Sugar, You Look Good And I'm Pregnant PART 4

Jul 16, 2010 20:51


2 weeks later, and a week before Christmas, all of Panic, My Chem, Paramore and Cute came to Chicago. They would all be staying at hotels or with someone, but the day after they got there, everyone gathered at Pete and Gabe’s house.
“So, what’s the news you have to tell us?” Frank asked, Jamia cuddled on his lap.
“We found out the sex of the twins a few weeks ago.” Gabe said.
“You’ve been holding out on us for 2 weeks?” Patrick pouted.
“Because we wanted to tell you all at the same time.”
“Oooh, so, have we got nieces or nephews?” Brendon asked.
“Why do you think that they are going to call you uncle?” Pete asked.
“Because you know they will, so come on!”
“Well, you’re all going to have one of each. We’re having a boy and a girl.”
“Aww, that’s so cute!” Alicia squealed.
“Have you got names yet?”
“Not yet.” Pete replied.
“I told you all they’d have a boy and a girl!” Spencer said. “Pay up Bren.”
“You bet on what our children would be?” Gabe asked.
“Only a dollar. It’s not just us, it was everyone.”
“Evil, the lot of you.”
A week later, on Christmas morning, Gabe woke up to Pete kissing his lips gently. He opened his eyes and smiled.
“Merry Christmas Pete.” He said softly.
“Merry Christmas.” She replied. “Come on, out of bed, we need to get ready before everyone gets here.”
2 hours later, everyone arrived baring gifts. None of them were going to exchange gifts until they were all together. And when they had finished exchanging gifts with each other, everyone had a surprise for Pete and Gabe.
“We’ve all got together and we’ve each got something towards the babies.” Mikey told them.
“Like what?” Pete asked, curious.
It turned out that they got baby clothes, two cribs, a changing table, a wardrobe, lots of essentials and gifts of their own manual labour to help paint the nursery.
“I didn’t even start thinking about a nursery.” Gabe said.
“Well, now you can. You’ve got a big enough spare room, so when ever you want to get started, we’ll help you.”
“I volunteer Ryland and Alex for putting the cribs up.” Nate said.
“That means you’ll be doing it.” Pete giggled. “You can’t just volunteer people to do it.”
“Hey, I was just offering painting-”
“And now you’re putting up a crib. Congratulations.” Gabe laughed.
A week after Christmas, work began on converting the biggest spare room into a nursery. It had taken a while to decide on the colour it should be, but they had finally decided on yellow… Well, Sam had decided on yellow. And apparently not because it was just her favourite colour.
Sam, Vicky and Pete had taken it easy downstairs while upstairs, Gabe, Ryland, Nate, Alex, Butcher, Michael and Sisky were working on the nursery.
“This is slave labour!” Nate complained from where he was putting up one of the cribs with Sisky. They were in the hallway with Ryland and Michael, who were putting up the other crib.
“You said you wanted to help with doing this nursery, and you are.” Ryland told him.
“But I wanted to paint.”
“Stop complaining!” Alex poked his slightly paint covered head around the corner. “Get on with it, and you might be able to paint.”
“Ut uh. No way. He’s putting up the changing table next.” Butcher shouted.
“Butcher, you suck cock!” Nate shouted back at him.
“Isn’t that Bill and Mike?” Sisky giggled.
“What?” Gabe came out now.
“Oh shit, I wasn’t meant to say anything.” Sisky said. Gabe, Ryland, Nate and Alex all looked at him expectantly. “Don’t let on you know, but they’re dating.”
“Since when?” Alex asked.
“Since Pete changed?” Gabe guessed. Sisky nodded. “Well, I do now how Mike changed back, so I should have guessed.”
“What?” Everyone said at once.
“Did you not know? When Pete changed, so did Mike. He rung Pete that night and we went over, then William stayed over at his, but he was back to normal the next day.”
“Eugh! Bad images!” Nate pulled a face.
“You just can’t take any images of people doing it, can you?” Gabe said, amused.
“No, so stop it.”
“Ryan and Spencer, Bill and Mike, me and Pete.”
“STOP IT!” Nate screeched. “STOP IT RIGHT NOW!”
“SHUT UP NATE!” Pete screamed from downstairs.
“Sorry Pete.” He turned red as everyone laughed at him.
It was 4 hours later that they all finished and they walked downstairs and collapsed on the couches. Sam, Vicky and Pete giggled.
“Tired boys?” Vicky asked.
“Fuck. You.” Alex said.
“I never want to do that again.” Ryland groaned.
“Aww, thank you all for that.” Pete said, grinning ear to ear.
Nate just stared at her. “Is that all we get for 7 hours hard labour?”
“No, well, for Gabe it isn’t.”
“PETE! For fucks sake dude, I seriously don’t need to hear every time that I’m here what you and him get up to.” Nate covered his ears.
“You don’t have to stay here you know. Because you know that I’ll just keep going on about-”
“Ok, much as I love both of you, bye!” Everyone also decided to leave at that point, leaving Pete and Gabe on their own.
“So, I was wondering, if you wanted to get a very early night tonight.” Pete said, trailing her hand up and down Gabe’s chest. “If you know what I mean.” She trailed her hand down to his crotch.
“I love you the way you think babe.” He growled playfully and they ran up to their room.
After an hour of intense sex love making, they sat together, Pete’s hand stroking her bump.
“We really should decide on what to call the twins.” She mused to Gabe.
“I think I have an idea of what we could call them.” Gabe said. Pete looked up at him expectantly.
“Well?” She asked.


