FIC: Everything I'll Have

Mar 24, 2010 15:05

Title: Everything I'll Have
Author: misfitish
Pairing: William/Travis
Summary: Written for the anon_lovefest prompt of: "time travel! yes, I don't really care about the pairing. but is there Beckett time-travel fic? or gabe?"
Wordcount: 2079 words
Rating: PG I guess. There's language, but not too much.
Disclaimer: Not true. Unfortunately.

William Beckett was 24 when he disappeared from Academy’s tour bus in his sleep, only to wake up in a house and the sounds of a child calling him daddy and poking him.

He opened his eyes and saw a small child, 3 or 4 maybe, sitting next to him and poking him. She smiled wide when he looked at him.

“Daddy, m’hungry. Can we has breakfast now?” She asked. William lay on the floor (apparently in this little girl’s room) just staring at her. It was strange, he peered at her, her big brown eyes, the dimple in her chin, her cheekbones, and they reminded him of his own. “Daddy, daddy, pwease?” She pouted and William recognised it as his own. He shivered, confused as to why this child looked so like him.

He was about to tell her that he wasn’t her daddy when the door opened and (an older looking?) Travis McCoy walked into the room. He froze when he saw William lying on the floor. William sat up and looked at him. The slight caramel colour of the child’s skin made more sense, but, why did Travis never tell him he had a daughter before?

“Who are you?” Travis asked, giving him a shifty look.

William frowned in confusion. “Trav, you know who I am. And how come you never told me you had a kid before?”

Travis ushered the girl to him and he picked her up. He stood watching William before he looked out the door, then back at the boy. “Come on. Breakfast is being made.”

The girl’s smile brightened. “Papa, can we get brea’fast now?” She asked, bouncing in Travis’ arms. Travis grinned, rubbing his nose against the girl’s.

“Sure poppet, of course we can.” He kissed her head. Then he turned to William. “Come on. Follow me.”

William huffed a little and nodded. He followed Travis down the stairs and to the kitchen, only to be confronted by someone who could be a clone of himself.

The other William took one look at William and sighed. “Well, we knew this was coming Trav, just didn’t know when. Take a seat, William.” He said, motioning to the table.

“Knew what was coming?” William asked. “What’s going on?”

“Sit down. I’ll explain.”

The other William “Bill. When I did this, I called older me Bill” explained to William what had happened. It had happened one morning, he travelled 10 years into the future. William would have snorted if he wasn’t in the same room as himself and a Travis that did look older. Bill went on to explain how it had only been for a day, when he went to sleep in the house, he’d woken up again in his bunk on the bus, no time passed. But he’d remembered everything. He wrote it all down as soon as he got back, to save himself from forgetting.

When William asked about why they were in a house together with a child, Bill explained that they had gotten together very shortly after they returned. They married a year later, and they went through a process to get their little girl, Evangelina Beckett-McCoy, Evie for short. William asked why Evangelina, and Travis just looked at him.

“It means angel, and that’s what she is to us, our little angel.” A stupid smile took proud place on his face.

“Cept for Papi Gabey, he calls me Angie!” Evie exclaimed, grinning widely with yogurt on her face.

William raised an eyebrow, wanting more explanations, at which point Bill took him off into the study to talk to him while Travis went to meet his band mates. He and Travis had used a treatment to get Evie that was uncommon, almost unheard of. They had taken a donor egg and used it to create an egg that had the DNA of Bill via his sperm and then used Travis’ sperm to fertilise it.

It had taken 2 attempts for it to work, but they would have tried a hundred times to have a child that was both of theirs biologically. Evie was one of the sweetest children William had laid his eyes on, and he found himself wanting to be Bill right now, to have that little girl hugging him and falling asleep in his lap.

Bill smiled at him looking at Evie. “I know what you’re thinking.” He said. “Thinking about wanting Evie now, when you go back.”

William looked up in surprise. “How did you know?”

Bill snorted, stroking his daughter’s hair. “I’m you, remember? I’ve already been through this once before, just from your perspective instead.”

William gave a sheepish smile. Bill was right. Of course he knew how William was feeling, he’d been through this already.

He and Bill spoke a while longer until he got a call from Pete, who needed him to look after Bronx for a couple of hours since he was in town in his Chicago house and needed to visit a potential new band for Decaydance. Bill told William that he would have to look after Evie while he was gone.

William’s eyes widened. “Uh, I’ve never looked after a kid before in my life. I can’t do that!” He told his older self.

“Yes you can. Done this before, remember? You’ll be fine.” Evie, who had woken up when the phone rang. “Evie, baby, William is going to look after you for a while. Daddy has to go look after Bronx for Uncle Pete.”

Evie grinned at her father and nodded. “I like him daddy, he looks like you, but he has different hair.”

William ran a hand through his hair, thinking when in the next 10 years he would grow his hair longer again. It wasn’t that long, but longer than he had it now. Bill told him things he needed to know about looking after Evie and before he knew it, he was left in a strange house with his future daughter.

