Sugar, You Look Good And I'm Pregnant PART 5

Jul 16, 2010 21:00


2 days later, Pete and Gabe left for their weeklong honeymoon in Italy, leaving Lewis and Penny with Sam and Vicky. They were fine with looking after the twins, it wasn't as if they hadn't looked after them already.
They had offered to look after Hemingway too, but Pete told them it would be easier if he was with someone else, so he was staying at Patrick's house.
3 days in, they were sitting with the twins on their laps and talking about the wedding that had happened just a few days previously.
"I can't believe they put that frilly collar on Hemmy." Sam said, giggling slightly about it.
"That was animal cruelty." Vicky replied. "But it did look funny."
"I think at all the future weddings, they should do it to him. He did look adorable."
"That's just mean, and uncalled for. But would be a really cool idea." Vicky paused. "Sammy, do you remember the first time we met?"
"Of course I do. I made a right idiot of myself."

It was the first day of the Fall Out Boy, Cobra Starship and The Academy Is.. tour and they were waiting by the tour buses for the techs to arrive. They were having Diaz for their guitar tech but they didn't know who would be their bass, drum and keyboard techs yet.
"So, when the fuck are they getting here? Cos I'm freezing my ass off here." Ryland complained. It was a pretty cold day for the beginning of May.
"Soon." Pete replied from Gabe's arms. Everyone rolled their eyes at how 'cute' Pete and Gabe were acting with each other. They had been dating for 5 months, since New Years, since Ryan and Spencer had also started dating. "Stop your complaining and wait on the bus if you're cold."
"I will then." Ryland, Nate and Alex walked onto their bus. Ryan and Spencer also headed to their bus, Brendon and Jon really didn't want to follow because they knew what they would be doing.
Soon, a car pulled up and 3 men, including Diaz, and a woman got out.
"Sorry we're late guys, Harry wasn't ready when we got to his." Diaz told them. He introduced Harry as the drum tech, Evan as the keyboard tech and Samira as the bass tech.
"Call me Sam or Sammy though. I hate Samira, and Diaz knows it." Sam told them.
"Will do. Now, let's get your shit on the bus and we can get to the first city." Pete said.
Sam started grabbed her suitcase out of the back and started towards the bus Pete pointed to as theirs, when her heel got caught in a crack in the pavement and she fell face first onto the ground.
"Shit." She mumbled. She'd made an idiot of herself in 2 minutes. New record. And right in front of Vicky-T as well. She'd always had a crush on her, she'd been a lesbian for years (much to the distaste of her parents but she didn't give a fuck about them).
"Want a hand?" She looked up and saw Vicky holding a hand out to help her up. She blushed and took it. "Don't worry, I've done that before as well."
"I feel like a twat now." Sam admitted.
"Don't. We live around Pete yeah? That's nothing to some of the shit he does." Vicky grinned and Sam grinned back.
Yeah, she knew she'd get on with Vicky. Just fine.

"I think we got together about a week after that." Sam smiled, setting Penny down in the crib after Vicky had put Lewis down.
"Sam, I really want to know something." Vicky said, suddenly sounding nervous. "I really really need to ask you something."
"What is it sweetie?"
Vicky sat next to Sam and opened a small black box. Inside was a gold ring with a tiny black diamond encrusted batman symbol. "Samira Julia Way, will you marry me?"
Sam looked shocked. That was the last thing that she had expected. But she knew her answer. "Yes!" She threw her arms around Vicky.