A month and a half after the nursery had been finished and Pete’s bump was still growing. The twins were growing well, with the boy still slightly larger than the girl. And even though her bump was big, Pete didn’t stop doing anything. She even still practiced bass, although she sat down and played, but she could just about do it. She still did a lot of things that she did before. She couldn’t just stay still for too long, she was too restless.
But it was nearly the end of February when Pete was getting changed in the morning when she got a sharp pain in her stomach. She cried out in pain and fell onto the bed. She didn’t know what it was but she stood back up again. She just put her jeans on then felt the pain, right down the centre of her stomach.
She made to grab her cell phone to call Gabe, who was out walking Hemingway, when she heard the front door open and shut again.
“Pete, Gabe, anyone in?” She heard Patrick’s voice.
“Pat! Up here!” She shouted down, holding her stomach. “Please get some help, it’s hurts!” Patrick went into the bedroom and saw Pete almost doubled over in pain. He was next to her in a flash.
“What is it Pete?” He asked, worried for Pete and the twins.
“It’s like shooting pains in my stomach.”
“Where’s Gabe?”
“Walking Hemmy.” She replied as a wave of pain hit again.
“I’m going to get him back here, then I’m taking you to the hospital.” Patrick got his cell out and rang Gabe.
“Gabe, get your ass back to the house, Pete’s got pains in her stomach, I think she’s going into labour and I’m taking her to the hospital.” He said as soon as Gabe had answered. Sure enough, 5 minutes later, the front door open and shut again and Gabe ran upstairs.
“Pete, babe, come here.” Gabe held Pete in his arms as she cried out in pain again.
“Come on, I’ll drive to the hospital. You’ll have to tell me where that private one you go to is.”
“Alright, I’ll called the doctor and tell her what’s going on.” Gabe said. He helped Pete downstairs into the car and Patrick sped off.
Gabe sat in the back with Pete, holding her hand and on the phone to Dr. Meeton. He explained what Pete had told him and she told Gabe that there would be a stretcher waiting for Pete when they arrived. Patrick, not usually one for breaking the speed limit, was speeding down the streets, going where Gabe directed him to.
When they arrived at the hospital, they were met by 2 nurses and Dr. Meeton. They took Pete away straight away while Gabe went to the waiting room and Patrick parked, meeting him in there.
They had been waiting for almost an hour, before Dr. Meeton came out, with Pete in tow. Gabe stood up immediately.
“Pete, how are you feeling?” He asked her.
“Better than earlier.” She replied.
“What Pete experienced earlier was something called Braxton Hicks. She was feeling contractions which are similar to that of when she would be in labour. I want her to be taking it easy, nothing strenuous.” Gabe nodded. “Ok, I’ve made an appointment with her for next week, just to check up and see how she is.”
“Thank you.” Gabe said gratefully. The three of them walked out to the car and Patrick started to drive them back home.
“Oh, what was it you came round for today Trick?” Pete asked.
“You know what, I completely forgot.” Patrick replied. “I seriously can’t remember.”
“Oh well, it doesn’t matter, I’m just glad that you were there. Thanks, Pattycakes.”
“Can you thank me by not calling me Pattycakes anymore?” He looked at her in the rearview mirror.
“No. Because you’ll always be Pattycakes, and you’ll be uncle Pattycakes to the twins too.” Patrick groaned. “Don’t worry, Brendon’s going to be uncle perv.”
“Yeah, that’s about right for Brendon.” Patrick laughed. “At least he can’t complain about not being called uncle anymore.”
“Everyone wins.”
A few days later, Pete was sulking in bed. Gabe wouldn’t let her do anything now, so she decided to sulk.
“Pete, come on, get dressed!” Sam bounded into the room.
“Why? I can’t do anything.” She pouted.
“Pete, we’ve been planning this for weeks, you are not going to be sulking. Now get dressed and meet us downstairs.”
“Us? Wait, what have you had planned?”
“You’ll find out when you get downstairs, now come on! Get your ass out of there before I drag you out and dress you myself. And you know that I’ll do it.”
“Ok, I’m getting up.”
“Yay!” Sam said excited. “I’ll go tell the others you’ll be down soon.”
Pete, intrigued as to what Sam was going on about, quickly got changed as when she walked downstairs, she was shocked to find a room full of women.
“What’s going on?” She asked Sam.
Sam grinned and jumped up in a hyper way. “Baby shower!”


