Sugar, You Look Good And I'm Pregnant PART 3

Jul 16, 2010 20:18


“Pete, baby, you know something about this tour?” Gabe said while he was in the bathroom, Pete changing in the bedroom the morning after Pete’s rehearsal.
“What’s that?” She called back.
“You need a new bass.” 10 seconds later, an underwear clad Pete appeared in the doorway.
“And why would I need a new bass Gabe?” She asked.
“Is it going to look strange if ‘Penny’ is using Pete Wentz’s bass?”
“Shit, I never thought of that.” She mumbled.
“Do you want me to talk to Alex about borrowing one of his basses?” Gabe asked. “I think he’s got one a little smaller than yours, so it might be easier to play too.”
“Mhm, I guess.” Pete said. “Would he lend me one then?”
“Just threaten to kick just him off the label, you seem to be doing it to everyone else.” Pete raised an eyebrow. “Ok, I was kidding, you haven’t done it to everyone else.”
“You know, you were that close to not getting any sex for a week then.” Pete told him. “Now, I’m going to finish getting ready, take Hemmy for a walk, then by the time I’ve done that, you will have rung Alex.”
“Yes sir!” Gabe mock saluted, making Pete flip him off.
“Just do it, or you really won’t get any sex for a week.” Pete smirked as she walked back into the bedroom to finish getting ready.
A few minutes later, Gabe walked in to find Pete deciding on an outfit. He watched in amusement as she picked up a dress, but frowned and put it back.
“I have to admit, this is one thing that hasn’t changed about you.” Gabe said, making her jump.
“What’s that?”
“Your inability to decide on an outfit in less than 5 minutes.”
“I like to look good.” She told him.
“Right, well I just phoned Alex and he said it’s fine to borrow a bass.” Pete’s face lit up. “I’m going to get it now, and I’ll probably be there for a while.”
“Alright honey.” Pete kissed him.
“Don’t miss me too much.” Gabe grinned at her.
In the car, he rang Alex.
“Hey dude, did she buy it?” Alex answered with.
“Yeah, meet me in town in 10.”
“Already on my way. Usual place?”
10 minutes later, Gabe pulled up next to Alex’s car and got out. “Hey Alex.” He said.
“How long did you say you’d be out?” Alex asked as they walked down the sidewalk together.
“I’ve got a couple of hours.” They walked into the shop that was on the end of the row. “Thanks for agreeing to this by the way.”
“Dude, it’s fine. I don’t really want to suffer the wrath of my pregnant boss.” Gabe laughed.
“So, we need one that’s smaller than her other one.” Gabe said.
“Alright.” They began to look through the selection they had in front of them. 10 minutes later, Gabe grabbed one and grinned.
“This one. It has to be.”
Alex nodded. “Yeah, I think that one will be good for her. It’s smaller, but similar.”
“Hopefully she’ll like it too.”
When Gabe came back in, an hour later, he brought the bass in with him. Pete jumped up and squealed.
“Yay! I can practice again!” She said.
“Tell Alex thank you for letting me use this.”
“Actually, you don’t have to thank Alex for that. You have to thank him for helping me choose it.” Pete looked confused. “I went out with Alex and brought you a new bass.” Gabe opened the case and laying there was a bass, smaller than Pete’s normal one. It had a red body and a black panel on it.
“Oh my God! Gabe, you didn’t have to!” Pete gasped.
“Pete, it’s not like we can’t afford it, and I wanted to treat you. I haven’t treated you since you changed-”
“What about shopping the other day?”
“Yeah, but that was your money, I just told you what I liked. This is from me.” Pete jumped on him and kissed him.
“You are amazing! Thank you so much!” She said.
“Are you going to try it out?” Gabe asked. Pete nodded excitedly and got it out of the case. She plugged it into the amp they had in the lounge and started to play This Ain’t A Scene. She grinned as she could play it perfectly. She tried 5 other different songs and she could play all those as well.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you Gabey!” She took the bass off and jumped on him, as he had been sitting on the couch, watching her. “Now, as a little thank you, I have a plan.” She whispered something into his ear and she could tell that he was liking it very much.
“Pete Wentz, I never knew you were so filthy.” Gabe smirked.
“Oh, I can be filthier if you really want me to.” Pete jumped off of Gabe’s lap and started to shake her hips seductively. “Coming?”
“Not yet, but I’m sure you can see to that.” Gabe growled as he picked her up and they went up to their bedroom.


“Pete, Patrick’s waiting, come on!” Gabe shouted. It was the day that the tour started and Pete was still getting things ready. Gabe and Patrick had put her bass in the car, along with Gabe’s things, but they were waiting on Pete now. Patrick was trying to get a resisting Hemingway into the car, but he was stubborn, just like his owner. Patrick was taking them down to where they were getting the buses.
“I’m ready! Jesus, don’t keel over.” Pete said, dragging her case downstairs. Gabe grabbed it when she got to the bottom and took it out to the car.
“Help Pat get Hemingway in the car.” Gabe told Pete.
“Hemmy! Come on!” Pete patted the seat and Hemingway jumped up without hesitation. “He just loves me more Pattycakes.” Pete grinned.
“Just get your ass in the car, we need to get going.” Patrick grumbled. It was 6am and he had only had 1 cup of coffee. That was not enough to wake him up.
20 minutes later, they arrived at the 3 buses that would be their home for the next month. Pete and Gabe were going to share a bus with Vicky and Sam, since Pete asked for them to both be on the bus. Gabe didn’t mind, as he got on with both Vicky and Sam, and it also made Pete happy. Patrick, Joe and Andy had one of the other buses and Alex, Nate and Ryland had the last one.