He looked at the small girl and she peered curiously at him. “Why do you look like my daddy?” She asked.

William bit his lip. “I’ll, uh, I’ll let him explain, darling.” He said. “Do you want to watch a movie?” He asked, not sure what else the girl would like to do.

Evie’s face lit up. “Oh! Oh! Can we watch Aladdin? That’s what Uncle Brenny always watches with me when he babysits for me! And Uncle Spin always sings along too, but he thinks that we can’t see him doing it. And Uncle Jon, he always sings Jasmine’s parts and Uncle Ryro, he pretends he’s the magic carpet and that I’m Aladdin and I fly around…”

William couldn’t help but smile at her. She was adorable, but then, a part of his brain told him, he was biased as this was his future daughter, his own flesh and blood. He asked her where the DVD was kept and she led him to a cupboard filled with movies that would make any child or Brendon happy for days on end.

He put the movie on and sat down, only to find himself with a lap of Evie. She snuggled into his chest and he couldn’t help but hold her close, only wishing he could be in this time now and not have to wait 10 years.

He must have fallen asleep at some point because he blinked and the start menu was playing and Evie was asleep in his lap. He looked at her and smiled, stroking her hair softly.

When he saw a camera flash, he looked up to find Bill with a camera in his hand, grinning. “You’ll have a present for you to take back.” He said.

William frowned, sleep still surrounding him slightly. “What?”

Bill didn’t say anything, just put the camera down and went to a drawer, searching through it for a small box. He opened it and showed William a picture that looked a little rough, but he recognised it as the picture Bill must have just taken. “I got to keep this photo with me, and it’s one of the most precious things I had before Evie was actually born.” Bill looked at William with a smile. “I never told Travis about this picture, not until after Evie was born. I didn’t want to give it away to him.”

William nodded, still stroking the girl’s hair. Evie shuffled in her sleep to snuggle into William’s chest more, making the boy grin and his older counterpart chuckle.

“You’ve only got a few more hours, William, that’s it.” Bill said. “Make it last, you won’t get it back for 10 years.”

William had been allowed to look after Evie until it was almost time for him to disappear again. Travis had arrived back home before then, so after Evie had said goodbye to William and Travis given him a clap on the back, Bill took him to the room he’d appeared in, Evie’s room. He pulled a photo out of his pocket, newly printed that afternoon. He passed it to William, who looked it. It was himself and Evie, from that afternoon. He grinned and thanked Bill.

“Hey, it’s nothing for myself, isn’t it?” He grinned. “I’m not sure what time it is that you’ll be leaving, but I do remember getting back to find Sisky and Butcher arguing, be warned. Mike will deal with it, you just focus on writing up about today, don’t forget it.”

William nodded, then suddenly felt light headed as fuck. He vaguely heard “When you see Travie, just kiss him how you want to.“ then his vision blurred and he looked at Bill and could just make out a smile on his older self’s face before William lost consciousness completely.

He woke up cramped and uncomfortable in his bunk, the raised voices of Sisky and Butcher echoing through the bus.

William frowned, thinking he had just had a very vivid dream until he realised he had something in his hand. He looked down at it and saw it was the picture of Evie and himself. William grinned at his future daughter’s photo and grabbed the notebook he kept in his bunk at all times and began scrawling his whole experience.

Later that day, after he had safely tucked the photo away in his notebook, William was sitting backstage after sound checking, watching Mike and Butcher play fighting. He was laughing loudly then heard a familiar voice behind him.

“I love your laugh, Bilvy boy. It’s so pretty.”

William turned to find Travis standing there. He jumped up to hug him, having not seen him for a few months due to touring.

Travis stayed for the show and joined them on the bus for a few nights. The first night, William’s band mates all went to bed fairly early, leaving William and Travis in the back lounge together.

Thinking of what his older self had told him, he leant forward towards Travis, keeping his eyes on what Travis was going to do. Seeing as Travis seemed to be letting him do it, William made a final push and pressed his lips gently on Travis’. The older man breathed in sharply, then wrapped his arms around the skinny boy, pulling him closer. William pulled away slightly. “So, this is ok?” He whispered.

Travis grinned. “Are you kidding? I’ve been wanting to do this for years.” He replied softly before kissing William again.

The following years, William and Travis grew stronger. William had got the courage to tell Travis what had happened to him that day after they had gotten engaged. Travis didn’t disbelieve him, but didn’t believe him either. William was fine with that. He knew it was rather strange.

After Evie was born, William showed Travis the picture of her, telling him that she was going to grow into a pretty little girl. And that was when Travis believed him.

10 years after William had first travelled to the future and seen his future self, husband, daughter, Travis walked into the kitchen with Evie in his arms and a wide eyed younger version of himself. He looked at his younger self and suddenly it only felt like yesterday he had gone through this himself.

He sighed softly. “Well, we knew this was coming Trav, just didn’t know when. Take a seat, William.” He said, motioning to the table.

And so that day began again but this time, William knew what to do.


william/travis, the academy is, anon_lovefest fic, fic, time travel, kid!fic, gym class heroes

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