“Oh my God!” Pete said, shocked even more. She opened her mouth to say something else, but no noise came out.
“We made her speechless!” Lyn-Z commented.
“Mission accomplished.” Alicia giggled.
“Come on, sit down, we need to get started.” Vicky told Pete.
“Where did you send Gabe for the night then?” Pete asked as took a seat next to Hayley.
“Travie came down with me, so him, Patrick and the guys took him away for the night.” Katy told her.
“If they go to my club without me, I’ll kill them.” Pete muttered under her breath.
“Petey, don’t be like that.” Sam said. “You’re going to have fun, and forget about Gabe for a few hours. Besides, why would they go there at like 3 in the afternoon?”
Pete smiled. She could do this. “Alright then. So, what do you have planned for me then?”
It turned out that they had all got her something for the twins, mainly clothes. Baby-gros, little outfits, shoes, hats, gloves.
“You do know we’re just coming out of winter?” Pete joked with them.
“Yeah, but we decided to plan ahead.” Maria, Shaant’s fiancé, told her.
“They are really nice though. I might have to turn the air con on so they can wear them indoors.” Everyone giggled.
Pete sighed gently. Sure, she was having fun, but she did feel left out. She may look like a woman, a heavily pregnant woman, and she may act like a woman a lot, but she was still a man inside. She wasn’t really Penny Way, she was Pete Wentz.
She figured that everyone had forgotten that slightly. It had been nearly 8 months since she had changed into a woman, so she figured that everyone was pretty used to her as she was now.
She did enjoy being a woman, one of the perks was multiple orgasms (something she had always wondered about when she was a man), but she did miss being a man. She missed her dick, she missed being ‘one of the guys’, she even missed being recognised in the street by fans.
And she never thought she would see the day when she missed that.
“Pete, are you in there?” Danyella, Sisky’s girlfriend, waved her hand in front of Pete’s face. She shook her head slightly and smiled at everyone.
“Sorry about that, I spaced out for a moment.”
“We saw.” Sarah, Alicia’s friend, commented. Sarah had found out about Pete accidentally, Alicia‘s fault really, but Pete had met her before and trusted her to tell her everything.
“So, I say we crack open bubbly, non alcoholic for you Petey, and start with the embarrassing stories about the guys.” Sam giggled.
“Actually, I’ll have the non-alcoholic too.” Alicia said. Everyone looked at her to explain. “I found out 2 days ago that I’m pregnant.”
“Oh my God! Leesh!” Lyn-Z practically jumped on her. “I’m gonna be an aunty!”
“You’re gonna be aunty to the twins you know.” Pete said, amused at Lyn-Z almost smothering Alicia. “And you might not want to kill her.”
“Have you told Mikey yet?” Hayley asked.
“Not yet. I don’t know how to tell him.”
“Aww, that’s so cool. We’ll all have to start soon.” Ellie, Jon’s fiance, giggled.
Then all of a sudden, Pete felt a sharp jab in her stomach. She put her hand there, frowning, but when it happened again, she smiled, realising what it was.
“They’re kicking!” She said excitedly. “The babies, they’re kicking!”
“Oh my God, let me feel!” Zac’s girlfriend, Amy, squealed. She was always pretty hyper. Everyone got up and tried to touch her stomach.
“Ok, feeling a little claustro now guys.” Pete told them.
“Is this the first time it happened?” Maria asked.
“Yeah.” Pete said, amazed slightly. It felt… well, she couldn’t describe it. But it made her feel even closer to her unborn children already.
“Man, whoever that was, they’re bound to be on the soccer team.” Alicia said, feeling a huge kick from one of the twins.
“At least you aren’t feeling it from my point of view.” Pete complained. That kick was pretty powerful and it had hurt more. Pete wished that Gabe was here for the first time it happened, but there would hopefully be other times.
Later, around 8, about an hour after everyone had left, Gabe returned home, finding Pete laying down on their bed, reading a book.
“Hey baby. Did you enjoy your baby shower?” He asked.
“Sneaky fucker. You knew about it, and you didn’t even tell me!” Pete pouted.
“But, they all wanted to surprise you. They threatened my dick, ok?”
“Meaning Sam?” Pete asked. Gabe nodded. “Knew it would be her.”
“So, anything interesting happen?” He asked as he lay down next to her. Pete snuggled into his arms, feeling protected, as she always did.
“Not a lot. Alicia’s pregnant though.” Pete told him.
“That’s awesome!” He replied.
“Yeah, oh, and the twins were kicking.”
“What? They kicked? And I missed it.” Gabe said, feeling unhappy he’d missed it.
Then Pete felt a jab again. “Obviously they want to make it up to you.” Pete placed Gabe’s hand on her stomach and he smiled, looking from her bump to her face.
“That’s our kids.” He said.
“That’s our kids.” Pete confirmed. Pete suddenly saw Gabe’s eyes glisten slightly. “Gabe, what’s wrong baby?”
“It’s just that, I haven’t felt them kick, I feel connected to them more now.”
“Don’t worry, we’ll get to meet them in a month.” Pete said, kissing him gently. “And you know what I think they want you to do?”
“What’s that?”
“Sing to them.” Pete smiled.
“Or is that what you want me to do?” Gabe asked.
“All three of us want it.” Gabe chuckled softly as he wrapped his arms around Pete.
“Alright then.” As Gabe began to sing softly, stroking the bump that held his children, and he didn’t realise until he had finished that Pete had fallen asleep. He smiled and kissed her head gently. Then he leant down and kissed her bump.
“I love you.” He whispered to it.