Pete slept most of the way to the first venue, then when Gabe woke her up, he almost got a black eye off her.
“Note to self, do not do that again.” He murmured to himself.
They sound checked quickly and then they had 3 hours before anyone was on stage.
“Yo, where’s Pete then?” Diaz, the guitar and bass tech, asked Patrick.
“He’s really sick, we asked if he wanted to come along anyway, but he was really bad.” Patrick lied. He was the most trustworthy of them all, so if Patrick told them something, chances were it was true. “We’ve got Penny to fill in for him though. She‘s Sam‘s cousin.” Pete waved and smiled, trying to make a friendly impression of ‘Penny’.
“She any good? Sure you don’t want me to fill in?” Diaz asked. Gabe had to grab Pete’s hand before she punched him.
“Why wouldn’t I be any good?” Pete asked.
“Diaz, believe me, she’s awesome. She could probably play it in her sleep.” Andy said.
“Yeah, she was the first person we thought of when Pete said he was going to be out of action.” Joe added.
“Hey, it’s cool with me. I’ll catch you later, I’ve gotta help unload some of the kit.” Diaz waved goodbye and left them alone again.
“If I ever turn back, I’m gonna punch him.” Pete growled.
“Pete, calm down. You know what he’s like.” Patrick said.
“Yeah, probably jealous we chose you over him.” Andy grinned.
Later, while Cobra Starship were playing, Pete was starting to get nervous. She was pacing the dressing room, not even dressed to go on stage yet. Sure, she had done her hair and make-up, but not what she was wearing.
“If you don’t stop pacing, I’m really going to hurt you.” Patrick told Pete, not looking up from the paper he was reading.
“I can’t help it.” Pete replied. “I’m really nervous.”
“Pete, we’ve done this how many times?” Andy asked.
“But how many times as Penny?” Dirty asked, walking in.
“Exactly.” Pete said, still pacing.
“Dirty, please make her sit down.” Patrick said.
“Fine, I’ll fucking sit down then.” Pete sat down and cross her arms.
“Petey!” Sam said she walked in, a smile on her face. “Pete! What are you doing? Why aren’t you dressed?”
“He’s been worrying.” Joe said.
“Come on, I’ll help you.” Sam grabbed her hand and pulled her into Cobra’s dressing room. “Want me to grab Gabe when he comes off?” Pete nodded. “Alrighty, let’s get you an outfit sorted, then I’ll go wait for Gabe.”
15 minutes later, Sam was dragging Gabe by his arm along the corridors to Cobra’s dressing room. She’d told Ryland, Nate and Alex that they were going to be in there and not to disturb them. Vicky was following them and when they walked in, Pete was sitting down, hands shaking slightly. Gabe was at her side instantly.
“What’s wrong Petey?” He asked, taking hold of her hands.
“What if I do forget it all? What if they hate me because I’m not Pete? What if they throw stuff at me? What if-” Gabe stopped her talking with a kiss.
“Pete, you aren’t going to forget it all, because you wrote every single note you’re going to play tonight. You are still Pete, even if they don’t recognise you for being him, you’re still Pete Wentz inside. They aren’t going to throw stuff anything at you because you know because you’re not there so everyone will turn their attention to the others. Stop being silly about all this, you are going to be fine. “Ok?” Pete looked into Gabe’s eyes and nodded. “Good. Now come on, up you get.” Gabe pulled Pete onto her feet and got a good look at her outfit. He hadn’t noticed what she had been wearing when he walked in.
She was wearing a dark purple corset top with full length black lace sleeves, obviously to cover her tattoos that people would recognise from Pete Wentz’s body, not Penny’s. She was also wearing very tight skinny jeans that looked skin tight. To top it off, she had black boots with heels that made her almost the same height as Gabe. Gabe’s eye widened. “You like?” Pete asked, tilting her head to the side slightly with a smile on her face. Gabe nodded and Pete noticed that a certain part of him was very happy.
“Should we leave you guys to it?” Vicky asked with a smirk.
“Yes.” Pete looked over at them.
“Ok. You’re got about 15 minutes by the way Pete. I’ll get Patrick to grab you.” Sam and Vicky left, closing the door behind them.
“So, still feeling nervous?” Gabe asked.
“A little, but more than I’m feeling nervous, I’m feeling slightly horny.” Pete gave Gabe a sexy smirk. “And I guess you are too?” She brushed her hand against his erection. “I could help you with that before I have to leave. Or I could just go next door and-”
“Don’t finish that and come here.” Gabe pulled her into a deep kiss, making her moan slightly.
15 minutes later, Patrick knocked on the door and a very happy Pete answered. “Hey Pattycakes, time to go?”
“Yeah, you seem happier.” Patrick commented.
“Gabe cheered me up.” Patrick looked over her shoulder at Gabe, who was sitting down, with his belt undone.
“I don’t even want to know. Come on.”
“Bye Gabe!” Pete waved to her boyfriend. “Love you!”
“Love you too!” Gabe grinned.
Over an hour and a half later, and Pete walked off stage wondering why she had even been nervous in the first place. Sure, she had to stop herself doing her regular spins with her bass, but other than that, there was nothing to worry about. She walked into Cobra’s dressing room and saw Gabe talking to Ryland and Nate.
“Good show?” Gabe asked.
“Very.” Pete kissed him. “Tour bus?”
“Sounds good. See you later guys.” Gabe and Pete ran out and to their tour bus, where Sam and Vicky had disappeared to half an hour earlier.


Sam and Vicky fell into the tour bus, kissing passionately. Sam managed to close the door and they moved over to the couch, hands roaming everywhere.
