FIC :I Don't Blame You For Being You (But You Can't Blame Me For Hating It)

Apr 02, 2010 12:19

Title: I Don't Blame You For Being You (But You Can't Blame Me For Hating It)
Author: misfitish
Pairing: Pete/Patrick, Joe/Andy
Summary: A take on what happened to Pete after he was bitten by the vampire, William Beckett and also, what happened after the video. 16 candles au.
Wordcount: 5906 words
Rating: PG-13
Notes: Written for unnat_bandom.
Disclaimer: Not true. Unfortunately.

Peter strolled through the downtown Chicago streets, a smirk stuck on his face. His life was good right now, had been for 7 months now. All he seemed to do was wake up, eat, go out and hunt, eat some more, then return to the Dandy manor just before sun rise. It was a good life being a vampire, and an even better one being a Dandy.

When he’d been turned, he had freaked out for a day or two until William, the dandy leader and one of the few dandy leaders in Chicago, had brought him a meal of a young woman. Peter remembered the moment well. He had sensed the girl’s blood and had pounced on her, draining her of her blood until there was no more.

William had chuckled and petted the young vampire on the head, as if he were a pet, but Peter hadn’t cared at the time. He had finally got the thing that he had been craving and it was oh so delicious.

Since that day, Peter hadn’t been Pete anymore. He was Peter Wentz, a respected Dandy in the vampire community of Chicago. Across the country, vampires knew the Dandy name and those most high up. William Beckett, Michael Carden, Brendon Urie and Peter Wentz. Michael and Brendon were both William’s second’s, Michael only slightly more superior due to his age, but Peter was a well known vampire due to his ruthlessness.

Peter lived each night like it was his last, feeding on the prey that lived in Chicago, either killing them horribly or turning the odd one or two. Everything from his previous life was gone, never to return.

Or so he thought.

This night, strolling along, searching for prey, he caught the scent of something, someone that he found familiar, but wasn’t sure why. He frowned, changing his course of direction to follow it.

What he found, in an alleyway behind an abandoned shop, was two vampires and a small group of hunters fighting. One of the hunters was using a baton to beat one of the vampires before staking it. Peter growled and raced forward as the other vampire was staked. They might not have been Dandies, but these were hunters, and they were a threat to the Dandies. The vampires they had just staked weren’t important, they weren’t Dandies, they weren’t part of the highest ranking vampire clan in Chicago.

The shortest hunter, a young man with glasses and a hat on, looked up as he sensed a vampire and raised his crossbow to shoot the vampire. Just as he released the trigger, he saw who it was and he gasped.

“Pete!” He exclaimed.

Peter dodged the wooden arrow so it only hit his shoulder, but he still hissed in pain. He pinned the hunter who had shot him against the wall of the alley, baring his fangs at him. The hunter, although with a hint of fright in his eyes, had a determined look on his face. “Pete, come on, you must remember us, remember me.”

“I don’t recognise any of you, except for being hunters.” Peter snarled.

“Pete…” The third hunter, who had a crossbow that looked more advanced than the one the other hunter had, took a small step forward. “You… you don’t remember any of us?”

Peter growled. “Why would I?” He sneered, looking at the third hunter. In doing so, he missed the look the pinned hunter had on his face, a look of sadness, disappointment and fright, all rolled into one.

“Pete, it’s us.” The hunter with the baton said. “You must remember us.”

Peter was about to growl when he was suddenly hit with a memory from his previous life. A bass in his hands, screaming into a microphone, 3 friends with him. Then the names hit him and he gasped, eyes widening. “Patrick, Joe, Andy!”

“Yes, Pete.” Patrick said, still pinned, but looking hopeful.

Peter let go of Patrick and looked at the three of them, before running back to the Dandy manor. Patrick went to run after him but Joe stopped him.

“No, Trick, don’t.” He said.

“He’s right.” Andy said, shrinking his baton back down and walking to them.

Patrick looked to the entrance of the alleyway, then back at his friends, looking unhappy but nodding. “He remembered us.” Patrick said softly. “He’s still Pete deep down.”