At the end of March, the 28th to be precise, everyone had gathered at Sam and Vicky’s house for Sam’s birthday. Everyone being all of Fall Out Boy, Cobra Starship and also The Academy Is… as well, plus everyone‘s partners. Pete was now close to full term, which was something that was unusual with twins, but she just hoped it wouldn’t be today that she went into labour.
Unfortunately, it was.
Everyone had just finished singing happy birthday to Sam and she had blown out the candles when Pete felt a sharp pain, similar to that he’d had experienced a few months ago.
“Pete, baby, you ok?” Gabe asked.
“No, it really hurts.” She said.
“Uh, Pete, I think your waters just broke.” Ryland said, catching everyone‘s attention. Sure enough, her waters had broken.
And then the panic began.
“Ok, I need someone to go back to our place and pick up the bag we’ve got for when she’s in hospital. I’m taking Pete now. If you’re coming, come, if not, then don’t.” Gabe said, organising everyone… Sort of.
“We’re coming.” Vicky said, motioning to Sam too.
Sam nodded. “We don’t want to miss this.”
“I’ll head back to your’s Gabe. It’s by the couch yeah?” Patrick asked. Gabe nodded. “Who’s coming with?” Andy, Joe, William and Mike were going to go with Patrick, leaving Butcher to carpool Sisky, Danyella, Michael and his fiancé Rosie.
Within half an hour, everyone was at the hospital and in the waiting room, with the exception of Pete and Gabe, who were in a private room.
“Ok Pete, you aren’t fully dilated yet, so it could be a while.” Dr. Meeton told them.
“How long is a while?” She asked.
“I wouldn’t know for certain. Some people it takes a few hours, others it’s a few days.”
“Days?” She screeched.
“Just calm down honey.” Gabe said, kissing her hands.
“This better be over in a few hours, or I’ll be so pissed off.” Pete grumbled.
3 days later, and Pete was seething. She had been in labour for 3 days, and still nothing!
“Come on, I don’t want you in there anymore, just get out of there!” Pete complained to her stomach.
“Pete, that didn’t work yesterday, it won’t work today.” Gabe said. After 2 hours after Pete was admitted, Gabe told everyone to head home. He’d been at the hospital the whole time, not wanting to miss his children being born.
“Gabey, I heard that sex can help this go faster.” Pete looked at her boyfriend.
“I think you’ll find that it helps going into labour faster, and you’re already in labour. And there would be no way that I would be having sex with you while you were in labour anyway, that’s such a retarded idea, seriously-”
“Shut up and just kiss me, idiot.” Pete said, pulling him towards her. For a few minutes, they kissed passionately until Pete started feeling pains again. They tried to continue, but they were very frequent now.
“Now, that worked.” Gabe said amused.
“Stop talking and get a fucking doctor!” Pete growled.
Moments later, Pete was getting ready to push, since she was now fully dilated.
“Pete, come on, push baby.” Gabe held onto Pete’s hand.
“Stop telling me to push, or I won’t be the only one who lost their dick.” Pete said. “Scratch that, if you come at me with that dick of yours again, I swear I will rip it off and feed it to Hemingway!” Gabe gulped.
“One big push Pete, come on.” Dr. Meeton told her. She did so and suddenly a babies’ cry filled the air. Gabe’s heart instantly melted.
He was officially a father.
“We’ve got a boy. Now Pete, one more push, just one more. You can do it.” Pete pushed hard one more time and another cry filled the air. “And we’ve got your baby girl.”
“Well done baby.” Gabe kissed her forehead.
“I’m sorry for threatening your dick Gabey.” Pete muttered.
“Don’t worry about it baby.”
“Baby boy weighs 7 pounds 4 and baby girl weighs 6 pounds 12.” Dr. Meeton told them.
“Could we hold them?” Pete asked. Dr. Meeton nodded. She passed the boy to Pete and the girl to Gabe.
“Hey there, baby girl.” Gabe cooed. “I’m your daddy.”
“They’re gorgeous, both of them.” Pete said. Each baby had a tuft of dark brown hair.
“Congratulations both of you. We’ll leave you alone for a while.” With that, the small family were left on their own.
“She has your nose Gabe.” Pete commented, stroking her daughter‘s head before looking back at her son. “So, are we sticking to the names you chose?”
“I still like them. If you like them, then they’re sticking.” Pete nodded.
“Hello Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz IV.” Pete cooed, then looked up at Gabe. “It is a little bit of a mouthful. And you know it’ll start to get confusing.”
“We can call him Lewis. Isn’t that what you called yourself for a while when you were younger?” Gabe asked. Pete nodded. Then Gabe looked back at their daughter.
All of a sudden, Patrick, Joe, Andy, Nate, Ryland, Alex, Vicky and Sam all ran through into the room. What are you guys doing here?” Gabe asked.
“We decided to come see what was going on, then we saw the doctor and she told us it was over.” Patrick said. “Aww, look at them.”
“Aww, they’re adorable guys.” Vicky cooed.
“Congrats guys, they are sweet.” Ryland grinned.
“What about names? Have you got names for them yet?” Joe asked.
“Yeah we have.” Pete said. “Meet Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz IV-”
“Knew you’d do that.” Andy told him.
“It was Gabe’s idea. Anyway, we’re going to call him Lewis, since it’s less confusing.”
“And this, “ Gabe started. “This is Penny Laura Kayley Wentz.”
“I love it.” Sam said. “I see what you did with Penny’s name. The same initials.”
“See, I can be clever.” Gabe grinned at them.
“So, why not Saporta? Or double barrel?” Alex asked.
“I already said to Pete that I think they should be Wentz.” Gabe said. “I don’t mind it.”
“It doesn’t matter anyway, I wouldn’t have minded with anything.” Pete smiled.
Gabe looked at the group of his friends. “Patrick, do you want to hold Penny?” Patrick nodded and grinned for being the first chosen to hold one of them.
“Nate, even though you’ve been a pain, I think we owe you this for talking about sex in front of you a lot.” Pete said, offering Lewis to him. He grinned.
“Petey, we’re here!” Ryan said as he walked through the door with Spencer, Brendon and Jon in tow.
“Come on guys, come meet the twins.” Gabe grinned.