“Sammy, I love you so much.” Vicky whispered as Sam nibbled at her neck.
“I love you too Vicky.”
Vicky’s hands started creeping up Sam’s top and massaged her breasts, making her moan. “Take it off Vicky.” She obliged and a few seconds later, they were both topless. They moved over to the bunks and Sam smirked, pulling Vicky’s skirt and underwear down before going down on her.
“Oh God! Sammy! Fuck!” Vicky gasped, arching her back. “Don’t stop, oh God!”
Vicky flicked her tongue in faster, making Vicky moan louder. When she came, she relaxed, panting heavily. “I love you so much Sam.” She said when Sam had wiped her face clean and laid next to her.
“I know you do.” Sam smirked. “I love you too.”
“Now, it’s your turn.” Vicky climbed on top of Sam and pulled her jeans and underwear off. As she went down on Sam, she moaned louder than Vicky had.
Vicky knew that Sam was more sensitive, but she never was more sensitive to her. Sam enjoyed it and seeing Sam squirm under her control, turned Vicky on.
“Oh God! Vicky!” Sam moaned as she came. Vicky came back up and wiped her face clean and kissed her.
“Wow. Free lesbian porn.” They jumped, hearing Gabe’s voice. The looked over and saw Pete and Gabe smirking at them. “Should have recorded that shit.”
“If you had done that, I would kill you slowly and painfully. What are you guys doing back anyway?” Vicky asked, covering them up.
“The show’s finished and we decided to come back here, although, I guess you had the same idea.” Pete grinned. “Have fun?”
“Very much so. Mind if we get changed and we’ll meet you in the back?” Sam asked.
“Want your clothes?” Pete was holding up their t-shirts and bras. They nodded and she passed them to them. Pete and Gabe walked into the back lounge and Pete started to change out of her outfit and into a pair of loose tracksuit bottoms and one of Gabe’s t-shirts, which was very loose on her.
She fell onto the couch and onto Gabe’s chest. A few minutes later, Vicky and Sam walked in and sat on the couch opposite.
“How did the show go Pete?” Vicky asked.
“Good.” She replied. “I don’t know what I was so worried about in the first place.”
“You’ve done so many shows, I knew you’d be fine as soon as you went on stage.” Vicky told him.
“There was a few haters though.” Pete admitted. “When we walked on, loads of people were chanting for me, most of it stopped after the first song though. I tried to stay out of the light most of the time.”
“Just remember that you’re still Pete Wentz, even if they don’t know it. And you’re more awesome than all of them.”
“Still, what if they do it at the rest of the gigs?” Pete bit her lip.
“Just ignore and be yourself.” Gabe told her.
“But who am I? Penny or Pete? I don’t even know what to be on stage!”
“What did I just say? You are Pete inside still. You just have to put up a front and be Penny too.” Sam told her.
“I hate this already.” Pete pouted, rubbing her face into Gabe’s chest.
“Baby, you’ll be fine.” Gabe rubbed her back.
“We’re heading off to bed guys. See you in the morning.” Vicky said.
“Night.” Gabe and Pete said. Sam closed the divide as they walked out.
“Gabe, will you still love me when I start getting fat?” Pete asked.
“Of course I will. I’ll love you whatever you look like. I think this whole experience has proven that already.”
“Or maybe you just wanted a girl to fuck, that’s why you’re happy.” Pete said, not looking at him.
“Pete, how could you say that! You’re an attractive woman, but I’m more attracted to Pete, not Penny! I fell in love with Pete!”
“So now you’re saying that you don’t want me?”
“You’re just twisting my words now.”
“No, that is what you’re saying though.”
“I’m going to bed Pete. If you can’t be sensible about this, then I’m not going to bother.” Gabe pushed Pete away so he could stand up. As he was about to leave, he heard a whimper and looked around, seeing Pete’s eyes welling up.
“I’m sorry Gabey, please don’t leave me. I promise I’ll change, don’t leave me.” Gabe sat next to her again.
“Babe, I said nothing about leaving you.” He soothed. “It’s just, you’re being a little stupid about this whole thing. I love you and it doesn’t matter what you look like, you could have 3 heads and green skin for all I care, I love you for you.”
“I love you too Gabey.” They felt the bus start moving and they both realised they would be going non stop to the next city now.
“Now come on, let’s get some sleep.” Gabe pulled Pete towards the bunk they had decided on sharing.
When Pete woke up in the morning, she felt a lot better. She had dreamt about having 4 children with Gabe, two sets of twins, and also being a man again. It all seemed a perfect world. Then she looked over at Gabe and she realised something.
Her world was perfect already. She had Gabe with her and that’s all that mattered to her right now.


About 5 dates into the tour and it was still going great. Pete didn’t care now if any teenies yelled abuse at her. Because, as Gabe, Vicky and Sam had all told her, she was still Pete. And everyone else had started telling her too. Although, it could also have something to do with her pregnancy hormones that was making her like it. She tried not to think about the haters, and focused on the fans that liked her.
It was when they arrived at a date in Pennsylvania that Pete lost her pass. But she didn’t realise straight away.
Everyone was backstage, hanging out in either Fall Out Boy’s or Cobra Starship’s dressing rooms.
“Can’t wait for when we hit New York.” Vicky sighed.
“I know. All those stores.” Sam’s eyes glazed over slightly at the thought.
“Please don’t start Pete off guys.” Gabe groaned. There were some changes in Pete, personality wise, that Gabe really disliked, and her sudden obsession with shopping was one of them.
“But Gabey, I need some new clothes.”
“No, you really don’t Pete.” Gabe told her.
“Actually, she will.”
“I don’t actually think that you’re going to win here Gabe.” Patrick told him, amusement in his voice.
