as close as he could to the man. He could feel his dick between them, Gabe’s stomach pressing against it on every thrust. He moved one of his hands to his dick and began pumping himself before Gabe bat his hand away, taking hold firmly and running a thumb over the tip, gaining a groan from deep in William’s throat.

As a layer of sweat shined on their skin, Gabe’s breathing became more erratic. William always did this to him. He had never experienced making love like this before William, maybe because before William he had never made love to anyone, it had only been sex.

William moved his mouth to Gabe’s neck and shoulder, pressing kisses and mumbling nonsense into his warm caramel skin. He was meeting Gabe’s thrusts halfway and moaning softly, wanting to hear Gabe do the same, to hear he was giving the older man as much pleasure as he was receiving.

As if on cue, Gabe let out a long low groan. He began to feel himself growing closer, but he wanted to get William there first. He alternated pumping and thrusting, knowing the boy would start feeling it.

And William did. He felt a growing  warmth in his stomach and as Gabe flicked his thumb over his tip again, he tilted his head back, saying Gabe’s name which blended with a long moan and came all over their stomachs and Gabe’s hand. Gabe came just seconds after, the contracting of William’s muscles becoming too much for him, and practically shouting William’s name.

When they were both just laid there, panting heavily, Gabe looked at his lover. His eyes were closed, but he looked so goddamn beautiful. Gabe pulled out slowly and got up to get tissues to clean them both off with.

When he finished, he climbed into bed with William, kissing him softly. “I fucking love you so much, carino.” He mumbled against his lips.

“I love you more, baby.” William smiled, wrapping his arms around his lover.

The two lay there for a while longer, until Gabe cleared his throat. “William, babe, would you want to spend the rest of your life with me?”

William’s eyebrows furrowed with confusion. “Of course I would. Why are you asking?”

Gabe reached over and picked up a small item from his discarded jeans. He gently put a ring on William’s left hand and watched the boy’s face light up with surprise.

“You’ll marry me then, right?” Gabe whispered.

“Fuck yes.” William said, tears appearing in his eyes before finding Gabe’s lips with his own.


gabe/william, the academy is, fic, slash, cobra starship, blind

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