Joe nodded. “I know.” He said. They all knew that when a vampire was turned, their previous life, their human life, became somewhat obsolete. They would know who they were, but most other memories were lost. The fact that Peter knew their names was something.

While the hunters made their way back to their base, Peter was back in the Dandy manor, in his room alone. His door was locked and he was pacing his room, completely confused. Yes, William had told him just after he had been turned that he would have lost some memories after he was turned, but he never expected to get them back. It was the last thing that he would have expected to happen.

He didn’t care for the wound he’d received, he would heal quickly, it was not really a lot of bother. But instead, he paced up and down, thinking of the one memory that he still had, of playing music, of being with the three hunters.

No, they hadn’t been hunters at the time, they were his friends. He was suddenly remembering more as he thought about each of them in turn. Andy, he’d grown up with Andy, been friends since they were young boys, almost 20 years. Joe, he’d met Joe through Andy about 10 years ago and they’d been good friends since. And Patrick, Joe had brought him to a practice session after meeting him in Borders, 9 years ago, and he… Peter’s eyes widened as he was hit with vivid memories of the short hunter. Holding hands, a gentle kiss or 1000, their roaming hands in bed.

He and Patrick had been lovers before William had turned him. Peter sat down on the bed. How could he have forgotten Patrick? Now that he had remembered that, most of his memories from his human life were returning. He could remember everything and he hated what he had become. A tear ran down his face as he remembered his family (dead, the Dandies’ doing), his friends (turned to hunting since his vampirism) and his lover.

A bell rang throughout the manor, alerting the vampires that it was 20 minutes til sunrise. Peter went to close his blinds, stripped down to his boxers and climbed into his bed. Tomorrow night, he was going to make everything better again, he swore on his parent’s graves, someone was going to pay for what they did to him.

The next evening, Patrick was in the training room of the hunter’s base, taking his anger out with targets and stakes.7 months, 7 months since William fucking Beckett had ripped Pete out of their lives. After Pete had been taken and turned, the three of them turned their attention away from making music and instead, started reading up on vampires. How to kill them, their weaknesses, their strengths, anything they could find.

Andy, already trained in martial arts, used that to his advantage, going into battle with vampires with his trusty baton. Joe, more of a techo geek, would create new ways to kill the vampires, improve the weapons they already had, the same old thing he liked to do before but with weapons. And Patrick, he was the one who would research most. It wasn’t uncommon to find him with his head in a book.

When Joe came to find Patrick that evening, he had used all the practice stakes and was sitting against the wall, breathing heavily. Joe bit his lip and went to sit by him. “It’ll be ok, Trick.” He said, putting his hand on Patrick’s knee.

Patrick ripped Joe’s hand away. “No, it won’t! It’s alright for you, you still have Andy! Your boyfriend wasn’t turned into a vampire and forgot every moment he shared with you!” Patrick shouted, startling Joe. The shorter hunter never shouted, especially not at Joe. Patrick stood  up and left the room swiftly, leaving Joe just staring at him.

Andy walked in a few minutes later and saw Joe still sat on the floor. He went to sit by him, wrapping an arm around him. He kissed his cheek gently. “He’ll be fine in a while, he always is.” Andy told Joe softly.

Joe nodded. “I hope so.” He said quietly. After seeing Pete the night before, and him actually remembering who they were, he wasn’t so sure anymore. “I hope so.” He repeated.

Patrick had left the house without anything but the stake he always kept on him (even inside the safe haven of their base). He should have picked up more protection, but he wasn’t thinking straight. His thoughts were on Pete and moments he had had with Pete and just Pete in general. He’d gone 7 months without seeing him, and now he wasn’t sure what to do. He had seen the monster his boyfriend had become, and he didn’t like it. He wasn’t Pete anymore, he was Peter, vampire and cruel son of a bitch. And it broke Patrick’s heart.

He was walking through the city, not sure where he was going, when he saw shadows move in front of him. He looked up to see William mother fucking Beckett standing in front of him, Pete, no, Peter, by his side, his eyes showing no emotion. He turned to go, but he could see William’s little lap dogs, Brendon and Michael, closing in on him. He turned back to face William.

“Why, Patrick, how nice to see you this evening.” William’s voice was sickly sweet, but his facial expression showed that he was planning on draining him dry.