“Why not?”
“I just don’t think you are. I’d give up now.” He told him with a slight smirk on his face.
“I’d go with Pattycakes on this one.” Pete said, smiling.
“Pete, will you ever stop calling me Pattycakes?” He asked the bassist.
“No. Of course not. How would I annoy you then?” Pete winked at him.
“Fucker.” Patrick mumbled.
“Ok, let’s move on from this.” Sam said. “Why don’t we get your make up sorted?” She asked Vicky and Pete. They had both insisted that Sam do their make up for the tour, since they both trusted her, and she was pretty good at it anyway.
“But we’ve got hours, why do you need to do it now?” Ryland asked.
“Because I was going to experiment a little today. I wanted to see what suits Pete.”
“Human doll then.” Pete asked.
“No, it’s to see what will suit you for later in the tour.”
“Alright!” Pete said happily.
“Ok. Anyone seen my case around?”
“Sammy, you left it on the bus.” Vicky told her girlfriend.
“I’ll go get it, it’s getting really stuffy in here anyway.” Pete said, standing up.
“You sure Pete? I mean, I’m fine to go get it.” Sam said.
“Nah, it’s fine. I’d like to get some fresh air anyway.”
“Alright then, it’s on the bunk above mine and Vicky’s.”
Pete nodded. “I’ll be back in 15 minutes ok?”
“Hurry back.” Gabe told her as she bent down to kiss him. She left the room, walking down the corridors to the exit that they came in through.
As she was walking over to the bus, there were a group of 4 girls that stopped her. They looked from about 18 to 24, and they all had a different Fall Out Boy t-shirt on.
“You’re filling in for Pete tonight, aren’t you?” One of them asked her.
“Yeah I am. He’s really sick at the moment.” She replied. Not too far from the truth, she still had morning sickness and ‘Penny’ was technically filling in for Pete. “I’m Penny Way.”
“Cool.” One of the other girls said. They introduced themselves as Amy, Catherine, Mandy and Emma. They were all sisters and had travelled 50 miles to see them.
“So, is Pete on the tour then?” Amy asked.
“No, he stayed at home. And he doesn’t know how long he’s going to be out of action either.” Ok, that was a half lie. She didn’t know how long she was going to be like this.
“Aww, I hope he gets better soon. Well, we’re going to find the queue now.” Mandy told her.
“It’s just round there, on the right.” Pete pointed them in the right direction.
“Thank you Penny! And good luck tonight! Bye!” They ran off to the queue and Pete smiled to herself. She was smiling to herself all the way until she got to the bus. She jumped on and quickly found Sam’s make up case, and quickly checked what she looked like.
She began her way back, but she wanted to see how long the queue was so far. It was roughly 3pm, and there were a lot of people there already. 300 or 400 Pete guessed.
She would have to tell the others how many people were there. She walked over to the door but was stopped by the security guard there.
“Pass?” He grunted.
Pete put her hand to her leg, where her pass should have been dangling, but it wasn’t there. She checked her pockets quickly, but it was no where to be found.
“It must have fallen-”
“No pass, no entry, sweet cheeks.” He interrupted.
“But, I-”
“I just said, no pass, no entry.” He glared at her. “So move it along!”


“But… I’m playing bass for Fall Out Boy tonight! You have to let me in!” Pete protested.
“If you don’t have a pass, I don’t have to do shit for you.” He told her rudely. “So why don’t you go round and wait in the queue like every other fan girl is right now.”
Pete wanted to burst out laughing. He’d called her a fan girl of all people.
She didn’t reply to him, why bother when he was being a rude prick, she thought to herself. She got her cell phone out and was about to call Gabe’s number but she stopped. If Gabe came down here, she didn’t know what he would do.
She decided in the end to call Patrick. He was pretty level headed, and he always seemed to be the one that she would go to in a time of need.
“Hey, what’s up?” He answered.
“Trick! Are you still in the dressing room?” She asked him.
“Yeah, course I am.”
“Can you leave it please? Don’t argue, please. And don’t say my name until you’re out of the room at least.”
“I’m in the corridor now. Pete, what’s going on?” He asked her.
“I lost my pass somewhere, and now security won’t let me back in.” Pete told him frantically. She was so distracted that she didn’t even notice the guard licking his lips as he was staring at her ass and boobs as she paced up and down.
“Where are you?” Patrick’s tone told her that he was worried.
“The back entrance. The one we all came in through earlier.”
“Don’t move, I’m on my way Pete.” He told her.
“Thanks Trick.” They both hung up.
“Hey toots, come here.” the guard motioned for Pete to come towards him. She walked over, but kept her distance.
“What is it?” She asked, not that interested.
“You really want to get backstage?”
“I don’t want to, I need to. I’m play-”
“Yeah, yeah sister, don’t give me that freaking sob story again. If you really want to get backstage, I’ve got a break coming up in about 20 minutes. I’m sure we could come to an… agreement or some sort, one way or another.” He looked her up and down and licked his lips again.
Pete realised what he was going on about and stared at him wide eyed. How could he suggest something like that?
“NO!” She told him. “One, I’m in a relationship, two, I’m pregnant with his child-”
“Good, I don’t have to worry about knocking you up then, do I?” He smirked evilly.
“And three, I wouldn’t do anything with you, even if you were the last man on the face of the Earth!”
“Well then, it looks like you’re not coming in then.”
“If she doesn’t come in, then I refuse to play tonight.” Patrick said, appearing in the door.
“And who are you?” Pete and Patrick both rolled their eyes at each other.