Chapter 31
31st March 2009. 12:09pm and 12:12pm. 7 pounds 4 and 6 pounds 12.
Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz IV and Penny Laura Kayley Wentz came into the world.
They had the rest of their bands visiting them that day, along with Panic (who had flown over from Vegas the day before), The Academy Is… and Dirty.
Pete and Gabe didn’t get a moments peace until 8 at night, when everyone finally left. Gabe decided that he would be staying at the hospital that night with Pete and the twins. Pete was in a private room anyway, which had another bed, and the twins would be staying with them.
After talking for a few hours, they finally fell asleep in each other’s arms.
When Gabe woke up, he realised that Pete wasn’t in the bed with him.
“Pete? Where are you?” He didn’t get an answer. Then his phone buzzed.
Close your eyes. Say when you have.
It was from Pete. Gabe looked at it confused, but closed his eyes. “They’re shut.” He called out. He heard the bathroom door open and footsteps. They stopped right next to him. Then he felt lips on his. His eyes stayed shut as the kissed deepened. He knew this was Pete, but he was confused about the whole text thing.
His hand went to the back of Pete’s head but he stopped. Instead of the long hair Gabe had grown used to, there was short hair. Gabe’s heart skipped a beat.
Could it be…
He had to make sure. He opened his eyes and in front of him stood Pete. Not Penny, Pete. His boss. His boyfriend. The man he had fallen in love with. Pete grinned at Gabe’s face.
“Not going to say anything then?” He asked, his voice deeper than Gabe was used to over the past 9 months, but all too familiar. Even though it had been 9 months since he heard that voice, the memories that cam back to him because of that voice. “Come on babe, surely you can say something.” Even though it had been 9 months, his voice still made Gabe’s body tingle.
Gabe didn’t say anything, just pulled Pete into a passionate kiss. He let his hands roam over Pete’s chest, boobs were gone, down his sides, hips back to normal, and down to his crotch…
Oh yes, Pete was definitely back.
“2 minutes after you see I’m back to normal and you’re groping me already?” Pete asked.
“You know you missed it.” Gabe growled huskily.
“You know we have 9 months to catch up on. And I mean that all in the bedroom.” Pete whispered into his ear. Then Penny and Lewis began to cry.
“I’ll take Lewis, you take Penny.” Gabe said, getting out of the bed and walking over to his children.
“I think we had better get used to interruptions.” Pete said, following Gabe and picking up their daughter.
They changed and fed them, Pete having got Dr. Meeton to get some formula while Gabe had been sleeping still. She had seemed surprised Pete had changed back, but wasn’t too phased by it.
You know, we need to tell everyone you’re a guy again.” Gabe said as they set the twins down to sleep.
“I’ll take my band and Dirty first, you take your band. Then we’ll work on the others after that.” Pete said. So a few minutes later, Gabe was on the phone to Nate.
“Hey dude, how are the rugrats doing?” He answered with.
“They’re fine. It’s Pete that I ringing about.”
“What’s she done?” Nate asked.
“Changed back into a guy.” Gabe replied. Nate was silent for a moment, before-
“Yeah right.” Nate laughed. “Good April Fools joke.” Gabe mentally slapped himself. He’d forgotten it was April Fools today.
“No, I’m being serious Nate. Pete’s back to normal, he’s a guy again. You can even talk to him if you want.”
“Go on then.”
Gabe looked over at Pete, who just hung up the phone to Patrick. “Talk to Nate, he doesn’t believe me.” Pete took the phone.
“Hey Natey. Listen, if you don’t believe Gabe or me, then we’ll start talking about all the positions we’re done it-”
“I BELIEVE YOU PETE, JUST DON’T DO THAT!” Nate screamed so loud Gabe could hear it.
“Nice you actually believe me. I’ll pass you back.”
“Thanks baby.” Gabe said.
“No problem.”
An hour later, and everyone seemed to find their way to the hospital for two reasons. One, to see the twins again, and two, to see if Pete really was a man again.
“Good old Pete’s back!” Mikey grinned as he walked in with Gerard. The two of them had got a flight yesterday but they hadn’t arrived until late, so they didn’t get to see them yesterday. They arrived today with all of Panic as well.
“Damn, if I had known you were a guy today, I would have groped you when I had the chance.” Brendon joked. Pete and Gabe both glared at him. “I was joking, Jesus guys, take a joke!”
“Perv.” Pete muttered.
He felt good being a man again. He’d almost forgotten what it felt like. Hell, as soon as he woke up and realised, he went straight into the bathroom to jerk off over Gabe. But he was sure as hell glad that it was over. It was an experience that, in his opinion, had both ups and downs. The downs, not being able to jerk off over how sexy Gabe looked every day, going through a 65 hour labour, feeling excluded from the guys and just not being himself.
But the perks? Being able to be in public without being hounded by fan girls, multiple orgasms (he should have got more of them while he still could), but there was one… no, two main reasons why he loved that experience.
Penny and Lewis.
Already, it seemed the twins had a favourite. Lewis preferred Pete, and Penny preferred Gabe. Pete could see in Gabe’s eyes that he adored them. Every time he picked them up, he just seemed to melt.
“So, Mikey, you want to hold Penny?” Pete asked. Mikey’s eyes lit up.
“Gerard, you can have Lewis.” Gabe said, offering their son to the vocalist.
Pete looked around at all his friends family and smiled. They were just one big family, but now they had Penny and Lewis too.
He felt like the luckiest man in the world.


A month after the twins had been born, and Pete and Gabe had soon settled into the routine of having them there. And they were forever getting requests to baby sit them. Everyone was, even Ryan and Spencer, who offered to fly out there, just to baby sit. And Pete knew they would, because they had just fallen in love with the twins.
Another thing that everyone had got back into the routine of, was Pete being a guy again. Sure, some of them had called him ‘her’ or ‘she’ a few times, but it was automatic after 9 months of him being a woman. Sam and Vicky had seemed more reserved when they visited them, so Pete took the twins to see them about 2 weeks after they were born to talk to them.

“Hey Pete.” Sam smiled as she opened the door to her girlfriend’s boss and children.
“Hey Sammy, think you could take Lewis for me? I’ve got their bag with me too.”
When the twins had settled again, Pete sat down on the couch, looking over at Vicky and Sam. “I’m still the same you know?”
“What?” Vicky asked.
“I’m still the same person I’ve been over the past 9 months, I’ve just got my dick back now.” Pete told them. “You guys, you haven’t been the same since I changed back.”
“It’s like we lost one of our friends.” Sam said quietly.
“Aww, guys.” Pete got up and sat between them. “I’m still here, I’m still the same person and I’ll still talk about the same things with you.” He put an arm around both of them, grinning like mad.
“Really really. But I’m not dressing up like a woman to be Penny again. I’m saving that for Gabe and the bedroom.”
“Seriously?” Vicky giggled.
“Hey, you were the one that told me. Dresses turn Gabe on.”
“And that is true as well.”
“I know it is, why do you think the ones I wore were so short too?” They all giggled quietly, so they didn’t disturb the twins.