“Fuck you, Beckett.” Patrick hissed.

William walked forward, tutting softly. “Why, Patrick, that’s no way to address the leader of a vampire clan, especially of the Dandies.” William leant towards Patrick and breathed in his scent. “You smell utterly divine. We shall see if you taste the same.”

“NO!” Peter ran forward and, with incredible strength, pulled William off of Patrick, who fell to the floor. Brendon and Michael both hissed and ran forward to attack both Peter and Patrick, but William stopped them.

“Peter, if you were that hungry, you could have gone off to find a meal.” William chuckled. Peter glared daggers at him.

“My name is not Peter.” He snarled. “It’s Pete. And you leave me the fuck alone from now on. You touch Andy, Joe or Patrick, especially Patrick, I will rip you limb from limb.”

Patrick looked up at Peter… no, not anymore, he was Pete again, and saw love in his eyes. He knew no vampire could truly express love, so he was confused as to why he could see it in Pete’s eyes. Pete held a hand out to Patrick, who took it, standing up.

“It’s a pity you’ve been like this, Peter, you were a fantastic Dandy. While it lasted.” William said, picking at his nails. He turned his head slightly to Brendon and Michael. “Urie, Carden, kill them both.” And with that, William turned and left.

Brendon and Michael looked at Pete and Patrick hungrily, advancing on them.

“Patrick, leave them to me.” Pete muttered. Patrick looked at Pete, still absolutely confused as to what had just happened. Pete snarled at the vampires and kicked Michael away while pinning Brendon. He placed his hand on his chest while Brendon squirmed, but he soon stilled. Michael howled and ran at Pete, who was knocked to the ground. Pete fought against him valiantly and finally pinned him as well, placing his hand on his chest. On both the vampires, where Pete had touched their chests, there was a handprint, like it had burnt on.

Pete stood up and wiped away a drop of blood from his mouth, walking over to Patrick. Instinctively, he backed away, making Pete also stop. “Patrick, it’s me, I promise.” Pete said softly, his voice filled with something so unlike a vampire. He took a step forward, and another, and kept doing so until he was one step in front of Patrick.

“But… how?” Patrick whispered, still not able to believe it.

Pete took the advantage now to wrap Patrick into a hug, holding him close. “When I saw you last night, it only took one memory to start off a chain reaction in my mind. Patrick, all those things I’ve done, all those people I’ve killed-”

“It wasn’t you. It was something in your body, but it wasn’t you.” Patrick told him firmly, holding him tight. “Fuck, I never thought I would get to do this ever again.”

They stayed that way for a moment or two before Brendon started to grumble from where he was on the ground. “We have to go.” Pete grabbed Patrick. “Come on, tell me where you’re living and we can go there.”

“How is he still alive?” Patrick asked as they started running.

“I’ll explain later.” Pete stopped them both to pick Patrick up before running again, at a much faster pace this time. “Now, where do you live?”

Patrick gave him directions to the base, which really was just a huge abandoned warehouse that had been blessed against vampires and evil. He watched as the scenery turned into a blur the faster Pete ran. When they arrived, Pete put him down and Patrick had to find his legs before he got them both in. And that was when he turned to look at Pete with wide eyes. “What?” Pete asked, finding it a little unnerving.

“This place, it’s blessed against vampires. I only just thought after you crossed the doorway.” Patrick told him.

“Actually,” A familiar voice said, “it’s just blessed against evil. Any evil vamps will bounce off an invisible force field, or something like that.” Joe pushed off from the door frame and pulled Pete into a hug. “I’ve missed you, man.”

Pete, surprised as he was, wrapped his arms around Joe, muttering a “missed you too” back at him. Then he pulled away, frowning. “Wait, you don’t seem shocked at all by my being here.”

Joe explained, with help from Andy who appeared after a few moments, that they’d been using the cameras they’d set up in the town to see where Patrick had been heading, and that they had seen what had happened when Pete saved Patrick from William’s clutches.

Pete, after being asked by the three hunters, explained to them his powers. He was slightly telekinetic, which he mainly used to increase his vampiric strength when fighting, and if he placed his hand on a vampire’s chest, it caused a reaction that in turn would paralyse the vampire for some time.