“I’m in Fall Out Boy, and if you don’t let Penny in, then we’ll see what your manager says about them playing tonight with only a drummer and a guitarist.” Patrick looked over at Pete. “Come to think of it, I’m sure if I told everyone what’s happening, then no one would play.” He looked back at the guard. “So what do you think your manager would say to us cancelling?”
“You’re bluffing.”
“Am I?” Patrick got his cell phone out. “Maybe I should call up the other front man, see what he says to you trying to bribe his girlfriend with sex so she can get backstage to a gig where she’s meant to be anyway. And I did hear every word.”
“Do not get Gabe involved in this Patrick.” Pete told him.
“I’m getting bored of this now. Either you both leave, or you go back inside and she leaves.” The guard said.
“Or you get your manager down here so I can talk to him.” Patrick said, getting out of the doorway and standing next to Pete. The guard grumbled, but he called the manager down.
“You ok Pete?” Patrick whispered.
She nodded. “Yeah, just disgusted by what he said.”
“So am I. You should have got Gabe down here.”
“No! Who knows what he would have done.”
A few minutes later, the manager came down and looked from Pete and Patrick, to the guard. “So, what is going on here?”
“She’s trying to get backstage, and I told her no.”
“Actually, you said no, then you told me if I had sex with you, you’d let me in. Even though I’m meant to be there anyway.” Pete said.
“I didn’t say anything like that.” The guard objected.
“This is Penny Way, she’s filling in for our bassist, Pete Wentz.” Patrick told her. “And she has already been in here today, she left to get a make up case and now your security guard won’t let her back in. And he is lying about not offering sex. I heard him.”
“Do you have a pass?” The manager asked Pete.
“I did, but it must have fallen off my belt.”
“I’ll get someone to do a check on your name. Penny Way, was it?” Pete nodded and the manager used a walkie talkie to talk to someone in the office. When it came back that she should be there, the guard’s face paled.
“I’m so sorry about all this.” The manager told them. “I’ll make sure that the right disciplinary is taken.”
“He should be sacked.” Pete murmured as they walked back in. “Thank you Trick.” She hugged him.
“It’s nothing, seriously. You’re one of my oldest friends, and I’d hope you’d do the same for me.”
“I might do. Let’s hope we never find out. Seriously, you wouldn’t last long as a woman.” They laughed.
“I hope that guard gets fired. I can’t believe he said that to you.”
“What did a guard say to you Penny?” Gabe asked, walking towards them. They were around crew who didn’t know who ‘Penny’ actually was, so he had to call her Penny.
“Oh nothing, it doesn’t matter.”
He leant next to her ear. “Pete, tell me. Please.” He asked.
“Ok, but don’t freak out. Promise?” Gabe nodded. She quickly told him and when she finished, he looked ready to blow. “Gabe, don’t freak out, please!”
“I’m way beyond that. I’m gonna rip his cock off! Maybe then he won’t come onto women. That bastard!”
“Gabe, sweetie, it’s being dealt with. Just come into the dressing room and calm down.” Pete told his face in her hands. He took a few deep breaths before nodding. “Thank you.”
“I’m not letting you out of my sight again. Fucking pervs checking you out.”
“I only need one pervert checking me out, and that’s you.” She smirked.
“Oh really? Well how about I go check out in the bathroom right now?” He dragged her to the bathroom and they went inside, Pete giggling like a school girl.


3 days after the incident in Pennsylvania, the tour had arrived in New York. Pete, Vicky and Sam were all happy for a few reasons.
One, they were in New York City.
Two, they had money to spend.
Three, they had a night off.
“Gabey, do you want to come with?” Pete asked him as she put her cards and money in her pockets. While Gabe laid on the bed. They were in a hotel overnight, since they had a free day today, then a show tomorrow.
“Pete, babe, think back to what I was like a couple of weeks ago, and how bad I thought it was then. Now imagine me in New York stores.” Gabe told her.
She looked blankly at him. “Is that a maybe?”
“It’s a ‘go enjoy yourself without your boyfriend there’.” He kissed her softly. “I’ll want to see everything when you get back though.” He told her. “Especially if there is underwear involved.” He whispered the last part, making her giggle.
“Alrighty, bye Gabey.” Pete made her way out of their hotel room and knocked on Sam and Vicky’s door. They opened the door and grinned.
“Shopping then?” Pete grinned.
20 minutes later, they were making their way into the first store.
“Penny, this would look awesome on you!” Sam said, picking up a dress.
“Sam, that’s not too practical though.” Vicky told her. Sam put the dress back on the rack.
“Why not?” Sam pouted.
“Because she’s going to start showing in about a month, we should be starting to look at maternity clothes really.” Vicky said, looking at Pete. “Especially since we are in New York as well.”
“I’m gonna be fat.” Pete pouted.
“You’re pregnant sweetie. It comes with the package.” Sam patted her on the back. “But you’re lucky that Gabe loves you enough to see past that. Hell, he loves you enough to see past the whole you becoming a woman thing.”
“Let’s keep that quiet yeah? Not blurt it out in the middle of a store.” Vicky hissed at her girlfriend.
“Hey, stop it before this becomes a cat fight.” Pete said. “I’ll let you pick clothes for me, will that make you feel better?” They turned to face her.
“We were going to anyway, but ok!” Sam said, bad mood gone completely.
“Good. Now come on!”
4 hours later, 20 different stores and a huge amount of money spent, they returned to the hotel, heaving bags in hand.
“Pete, just how much did you actually spend?” Gabe asked, raising an eyebrow.
“I lost count. But I started to get maternity clothes.”
“You’re only roughly 7 weeks gone. You probably won’t need them for a couple of months yet.” Gabe told her.
“But they were pretty.” Pete pouted. “And I wanted them.”