So it was a few weeks after his visit that Pete decided that him and Gabe needed a whole night to themselves. They hadn’t got a night alone since Pete had changed back, and they also hadn’t got any sex. Sure, they got the odd blow job (Pete had forgotten what the magic that was Gabe’s tongue could do) but that’s all they seemed able to do without one of the twins starting to cry.
So when Pete offered the chance for babysitting to Vicky and Sam, they jumped at it. One, they felt privileged to be the first to babysit (Pete said it was for being amazing friends while he was a woman) and two, they knew how much Pete wanted Gabe all to himself for a night. And vice versa as well of course.
So Sam and Vicky came over to stay at Pete and Gabe’s, while they went to a hotel for the night. They had dinner then headed up to the hotel room. But as soon as they got there, Pete grabbed a small bag out of the bag he’d brought, and ran into the bathroom.
“Pete, babe, what are you doing?” Gabe asked.
“You’ll find out. It’ll be worth it, don’t worry.” Pete called out to him.
10 minutes later, Gabe was staring out the window and he heard the bathroom door open. He turned around.
“Hey Gabey.” Pete walked out in one of ‘Penny’s’ dresses and his hair straightened to make longer (although he’d done that before dinner). Gabe gulped at the sight. “Yet again, the saying never fails.” Pete giggled.
“What saying?”
“Gabe Saporta plus Pete Wentz in a dress equals horny and turned on Gabe.” Pete replied, eyeing up his growing boner.
“It’s true.” Gabe smirked. “Now come here.” Pete walked towards him and he kissed the taller man passionately.
“Much as I love the dress, it’s coming off now.” Gabe growled huskily into Pete’s ear.
“So are your clothes then. And shut the curtains. I don’t think all of Chicago wants to see the show.”
Moments later, they were both naked and under the covers. “Pete, can I ask something?” Pete nodded. “It’s been over 9 months, and I was wondering, if you minded if I took tonight?”
“As long as I get some action with you baby, I don’t give a fuck.” Pete said. “Lube?” Gabe leant over the side of the bed and grabbed it.
“It’s been a long time since we’ve had to use this.” Pete murmured.
“I went out and brought this one today.” Gabe replied.
Pete coated his fingers and began to stretch his lover. Gabe felt a little pain, but he kept his mind on Pete.
Soon, Pete positioned himself at Gabe’s entrance. “Ready.” Gabe said. Pete pushed himself in slowly, Gabe hissing quietly in pain and grabbing the sheets. When Pete was fully in, he waited until Gabe was used to it and nodded before moving.
He started straight away to find his prostate, and sure enough, in 5 thrusts, Gabe’s back arched and he moaned.
“Fuck, do that again!” Pete thrust into his prostate every time, making Gabe moan like a whore.
“My God! I’ve fucking missed this!” Gabe moaned.
“I’ve missed it more! Oh God you feel so damn good!” Pete pumped Gabe at the speed he was thrusting.
As each man moaned, they could both feel an all to familiar feeling in their stomachs. They looked into each other’s eyes and they just knew that the other was about to climax. As they came together, they moaned each other’s name loudly. Pete pulled out and laid next to Gabe, both of them breathing heavily.
“You know what Pete? I was just violated, but it felt so good.” Gabe grinned. Pete leant over and kissed him. “I hope that sort of violation happens again.”
“You know it will baby.”
They lay there, in each others arms for a while, before Gabe leant over to his bag and grabbed something.
“Pete, there’s something I need to ask you.” He said, sounding slightly nervous.


Gabe was nervous as hell. He’d been planning this for ages, and everyone else knew about it, they had all pushed him to do it.
He thought back to the first time he had met Pete, when he visited them before they were signed.

“Hi, you must be Gabe right?” Pete asked in the basement that Cobra rehearsed in.
“Yeah, thanks for coming to see us.” Gabe shook Pete’s hand. He had introduced the rest of the band, then they had played a couple of their songs. They played The Kids Are All Fucked Up and Keep It Simple before Pete stopped them.
“I’ve made my mind up. I actually made it up a few nights ago, when you had a show. I went along to see what you guys were like live and I liked it. I’d like to sign you to Decaydance by Fueled By Ramen.” Pete grinned at them.
“Seriously?” Gabe asked, shocked.
Pete nodded. “Completely serious.”

It had only been a quick meeting, but it was from that day that Gabe had truly looked at Pete Wentz in a different way. Sure, he had thought that he was hot before, but meeting someone in the flesh, it changed how you thought about them.
It had taken a few months before they began talking as friends, but when they did, they didn’t shut up. Whenever Gabe was in Chicago, or Pete in New York, they would always go out to a bar, have a few drinks, have some laughs.
Until about a year before they got together at least.

“Pete, how we actually getting back to yours?” Gabe’s speech had become slurred long before they had left the bar they were at.
“Uh, cab?” Pete suggested. “But my cell died.” He grinned.
“My cell’s dead too. Walk?”
“I don’t really care dude.”
“You know where your house is?” Gabe asked.
“Uh…” Pete thought for a moment. “That way!” He pointed down the road.
“How far do you live dude?” Gabe complained an hour later. The two of them had sobered slightly, but not by a lot.
“To be honest, I have no idea.” Pete looked at him. They stopped and looked at each other.
“It’s pretty cold.” Gabe commented.
“Mhm.” Pete replied. “You really cold Gabe?” He asked. Gabe nodded. Pete walked over to him and put his arms around the younger man.
Gabe didn’t know how to react at first, but he put his arms around Pete, trying to share warmth. He looked up into Gabe’s eyes and they both realised how close their faces were.
A car beeped and made them both jump.
“Pete, Gabe, what the fuck are you doing walking around at this time?” Andy shouted at them through the window. “Get the fuck in right now!”
They both obeyed the drummer and he sped off. “Why are you walking at 3 in the morning?” Andy asked.
“Walked back from the club, got lost. Why are you driving at 3am anyway?”
“I couldn’t sleep, I’ve been thinking about Rachael you know, and you know driving helps me think.” Andy told them. Rachael was his girlfriend at the time. “I’m dropping you two home.”
10 minutes later, Pete was letting Gabe into the house. They fell onto the couch, Pete turning the heating up.
“So, I guess we should get some sleep.” Pete said. “Come on, I’ll show you your room.”
“Pete, I’ve stayed here loads of times, I know where I’m sleeping.”
Pete stood up and tripped, falling into Gabe’s arms. They looked into each other’s eyes and Gabe licked his lips. Pete leant up and kissed him softly. Gabe kissed him back.
Until Hemingway barked, making them jump.
“We should get some sleep.” Pete murmured. Gabe nodded. They headed upstairs to separate bedrooms.