Pete told the others that he was sorry for them becoming hunters and not being able to enjoy their lives as they should have, but Patrick spoke for them all when he told the vampire that their lives weren’t the same without Pete in.

“Did you really give up music to turn into this?” Pete asked Patrick in the early hours of the morning. Patrick’s window in his room had been covered completely and he was curled up with Pete in bed.

Patrick nodded. “I would have given my soul to find you again, Pete.” He whispered. “My life is nothing without you in it.”

Pete said nothing but leant over to kiss Patrick and keep his arms wrapped tight around the human. For him, he had only remembered everything about his human life just two days before, but when his memories had all been returned, he felt the 7 months separated from Patrick, Joe and Andy, all the pain from knowing he had been apart from them so long. His heart had ached all that day, he had barely been able to sleep, knowing he was in the Dandy’s mansion and his friends and boyfriend were elsewhere in the city.

After he had adjusted to normal life again, he joined his friends in hunting the vampires of the city. There was fight after fight and they usually came out of them without injury, but there was the occasional time when one of them would be hurt and have to rest for a few days (sometimes more) before rejoining them on the streets.

It was months later that they were involved in a massive battle and that was when things changed even more for the group of hunters.

It was after the battle with the Dandies and Hoodz that Pete found himself trapped once again in the dandy manor. But he soon escaped, using his burning power on a dandy that had been sent into his cell to torture him. He made his way back to the warehouse and found Joe and Andy, who had escaped from the vampire police who had arrested them. But when he asked them where Patrick was, they didn’t know.

For 5 weeks, Patrick’s whereabouts was unknown. Pete was moodier and grouchier without his boyfriend with him. But when he was out on a hunt for vampires (and Patrick, but he didn’t tell Joe or Andy that little fact), he picked up a faint familiar scent that he knew all too well.

“Patrick.” He gasped softly.

“Hello, Peter.” Pete turned sharply to look behind him and found Patrick standing there… in dandy clothing. “Oh, no hug for your lover?”

“What did they do to you?” Pete exclaimed, seeing his Patrick there but at the same time, a different Patrick.

“Something they never managed with you. They removed my soul.”

Pete’s eyes widened. He was soulless? That meant-

“It means, dear Peter,” Patrick interrupted his thoughts, “that I can do what I want without feeling any guilt.” Patrick cracked his neck and bared his fangs. “You don’t know what you’re missing.”

Pete shook his head. “No, no, this isn’t you. Patrick, come back with me, we can make you better-”

“But I’m not sick. Don’t you see, Peter, I like this, love it in fact.” Patrick laughed and it almost killed Pete to see his boyfriend act like this. “So, Peter, I was sent to find you for one reason. To kill you at last.”

Patrick pounced on Pete, who was too in shock to react. As Patrick threw punches and kicks at Pete, the older vampire tried to defend himself but he didn’t want to hurt Patrick. The newer vampire growled and yelled at him to fight back, but Pete refused.

Eventually, Patrick just bit into Pete’s neck, intending to drain him dry. But as he did so, he felt an intense pain in his chest, in his heart. He pulled away from Pete and cowered in a ball, groaning in pain. Pete, a little woozy from the pain, watched him for a moment.

“What’s wrong? My blood no good?” He asked, snapping slightly without trying to be, but then as he heard Patrick’s groaning become more and more human, he began to worry. “Patrick? Trick?” He asked, crawling a little closer.

“Pete…” He moaned in pain. “Hurts. M’soul, hurts.”

Pete‘s eyes widened in shock at what Patrick had said. “What?” He asked, his voice filled with a little hope for his boyfriend.

“Soul, s’coming back.” Patrick said before he passed out from the pain.

Pete scrambled for his phone and called Andy to come get them both. He didn’t mention that Patrick was now a vampire, they would become aware of that fact when they came to get them.

Instead, after the call had finished, He got Patrick off of the street and into the shadows of an alley, to stay hidden from view.

When Joe and Andy turned up, they were shocked to find that Patrick was a vampire, had lost his soul, tried to kill Pete and had somehow regained his soul. But they didn’t ask questions about it there, they took both vampires back to the warehouse. When they arrived back, Pete told the humans he would deal with Patrick when he finally woke from his soul recovery.