Gabe sighed. He didn’t want to say it in front of her, he liked his dick where it was, but Pete sure did irritate Gabe when she was like this. Some times, she’d be Pete Wentz, Gabe Saporta‘s boyfriend (although technically girlfriend), and other times, she was Penny Way, hormonal pregnant woman. It was hard to see when she would change. “Ok babe.”
There was a knock at the door and Gabe thanked whoever it was that they knocked before Pete tried to get Gabe to look at all the clothes she’d brought. He opened the door and saw Ryland standing there.
“Hey dude, we’re gonna head out to a bar. You up for it?” He asked.
“Yeah, sounds good. You alright on your own tonight Pete?” Gabe asked.
“Yeah, I’ll go down and see Vicky and Sam.” She kissed him softly. “Go have fun.”
“I will. I love you.”
“Love you too.” Gabe walked out with Ryland and into the lobby, where Alex, Nate, Patrick, Joe and Andy were all waiting.
“This is gonna be weird without Pete.” Joe said as they walked along the streets of New York City.
“Tell me about it.” Gabe mumbled. Then louder, he asked, “So where are we heading?”
“Angels & Kings.” Patrick grinned.
“We’re going to Pete’s club, without Pete?” Gabe asked. Everyone else nodded. “She’s gonna be so pissed at us.”
“She’ll get over it. Just buy her some cupcakes and she’ll love you again.”
“What about you guys though? How you going to save yourselves?”
“Hide behind you.” They all said at the same time.
“Well, that’s if she even finds out we’re there.” Alex said.
“You know she’s going to find out.” Gabe said. “Oh well, I’m just going to tell her you dragged me there.”
“Why do you hate us dude?” Andy asked.
“What I want to know is, why are you going to my club without me?” Pete said behind them. They all winced and turned. Vicky and Sam were with her too.
“We figured since you three were out all day, you’d be-”
“You are lousy liars. Come on, we’re going too now.”
“No alcohol though.” Gabe said as Pete attached her arm to his.
“Well, dur.” She giggled. “And I don’t want you getting drunk either, just so we can go back and have some fun.”
“Dude, I really didn’t need to hear that!” Nate covered his ears.
“Don’t listen then, nosy fucker.” Gabe smirked.


3 weeks later and the tour was finally over. It had been eventful for everyone and also tiring. As they all arrived back in Chicago, Gabe woke Pete up, who had been napping in their bunk. She opened her eyes gradually and yawned. “We home already?” She asked.
“Yeah, come on, the sooner we get home, the sooner we can get a decent sleep.” Gabe pulled her up and she pulled her t-shirt down to cover the slight bump that appeared on her stomach.
“Ok. Hemmy!” She called the bulldog, who came running through the bus.
“Come on guys, we gotta get off.” Vicky called.
“Give me a chance. I only just woke up.” Pete grumbled. “I’m tired still.”
“Come on Petey. Sleep is for sleepy people!” Sam said happily.
“I am a sleepy people, so let me sleep.”
“Come on babe.” Gabe took Hemingway’s lead and walked off the bus, Pete following.
Half an hour later, they were back at home and Pete had fallen asleep on the couch. Gabe lay a cover over her and then started to unpack their clothes and put them in the washer.
Over 3 hours later, he was putting the last load in the dryer when Pete walked in, yawning and rubbing one eye, smudging her eyeliner slightly.
“How long was I out of it?” She asked.
“Nearly 4 hours. I didn’t want to wake you up.” He said, kissing her cheek.
“You could have, I wouldn’t have minded.” She told him. “What time is the appointment tomorrow?”
“11. Oh and I’ve already had Patrick, Ryan, Mikey and Gerard all ring up to say can we let them know what happens.”
“We only saw Patrick this morning. Could he not have told us then?”
“He obviously forgot.” Gabe said, amused. “Would you like anything to eat?”
“Just some toast. I don’t feel like eating a lot.” She replied, sitting down at the table.
“Feel sick?” Gabe asked. Pete nodded. “Come here.” He pulled her into his arms.
“I always feel better in your arms Gabe, I always have.” She told him. “Even before all of this happened.”
“I feel better with you in my arms.” Gabe replied. “Oh, Vicky came round about an hour ago with some stuff she found.” Gabe pulled out a bottle of what seemed like foundation.
“What is it?” Pete asked.
“It’s body foundation, apparently. To cover your tattoo’s up, so you don’t have to keep wearing long sleeves.”
“Oh, that’s excellent! I was getting sick of that in public.” Pete grinned, taking the bottle from him. “If only she’d found it before the tour.”
“Chances are it would have run and faded if you had been on stage though.”
“Mhm, true.” Pete said.
The next day, they had got ready and made their way to the hospital and were currently waiting. When Dr. Meeton called them in, they walked in and sat down.
“So, how was the tour?” Dr. Meeton asked them.
“It was fine. No problems, just morning sickness.” Pete told her.
“That’s to be expected in your first trimester. I must say, I can tell that you’re starting to show.”
“Yeah, we thought it was pretty early. Pete’s only about 11 weeks gone.”
“Yes, that’s my estimation, which should be right as we know the conception date. But as this is pretty rare, overall in the world there are only around 400 cases that we know of right now, we don’t know how this is going to develop.” Dr. Meeton felt Pete’s stomach gently.
“Right, ok.” Pete and Gabe nodded.
“Now, I’d like to take a scan today, so if you could climb up here please?” She motioned to the hospital bed, hidden by a screen. Pete did so and her t-shirt was pulled up. Dr. Meeton turned the machine on and squirted the ultrasound liquid onto her stomach and then began moving the machine around.