It was since that night that Gabe knew that he was falling for Pete. But he had kept his feelings kept away until the New Years party. Then everything had changed since then. He loved Pete, even before they got together.
“Pete, we’ve been together for just over a year, but I know that I love you. I have done since that night when we got drunk and we kissed for the first time, about a year before we got together.”
“I remember that night.” Pete smiled.
“Pete, I love you truly with all my heart, and I just want to know one thing.” Gabe opened the box he had got out of his bag to reveal a gold ring with 4 tiny diamonds. Pete’s eyes went wide. “Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz III, will you marry me?”
Pete looked at him, shocked. “No…”


Gabe’s eyes showed how hurt he was. “But-”
“Let me finished. No, I have to tell you how I feel before I answer you.” Pete said. “Since I signed you, since that show that I saw you at a few days before we met, I’ve been in love with you. Not just lust, it was love. I know it was. Nothing in the world would make me happier, and nothing in the world has ever been easier to answer.” Pete’s eyes were brimming with tears. “Yes.” He whispered. “Yes.” He said a little louder.
Gabe grinned. He had been worried when Pete said no, but now he was ecstatic. He pulled the ring out of the box and slipped it on Pete’s ring finger, grinning like an idiot.
“Did you really think I was going to say no?” Pete asked, well when you said no, I did think you were going to.”
“Sorry baby. I just had to tell you how I felt first.” Pete kissed him passionately.
“Gabe, I had your kids, do you really think I wouldn’t want to marry you?” Pete grinned at him.
“Obviously, you do.” Gabe ran his hand up and down Pete’s side, making him shiver under his touch.
“I think we should… consummate your proposal to me, with a certain activity that we both enjoy.” Pete smirked at his new fiancé. Gabe smirked back and pulled the covers over the two of them.
The next day, when Pete and Gabe returned to home, Sam and Vicky immediately started squealing when they saw Pete wearing the ring.
“I knew you’d say yes!” Sam hugged him.
“He did scare me for a moment though.” Gabe said. He explained what Pete had done to them. Vicky gasped, glared at Pete while Sam slapped his chest with the back of her hand.
“What was that for?” Pete asked.
“For toying with Gabey’s mind!” She replied. “That was evil!”
“Sorry Sammy. I won’t do it again.” Pete pouted.
“It doesn’t matter now Pete, you’re getting married!” Sam clapped her hands gleefully.
“And you two haven’t stopped grinning since you got in, I take it you had fun then, after all this.”
“And before too.” Pete grinned, taking his arm from around Gabe. “Now, where are my babies?”
“In the nursery, we put them down for a nap about an hour ago.”
At that moment, crying was heard through the baby monitor that sat on the coffee table. “We’ll get them.” Pete and Gabe walked up to the nursery and saw Lewis crying. Pete picked him up and he stopped crying almost suddenly.
“Guys, we’re going to head off now.” Vicky said through the baby monitor.
“You could always come up you know.” Gabe replied through the monitor. A minute later, Sam and Vicky walked in.
“We’ll come over to see you tomorrow.” Vicky said.
“Ok. And no squealing about the engagement.” Pete said. “I’m talking to you especially Sam.” She held her hands up in defence.
“Ok, that was once I told people something I shouldn’t have.”
“We hadn’t even told anyone that I was pregnant.” Pete exclaimed, quietly, so as not to wake up Penny.
“Ok, I learn from my mistakes.”
“I’ll make sure she doesn’t.” Vicky had a glint in her eye, one that told Pete and Gabe exactly what Vicky had planned.
A little later, when the twins were sleeping, Pete told Gabe that he was going out for a while. “But where are you going?” Gabe asked.
“Just out. I’ve got to get something. I’ll be back in about an hour, probably sooner.” Pete kissed him. “Don’t be telling anyone yet, I want to tell everyone together.”
“Ok babe. See you later.”
While Pete was out, Penny woke up crying, so Gabe fed and changed her, and just as he put her down, Lewis woke up again so Gabe fed and changed him too.
When he sat down again, Pete walked through the door. “Hey baby.” He said, kissing Gabe gently.
“Can I know what you went out for now?” Gabe asked.
Pete grinned at him. “Yes you can.” Pete got a small box out of his pocket. He opened it up and Gabe’s eyes went wide. “I thought it was a little unfair that I got a ring and you didn’t.”
“Oh my God, it’s gorgeous Pete.”
“If I’m truthful, I ordered it last week. I wanted to be the one who proposed to you, but you beat me to it.” Pete bit his lip. “I thought that after 9 months of being the woman I’d be the man.”
“Well do it properly then.” Gabe grinned.
“But I know what your going to say.”
“Do it anyway.”
Pete rolled his eyes and got on one knee. “Gabe Eduardo Saporta, will you marry me?”
“Yes.” Gabe grinned. Pete put the ring on his hand and kissed him. “At least you got down on one knee, I didn’t.”
“No, you just gave me one of the best nights of my life.”
“So, is this why you didn’t want anyone to know yet?”
“Yeah. I think we should get everyone over tomorrow night, so we can tell them then. It means they can see the twins too.”
And that’s exactly what they did. Although Pete rang Gerard and Mikey that day to tell them the news, then they decided to video call Paramore, Cute and Gym Class Heroes to tell them, just because they wanted to see the twins again as well. They were about to do the same to Ryan and Spencer, but then they got a phone call saying they were in Chicago again to visit.
Pete asked if it was just to see the twins.
Ryan told him yes.
Pete called him a fucker, but was grinning.