Pete changed Patrick out of the disgusting Dandy uniform he was in and instead put a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. He stroked the hair out of Patrick’s face and smelt Patrick’s old scent returning. It was then he realised that scents and souls probably went together

A few hours later, Patrick started to wake and Pete, who had been starting to fall asleep, alerted immediately.

“Trick? Patrick, are you back to normal?” Pete asked frantically.

He watched with sweet relief as Patrick opened his eyes weakly and nodded.

“Yeah. Yeah, I’m back, Pete.” He whispered, his voice hoarse. Pete scrambled over to him and wrapped his arms around his lover.

“I’ve been so worried about you, I’ve missed you so much, Trick.”

“I missed you too, Panda.” And it was with that nickname that Pete held on tighter to the boy he thought he would never see again. Only Patrick ever called him Panda, it was Patrick’s personal pet name for him.

After 20 minutes or so of just cuddling, Pete grabbed a bottle of the mixture for Patrick to drink. When he finished, he pulled a disgusted face and looked at Pete.

“I never actually believed you before when you said this was disgusting, y’know?” He said, making Pete chuckle.

“I know, but I dealt with it so I wouldn’t drain you.” Pete said, nibbling at Patrick’s jaw. “I kinda didn’t want to do that.”

“Yeah, I know.” Patrick replied. “But now I know just how disgusting it is, I’m gonna start on improving the taste. Today.”

“Hey, hey, no, you’re not doing anything like that today.” Pete snuggled into him some more. “I haven’t had you in my arms for over a month, and this time it was worse than before.”

Patrick didn’t mention that Pete spent 7 months oblivious to anything prior to his turning, rather just spending time in Pete’s arms.

When the two of them woke up in the same position the night after, they decided to go find Joe and Andy, both of whom were in the lounge, waiting for them.

“Guys, I’m fine, stop with the worrying, yeah?” Patrick said as he walked into the room, massaging his temple. “You can stop thinking I’m gonna die. I’m not.”

“Dude, we haven’t even said anything.” Andy said, getting up, Joe a split second behind.

Patrick mumbled something that only Pete was able to hear with his vampire hearing. “You read their minds, what the actual fuck?” Pete exclaimed.

“Thanks for shouting that, Pete.” Patrick grumbled.

Pete kissed Patrick’s cheek and apologised while they sat down, Patrick receiving a hug from Andy and Joe first. Patrick then explained to them all that he had telepathy as one of his vampire powers. He also had a slight telekinesis around the same strength as Pete’s. And on top of that, he could also teleport. When Pete complained about Patrick had more powers, Patrick had just explained that because there had been more people involved in his turning other than just Beckett.

“So, like, you can just go where ever you want in a split second?” Joe asked Patrick, who nodded. “What about taking people alon-”

“Yes, I can, and no, I’m not taking you to LA for a day trip, night trip… whatever, it’s not happening, so stop thinking about it.” Patrick told him.

‘So, if I think anything, you’ll hear it?’ Pete thought to Patrick, who nodded. ‘So, if I were to think about…’

Patrick flushed bright red at the images that Pete was sending him, involving ice cubes, chocolate sauce, whipped cream and a fair bit of licking, nibbling and biting. ‘Fuck, Pete, don’t.’ Patrick thought to him, making Pete jump. Patrick smirked. ‘Oh, yeah, forgot to mention, I can talk back mentally too.’

Pete got over the shock and kept sending him images that made Patrick cross his legs to hide the problem Pete had caused him. Patrick waved his hand at Pete and the older vampire disappeared.

“What the fuck?” Andy said, wondering what Patrick had suddenly done.

Patrick just smirked. “Sent him into our room. He needs to calm down.”

Joe rolled his eyes and just told Patrick to go find him. “You’ve not seen the guy for over a month, he’s been dying practically from the lack of sex he’s been getting-”

“Just go, before Joe keeps talking about you and Pete sexing each other up.” Andy said, covering Joe’s mouth and winking at Patrick, then he groaned and pulled his hand from Joe’s mouth, who had licked him with a cheeky grin.