All of a sudden, what sounded like an irregular heartbeat filled the room. “Can you hear that?” Dr. Meeton asked. Pete and Gabe both nodded. “That to me sounds like two separate heartbeats.”
“Twins?” Gabe asked, face suddenly going pale. “We’re having… twins?”
“It would seem so. Although it’s very early, you can see that they’re starting to develop already. See?” She pointed out 2 rough shapes that looked slightly like human shapes.
“That’s our children Gabey.” Pete whispered, holding his hand.
“I see.” Gabe smiled.
“Now, I won’t be able to get a decent picture today, but if you make an appointment for next week, I’ll see if we can get you a picture then.”
Pete nodded. “Alright then.” She wiped the liquid off her stomach when the machine was turned off.
“So, if we make the appointment for the same time next week, is that good for you?”
“Yeah, that’ll be fine.” Gabe said.
On their way home, Pete rang Patrick to tell him the news that she was carrying twins. And that he wasn’t allowed to tell anyone before she or Gabe did this time. Then she called Andy and Joe too, telling them the same thing.
As Pete hung up from talking to Joe, they pulled up at home. “I’m going to call Ryan and tell the guys, do you want to tell your guys?” Pete asked.
“Yeah, mind if I tell Vicky and Sam too? Since they’re your new best friends.” Gabe smirked.
“They aren’t my new best friends, they haven’t replaced everyone else. Just the shopping factor.” Pete grinned as she sat on the couch and picked up the phone to call Ryan.


“Petey!” Ryan squealed when he picked up the phone.
“Ryan, I love you dude, but I swear you have the gayest moments ever sometimes.” Pete giggled.
“Newsflash, I am gay. Therefore I’m allowed.” Pete could almost hear the smirk down the phone. “I’m guessing you’ve been to the doctor’s then?”
“Yeah, we got back about 10 minutes ago.”
“So, how is my little niece or nephew?” Ryan asked. Pete shook her head slightly, grinning at his comment.
“Well, it won’t be a niece or a nephew.” Pete told him. “It could be both or two nieces or two nephews.”
“You’re having twins? Oh my God! Congratulations!” Ryan squealed yet again.
“Thanks Ry.“ Then Pete heard a scrabble for the phone.
“Twins? That’s awesome dude!” Spencer’s voice filled the speaker.
“Let me talk!” She heard Brendon’s voice whining in the background.
“Spencer, are all four of you there?” Pete asked.
“Yeah. We were waiting for you to call.”
“Put me on loudspeaker, then Brendon won’t be all whining.”
She heard a click and then Brendon saying, “So, are you having my niece and nephew? Or two nieces or two nephews?”
“I have no idea, and who says they’re your nieces/nephews?” Pete smirked.
“Why do you always pick on me?”
“Easy target.” Pete giggled.
“That’s true.” Jon said.
“Ok guys, I’m going. I have to call everyone, and I’m feeling tired already.”
“I understand Pete.” Ryan said.
“But next week, expect a picture of our first scan, we’ve got it booked in for next week.”
“Awesome! We’ll be waiting.”
“Bye guys.” Pete said, waiting for them to also say goodbye then hanging up.
By the end of the day, they had called the rest of Cobra, Dirty, Cute, Paramore, Gym Class Heroes, Mikey and Gerard (who Pete told to tell everyone else too) and they were tired.
“Can we just cuddle tonight again?” Pete asked.
“That’s all I want to do tonight.” Gabe replied. They changed for bed and put their arms around each other.
“Love you.” They said at the same time, smiling.
A week later, Gabe and Pete returned to the hospital for the next scan. During the week, Pete had spoken to Matthew and found out she had patched things up with Mateo. They too found out they were expecting twins, but they expected that since twins ran in the family.
“Right Pete, if you hop onto the bed again, and we’ll see if we can get you a good picture.” Pete laid back on the hospital bed and lifted her t-shirt up again. Dr. Meeton began the ultrasound and the twin’s heartbeats could be heard. “Right there.” She froze the screen and Pete and Gabe could both see a clear picture of the twins.
“Oh my God.” Pete smiled.
“I’ll get you a copy printed off now. Everything seems to be going right. You’re very healthy and it seems the twins are too.” Dr. Meeton printed a copy off and they made their next appointment for 2 weeks time.
“We’ll have to scan it into the computer and send it to everyone.” Gabe said on the way home. “I’m sure you’ll get Vicky and Sam cooing over it.”
“And Patrick. He’s got a sensitive side.” Pete giggled.
As they pulled up outside their house, they didn’t notice anything different. Why would they? But when they walked in, there was definitely something that shouldn’t be there.
“Hey guys!” Brendon waved at them, a grin on his face. He was sitting on the couch with Jon, Spencer and Ryan.
“What are you all doing here?” Pete asked, shocked.
“We thought that we’d come see you since it’s been ages since we saw you.” Jon said.
“Aww, baby bump!” Ryan giggled.
“How did you guys even get in?” Gabe asked.
“For future reference, Patrick does in fact have a spare key to here.” Spencer said.
“Fucker.” Gabe mumbled.
“So, we heard you were at the hospital today, have you been?” Brendon asked.
“Yeah, just got back.”
“Scan?” Ryan asked hopefully.
“You seem really excited about these babies even though they aren’t even yours.” Pete commented.
“I am. Now, show us the picture already.”
“Yeah, I wanna see it too.” Jon said, standing up. Pete got the picture out and showed them and they aww’d.
“Pete! Gabe! We know you’re back, your car’s outside!” Andy shouted through the front door. Gabe went to answer the door and found the rest of Fall Out Boy and Cobra (plus Sam), and the guys from The Academy Is… too. Gabe let them in and Pete looked shocked that they were all there.