“Vicky, Sam, let us in!” Pete pounded on the door. Vicky grinned and opened the door to find a grinning Pete and Gabe standing there.
“Hey guys!” She gave them both a hug. “How was the honeymoon?”
“Do you really want to know that?” Gabe smirked.
“Not really, I can kind of guess.” Vicky invited them in and they saw Sam holding Lewis.
“Hey guys.” Sam said. “I’m guessing you want these rugrats back then?”
“Are you trying to kidnap my children?”
“God no. I don’t think I could take on you two.” Sam laughed and passed Lewis to Pete, who’s eyes softened as soon as he was in Pete’s arms.
“Hey baby.” Pete cooed. “I missed you.” Gabe picked up Penny, who made grabbing motions towards him.
“Da!” Lewis said proudly, holding onto Pete’s hoody. Everyone looked at him. “Dadadadadada.” He said.
“Did he-”
“He said his first word!” Pete grinned excitedly.
“Dadadadadadadada.” Penny said, snuggling into Gabe’s hold.
“They both just did.” Gabe grinned.
“Aww, that’s so cute!” Sam and Vicky cooed together.
After they settled down, the twins still repeating their first word, Pete asked Vicky and Sam if anything interesting had happened while they were away.
“Well, you could say that.” Sam smiled broadly.
“Like?” Gabe asked.
Then Pete noticed the ring on her finger. “You got engaged?!” He exclaimed.
Vicky and Sam nodded. “Yeah, a couple of days after you left.”
“Aw, guys, congratulations!” Gabe told them.
“It’ll probably be a long engagement, we aren’t to bothered about just rushing into it in a few months, but maybe in a couple of years.” Sam told them.
“Awesome guys!” Pete grinned at them. “We’ll have to have you round and we’ll celebrate properly.”
“Have you told everyone else yet?” Gabe asked.
“No, we wanted to tell you guys first.” Sam replied.
“I feel honoured.”
An hour later, Pete and Gabe got Lewis and Penny’s things together and left for home. When they got there, there were three familiar cars in the driveway.
“I’m really going to have to get that key off of Patrick.” Pete smiled, shaking his head gently.
They walked in and saw the rest of their bands, minus Vicky of course.
“Hey guys!” They all chorused.
“Pattycakes, why do you feel the need to just wander in? And with everyone else too?” Pete asked, keeping a straight face.
Patrick blinked with confusion. “But, I always do…”
Pete grinned. “Just joking. Take a joke!” He and Gabe went round and gave everyone a hug.
“Oh, by the way Joe, I decided that I won’t call you Joe-Joe anymore.” Pete said quite randomly.
“Ha! Suck it!” He stuck his tongue out at Andy and Patrick, who glared.
“I wasn’t finished.” Pete said, smirking. Joe didn’t like the look of it. “Instead of Joe-Joe, I’m gonna call you Mojo-Jojo. You know, like from Powerpuff Girls?”
Joe just stared at him, while everyone else chuckled. “You. Fucker.” He said.
“Hey, don’t swear in front of the kids!” Gabe glared at him.
“Well can you tell your husband to stop being-”
“Himself? Joe, all of us know here that Pete will always be Pete and we can’t change that.”
“Why would you want to change me anyway? I’m just amazing!” Pete grinned.
“Keep telling yourself that.” Patrick rolled his eyes.
“I am. And Gabe, we’re just both amazing. And we have amazing kids too. They’re smart, guess what they did today?” Everyone looked blank. “They said their first word!”
“Seriously? What was it?” Ryland asked.
Gabe opened his mouth to tell them but Lewis did it for him. “Dadadadadadadada!” He cried out, holding his hands out to Gabe.
“Yeah, that.” Gabe grinned as he picked up Lewis.
“What was Penny’s?” Andy asked.
“Same thing, about 10 seconds later.” Pete replied, picking his daughter up.
“Ok, so they are pretty clever.” Patrick said thoughtfully. “But, where do they get the brains from?”
“HEY!” Gabe and Pete said at the same time.
“You are so gonna get it, B-I-T-C-H.” Pete spelt out.