Patrick grinned and thanked them both and disappeared, reappearing in Pete’s room, next to the vampire. Pete just looked at Patrick and started to strip them both, kissing the younger male hard and with all the passion he could muster.

‘Fuck, Pete, love you so fucking much.’ Patrick thought to him, not breaking the kiss as the two of them made their way to the bed.

‘I fucking love you too, Trick. Never ever fucking leave me like that again.’ Pete thought whilst he moaned loud out loud.

Andy and Joe decided that after 10 minutes, they’d fight fire with fire and made their way to their own room.

Over the next few nights, Patrick threw his all into changing the mixture, making it taste better but have the same effect on him and Pete both. While he was doing this, Joe, Andy and Pete went out hunting. They could probably have used another vampire with them, but they said that the mixture was just as important as hunting.

Finally, on night 5, Patrick thought he had cracked it. The first test was whether it worked on himself, he didn’t want to use Pete as a guinea pig for this. He poured himself a glass and tried it out. It was fine for about 20 minutes, when Joe walked into the same room as him. It took Pete using his power (only a little, nothing to actually hurt) to control him and stop him trying to attack and drink from Joe.

Two hours later, Patrick finally regained all of his movement and Pete apologised for using his power on him. Patrick told him he should be the one apologising, to them all. But Pete told the younger vampire that Joe didn’t blame him, that it was a trial and error about the mixture. He knew that he would never try to hurt any of them of his own free will. Pete gave Patrick some of the old mixture before they head back to see Joe and Andy. Patrick told them that he was going to keep trying, that he had to perfect it.

It took two months to do so (and only because of an attack on Patrick leaving him injured for a week, despite vampire healing) but the younger vampire finally found a concoction that worked. It tasted good, and it did exactly what the previous mixture did, maybe even better since Pete and Patrick were able to skip a day without feeling vampire instincts.

Months passed, and while Pete and Patrick stayed the same age, Andy and Joe grew older each day. It was something none of them discussed, they didn’t want to discuss. Together at least. Pete and Patrick had spoken of it on their own and they wanted to put forward to turn the two humans, so that they could always stick together. They weren’t sure how they would react, but they could at least ask them.

They thought this, of course, until Andy didn’t come back one night. Joe had lost him on a hunt and the three of them searched until daylight to find him. Joe stayed on longer, being able to take the sun, but soon gave up, assuming the worst. He had been captured by the Dandies. He couldn’t sleep that day, and when nightfall came, the three of them began their search of the city again.

Joe took his anger out on any vampire he found, asking where Andy was and if they didn’t respond, which they obviously wouldn’t to a hunter, he shoved a stake into their heart. Patrick stopped him going to wild, staying close to him while Pete combed the city like crazy.

After another non successful night, they retreated back to the warehouse, only to find the door open and a bloodstained Andy curled up not too far away. Joe rushed forward, glad his boyfriend was back and safe, when the older man looked up and snarled, baring fangs. Pete could see a bite mark on his neck and both vampires could smell the change in his scent, the slight hint of vampirism they Pete and Patrick both held themselves.

Pete rushed forward to grab Andy and Patrick to Joe, keeping them both apart. Joe broke down in Patrick’s arms, but Andy looked like he had received a slap and was staring shocked at them all.

“Guys, th- the mixture, give me some. Please, quick.” He said, his voice slightly pained. “I don’t, I can’t hurt Joe, please, get me some.”

Pete pulled him into the kitchen while Patrick took Joe into the training room, making sure that the new vampire wasn’t near him. “Jesus fuck, Patrick, he’s… those fuckers turned him! They turned him, Patrick!” Joe held onto his friend, both of them sinking to the floor.

“I know.” Patrick said. “And they’re gonna fucking pay for it, but remember, he’s still Andy. I’m still me, Pete’s still Pete, so he will still be himself. Just with fangs and a little allergic to sunlight now.” Patrick soothed him. Then he bit his lip. “Me and Pete, we were talking about something, for a while now. About you guys.”

Patrick told Joe of his and Pete’s plan, what they were going to propose to the humans. Joe listened and at the end, asked if Patrick would do it that night. He told the shorter man that he didn’t want to be the only human in a group of vampires, and he didn’t want to be one if Andy was no longer one.