“So, you got the scan then?” Patrick asked. Pete rolled her eyes.
“Why are you all getting hyper over our scan?”
“Because it’s going to be the first kids out of all of us.” William said. “So come on, make with the picture.” Pete passed them the picture and the 13 new arrivals all aww’d, just as Ryan, Spencer, Jon and Brendon had just a few minutes earlier.
“I can’t wait until you have them Pete.” Sam squealed.
“Is that you guys wanted? To see the picture?” Gabe asked.
“We came to see how you guys were as well.” Patrick said.
“Sure you did. Oh, and Pattycakes, when you have a spare key to the house, it might be an idea to tell us you have one.” Pete told him.
“Uh, I don’t?” Patrick lied unconvincingly.
“Sure you don’t. We’re not pissed, we just would like to know.”
“Who squealed then?” Patrick asked.
“Spencer.” Jon and Brendon said together. Patrick flipped Spencer off, but did nothing else.
“So, you guys wanna stay for dinner? We’ll get take out in.” Gabe said, picking up a menu from the side.
“Sounds good.” Sam said, sitting down next to Vicky and putting her hand on her leg.
“You’re all paying for yourselves.” Pete smirked.
“Fuck.” More than one person said, making Pete giggle.


It had been 5 months roughly since Pete had turned into a woman and become pregnant. She had coped with it well over the months, and her pregnancy was progressing well. The twins were growing well and Pete had gotten over morning sickness 2 months ago, which she was really happy about.
But now she just had more craving and would demand strange concoctions. Such as pickle, egg and chocolate sauce sandwiches.
“Gabey, can I ask you something?” Pete asked one morning when they were still lying in bed.
“You know you can.” Gabe replied, stroking her hair softly.
“Will you still love me when I’ve got stretch marks all over my stomach and I’m fat?”
“Pete, I’d love you what ever you look like baby. It won’t matter that you have stretch marks and it won’t matter if you’re fat. You look beautiful right now. Your skin is glowing and you’re… mostly happy.”
“But I’m fat.” Pete pouted.
“Pete, you may be pregnant and in a woman’s body, but you can be such a girl sometimes. “Where’s my Pete? Where’s my boss who I fell in love with?”
“He disappeared 5 months ago.” Pete grumbled.
“No he didn’t. You’re still him, you just have tits instead of your dick now, but inside you are still him. I’ve told you so many times before this.” Gabe kissed her head. “Will you please stop going on about it?”
“Probably not, but I’ll try.” Pete said.
“Good. Now come on, get your cute little ass out of bed. We’ve got an appointment in an hour and a half.”
“You take longer in the shower than me, Saporta.” Pete grinned, getting out of bed. She now had an ever growing bump that had got very big in the past few months, but she hadn’t got to the waddling stage yet.
“True, but I was hoping for a joint shower. Nothing has to happen, I just want to be close to you and my daughters.” Gabe stroked her stomach.
“We’re not having girls, we’re having boys.” Pete told him. They were both adamant about what sex the twins would be, and they would be finding out today what sex they were.
“We’re having girls, I know we are.”
“No, I know we’re having boys.”
Pete’s phone began to ring and she sighed, answering it.
“What is it Ryan?” Pete asked.
“Good morning to you as well sunshine. I was just wondering if you could tell me about how it goes today.”
“I was planning on doing that anyway.” Pete rolled her eyes.
“Ok then, I just wanted to say that.”
“Ry, isn’t it like 7am where you are?”
“Uh huh.”
“Why are you calling so damn early?”
“We’ve got an interview early today, so I thought I’d ring you. So call me later yeah?” He sounded really hyper.
“Will do, bye Ry.” Pete hung up and looked at Gabe. “Come on then, shower you.” Gabe grinned.
An hour and a half later, while they were waiting to in for their appointment, Pete twirled her fingers through her hair.
“I should get my hair cut.” She mused.
“I like it long though honey.” Gabe told her.
“Mhm, I do as well, but it’s just got too long.” Pete told him. “I might ask Sam to do it. She does Vicky’s hair.”
“Ready?” Dr. Meeton came out of her office and looked at the two of them. “Pete and Gabe nodded and walked into the room with her. “So we’ll do another scan today and I understand that you would like to know the sex of the twins?”
“Yeah, we would.” Pete said. Dr. Meeton motioned for her to get up on the bed while she set up the ultrasound machine.
“So, how are you finding it then?” Dr. Meeton asked.
“It’s going well. I’ve been having lots of cravings and I can’t play bass anymore, but other than that, it’s fine.”
“That sounds all good. Now, one of the twins is larger than the other, but that’s normal. We’ll call the larger one baby A and the smaller baby B. Now let’s see if we can find out the sex.” Dr. Meeton moved the scanner over Pete’s stomach more. “Well, it looks as if baby A is a boy.” She moved the scanner more. “And baby B is a girl.”
“Guess we were both right then.” Gabe said with a smile and taking hold of Pete’s hand.
“Would you like a picture of this scan?”
“Yes please.” Pete replied, glowing.
When she had printed the scan off, they all sat back down.
“Now since your pregnancy is progressing well, I’d like to start seeing you every 2 weeks instead of every week. I’m happy that this won’t do any harm.” They made the next appointment and left.
“Should we tell everyone today?” Gabe asked Pete in the car.
“No, I think we should wait until everyone comes over in a few weeks.” Pete replied. “I really want to tell them all in person.”


girl!pete, sex!swap, kid!fic, cobra starship, fall out boy, mcr, brendon/nate, pete/gabe, the academy is, vicky-t/oc, gym class heroes, panic at the disco

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