A month and a half after Pete and Gabe got engaged, they started talking about the wedding.
“I think a winter wedding would be amazing.” Pete told Gabe.
“What, this winter?” Gabe asked stroking his hair gently.
Pete shrugged. “Why not? Why should we put it off?”
“I’m not complaining, just asking. So winter. New Years?”
“It would make it more special.” Pete replied. “The anniversary of when we got together, after all.”
“New Years it is then.” Gabe kissed Pete gently. “There’s something else I want to talk to you about, and it isn’t just the wedding.”
“What is it baby?”
“I want to take your name.” Pete looked blankly at Gabe.
“What do you mean? You want-”
“I want to be a Wentz.” Gabe held Pete’s hands. “I love you Pete and I want to show that by taking your last name.”
“But why not just changing to Wentz-Saporta? Or Saporta-Wentz?” Pete asked, curious and confused. “Why just Wentz?”
“Pete, I was planning on proposing to you for a few months before Lewis and Penny were born and you changed back. I was thinking about it for ages. I really want to be your husband, but as Gabe Wentz.” Pete pulled him close and kissed him passionately.
“As long as you want it baby, I’m happy. I would love you to be Gabe Wentz.” Pete told him when they parted.
“I truly love you that much.”
“I love you too Gabey.”
As the months went on, Lewis and Penny were growing bigger and Pete and Gabe’s wedding was getting nearer and nearer. Sam and Vicky had made themselves unofficial wedding planners, which Pete and Gabe didn’t mind at all because it took more pressure off of them.
Well, to look after the twins, rehearse with each other their bands, write new songs for new albums each and organise the wedding was just too much for them.
And what was worse was that the media found out about what had happened to Pete.
For a month solid, they were stalked by the paparazzi before they lost interest in them to follow Paris Hilton after she attempted suicide.
Pete and Gabe couldn’t stand her before, but after that, they thanked her mentally.
All too soon, the wedding day arrived. Pete woke up that morning in Patrick’s spare room. He grinned. “I’m getting married today!” He said to himself. And Lewis. Pete and Gabe had each taken one of the twins with them, Gabe had stayed at Nate’s house with Penny, and Pete also had Hemingway with him.
There was a knock at the bedroom door and Patrick, Andy and Joe walked in, Hemingway following them.
“Rise and shine sleeping beauty.” Joe grinned.
“You have to get up Petey.” Patrick told him.
“We gotta get you ready.” Andy added.
“Because it’s your wedding day.” They chorused.
Pete looked at the three of them strangely. “How long did you plan on doing that?” He asked finally.
“A few days.”
“Whatever Petey, now get your ass out of that bed.” Patrick said.
“Ok. Pattycakes.”
Patrick groaned. “Dude, I thought you were gonna stop that after you changed back?” He complained.
“Nope.” Pete grinned.
“At least we don’t have nicknames.” Joe laughed.
“Think again, Andykins and Joe-Joe.” Joe and Andy looked at each other.
“Live with it, I have. Come on Pete, up now.”
Over the next few hours, the four of them were getting themselves and Lewis ready. Pete and Gabe had both decided to wear black suits but they didn’t know what colour shirt and tie the other would be wearing. Sam and Vicky had chosen them. Pete was wearing a white shirt and a dark purple tie. And even Lewis had trousers and a shirt to wear.
Although Pete didn’t give it long before he would have to be changed.
“Pete, we have to go.” Patrick told him.
“I’m ready Trick.” He replied, picking up Lewis. “Can you grab Hemingway please?”
“Andy’s already got him. Come on.”
An hour later, Ryan was holding onto Lewis and Patrick told Pete that Ryland was looking after Penny for the ceremony. Patrick was watching Pete pace outside the room while they waited for Gabe and Vicky, who was Gabe’s witness.
“Pete, calm down dude. Everything is going to be fine.” Patrick reassured the bassist, who was looking very nervous.
Pete stopped pacing and looked at Patrick. “I can’t help being nervous.” Pete replied, his hands shaking ever so slightly.
Then he felt two arms, two familiar arms, wrap around his torso and a voice whispering into his ear. “I’m nervous too babe, don’t worry.” Pete smiled at the reassuring voice. He turned to see Gabe there, Vicky standing just behind him.
“Hi.” He said.
“You look so handsome.” Gabe told him. Pete blushed.
“You’re not too bad yourself. You look hot Gabe.” He replied. Gabe was wearing the same black suit as Pete, but he had a black pinstripe shirt and a gold tie.
Pete leant up and kissed him gently. “Ok, save that for after you’re actually married.” Vicky grinned at them. “Then you can kiss all you want.”
“Sounds like a plan.” Gabe said. “Come on then Pete, let’s go get married.” They held hands and when the music started, they walked in. They arrived at the front and everyone around them sat down.
10 minutes later, it came down to the vows. They had decided to write their own. Gabe went first.
“Pete, for the few years I’ve known you, you been my boss, my friend, my lover and gave me two children who are amazing. We went through a few difficult times, but we got through them together. The past year and a half have put us through a lot and we survived it all. I love you Pete, and I will until the end of time.” Gabe pushed Pete’s ring onto his finger.
“Gabe, the past two years have been 2 of the best in my life. Despite all the hardships we went through, with you by my side, I got through it. Without you there, I don’t know what I would have done. We have 2 children together and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” Pete took Gabe’s ring and placed it on his finger. They held each other’s hand, grinning at each other.
“If no one has any objections to this union, I pronounce you a married couple. You may now kiss your husband.” Pete and Gabe grinned even more and leant in for their first kiss as a married couple. They walked out to everyone clapping and cheering, with a few wolf whistles (who Pete suspected was Brendon and Joe) and met everyone again in the room where they were having the reception.
The rest of the night, the 70 guests congratulated Pete and Gabe and danced and drank, making them all very merry.
When Pete and Gabe got up to their hotel room, the twins staying in the room Sam and Vicky had got, they fell onto the bed together.
“I love you Pete Wentz.” Gabe muttered into his shoulder.
“I love you too, Gabe Wentz.” Gabe grinned at Pete calling him that.
“I love you more.”
“No, I love you more.”
“I don’t think so.” Gabe said, undoing Pete’s belt. “And I think I need to show you how much I love you.”
“Well, how can I argue with that?” Pete said, returning the favour by starting to undo Gabe’s belt.


girl!pete, sex!swap, kid!fic, cobra starship, fall out boy, mcr, brendon/nate, pete/gabe, the academy is, vicky-t/oc, gym class heroes, panic at the disco

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