When Andy walked in a short while after, clean of all blood, he told Joe if he really wanted to do it, then it was fine by him. Patrick had told Pete to tell Andy their plan, and so that night, after Joe and Andy spent a short time together, Patrick and Pete took Joe off to his room and turned him. Patrick stayed by his side while Pete kept Andy company, until roughly mid morning. They heard a crash from Joe and Andy’s room and they were about to run in when Joe ran out and towards the front door.

Andy’s eyes widened as he realised what Joe was going to do. “No, Joe, you can’t do that now!” He shouted, not reaching Joe in time before he opened the door and ran out… into the sunlight.

Andy turned on Pete. “I thought you turned him?” He accused.

“Me too.” Pete spluttered. Then he stood. “We did. So how…” Pete trailed off as he walked towards the door. He stood in front of where the sun was hitting through the door and took a deep breath before raising a hand into the sunlight.

And he didn’t burn. It felt warm on his cold skin, the change welcome but different. He took a step forward and was fully covered by the light. He closed his eyes, sighing deeply at how good it felt to feel it again, after nearly two years as a vampire and spending his time in the dark. He turned to Andy. “I’ll go find Joe, if I start to feel burning, I’ll find shadows, hide until tonight.”

And with that, he was gone into the sunlight. He didn’t hear Patrick’s shouting after him, he just focussed himself on Joe’s scent, trying to find the newly turned. The sun was bright, almost too bright, but he was focussed on finding Joe. He tried his cell phone and only got Patrick’s frantic voice. Pete told him that he was out and not burning up. Patrick told him that he and Andy had tried it too, and they were fine. Pete told them he was close to finding Joe and he’d let them know when he did.

As he rounded a street he knew well, only less populated, he smelt Joe’s scent stronger. He followed it into an alley and found Joe behind a dumpster in the shade, looking like he was on the verge of getting a sunburn. He looked up at Pete, staying silent.

“Fucking idiot, you know that, right?” Pete told him as he sat next to him. Joe nodded. “So, gonna tell me why you ran?” Joe shrugged. “Gonna talk at all.” Again, Joe shrugged, making Pete sigh. “Joe, Andy and Trick are worried about you running out like that. We turned you, if definitely happened, and you told us that was what you wanted. You didn’t change your mind, did you?” Joe shook his head again. “Godammit Joe! Say something, anything!”

“Sun hurt after a while.” He said quietly. “I didn’t feel it for a bit but then it was like I’d been out in it all day, and I needed shade.”

Pete frowned. He hadn’t felt anything like that, at least, he hadn’t yet. “Let’s get you back. You could do with some of the mixture-”

“Had some already.” Joe told him. “Can we… I just wanna go home Pete.”

Pete nodded, getting up, then helping Joe up. He took into account what Joe said about how he felt in the sun and he took him back to the warehouse the shadiest way possibly.

Over the next few days and nights, they tried to figure out how all of them could now enter the sunlight without burning and dying. In the end, Patrick had discovered it. It was the mixture. The combination of ingredients somehow allowed a vampire to become more human, to be able to walk outside during the day.

It was something that almost gave them back their normal lives again.


There is no ‘The End’ to this story, not a certain one anyway. There are a whole list of possibilities as to what could have happened.

Maybe the four hunters started making music again, and started playing shows together, a band called Fall Out Boy.

Maybe  the Dandies weren’t as bad as the hunters had originally first though.

Maybe they only wished to have part of a normal life again after they found out Patrick’s mixture.

Maybe due to this, there was a truce amongst most vampires in the city, a lot of them taking a leaf from the hunter’s books and forming bands.

Maybe they formed bands that we all know of. The Academy Is…, Panic! At The Disco, Gym Class Heroes, Cobra Starship.

Maybe Pete created a label to sign them all on, a family, a clan. Decaydance.

But that would only be one road they could have taken. Who knows, maybe it turned out in an epic fight to the death.

We will never know for sure.

pete/patrick, fic, 16candles!au, fall out boy, the academy is, vampires, joe/andy, slash, panic at the disco

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