A few months later, Pete and Gabe’s house was filled to the brim with people. The reason? The twins were turning one. They were growing fast and beginning to toddle on their own.
“I remember when they born, it doesn’t even seem that long ago.” Pete sighed.
“If I recall rightly, you were threatening my dick through the whole thing.” Gabe smiled, amused.
“You and I both know that I love your dick far too much to do that.” Pete kissed him gently.
“Hey guys!” Brendon bounced into the kitchen.
“Bren, you aren’t having any more red bull.” Pete rolled his eyes.
Brendon pouted. “No fair.”
“Ryan, Jon, Spencer! We’ve got something that belongs to you!” Gabe called out to the rest of Brendon’s band mates. Ryan walked in.
“Brendon, you aren’t getting any red bull, now get back in there.”
“You know Ry, anyone would think that you and Brendon were dating.” Pete told him, smirking a little.
Ryan snorted. “Yeah right.”
“For the record, I am actually straight.” Brendon interjected, but was hushed by Ryan.
“Come on guys, cake time.” Brendon’s eyes lit up at Gabe’s words.
“Jesus Gabe, you so said the wrong thing there.” Pete grinned.

“…Happy birthday to Lewis and Penny, happy birthday to you!” Less guests than last year, but still a houseful, Lewis and Penny blew their candles out with help from Pete and Gabe.
“Petey, Gabey, we’ve got some news for you!” Ryan sang as he [s]walked[/s] skipped over, Spencer’s hand tightly in his.
“We’re getting married!” Ryan squealed.
“Oh my God Ry, congratulations!” Pete hugged the young guitarist. “And you too Spencer.” He added, hugging the drummer.
“Thanks. We’re gonna go tell everyone else now. Bye!” They disappeared into a crowd.
“I think Ryan might actually be high without touching any weed what so ever.” Gabe commented.
“You know him. He’s probably a little drunk to be honest.”
“What, at 6 in the evening?”
“I bring your attention to Brendon.” Pete pointed at the vocalist, acting very drunk and also he seemed to be flirting with Nate.
“Doesn’t Brendon, every time something makes something question his sexuality, deny he’s even bi?” Gabe asked Pete.
“I knew he had to be at least bi. I mean, come on. Just look at the guy.”
“How do you know that’s not Brendon drunk?”
“Because, unknown to anyone but me, Brendon and Nate, those two are dating.” Pete smirked. “I walked in on them last week, sucking each other’s faces off.”
“Wasn’t expecting that.” Gabe said.
“Neither was I. And he’s planning on moving up here too.”
“Ryan and the guys gonna come too?”
“Probably. Those four are like how Joe, Andy, Trick and I were a few years ago.”

“Uncle Bden, Uncle Nate!” Penny squealed running over to the new arrivals.
“Hey sweetie, happy birthday.” Brendon picked her up and kissed her cheek. “Alright Pete?”
“Worn out.” He grinned. “Want a drink?”
“Sure.” Nate grinned.
15 minutes later, Vicky, Sam, Ryan and Spencer all turned up. After Brendon had moved to Chicago, just 2 months after the twin's birthday last year, Ryan, Spencer and Jon all moved up as well. Jon complained slightly about moving from Chicago to Vegas in the first place, then moving back, but he didn't mind in the end.
“Aunty Vicky, Aunty Sammy, Uncle Ryro, Uncle Spencer, lookie at what Uncle Andy got me!” Lewis ran through to them, holding a pair of drumsticks. “He gots me a drum kit too!”
“That’s awesome, little dude.” Spencer grinned, picking the 3 year old up. “Can I come have a look?”
“Yeah! It’s nicer than your drum kit, Uncle Spencer.” Lewis said really seriously, making Ryan giggle.
“Come on Lewis, show us your drums.”
“Andy, what were you thinking, buying him a drum kit?” Vicky asked. Andy shrugged.
“I’m not always here to irritate Pete, so I needed something to do it.”
“You’re terrible.” Sam giggled. “But I like the way you think.”
“Ryan, 3 more months until the big day!” Pete practically skipped over to them, grinning. Ryan and Spencer’s wedding day was at the end of June. “Looking forward to it?”
“Very much so.” Ryan told him.
“And then we’ve got your’s, Sammy and Vicky.” He grinned even more. Sam and Vicky had finally decided on a wedding date. They were going for New Year’s day, just because it was like their anniversary would start a fresh year every year. And that was Vicky’s idea. She’d told it to Gabe years ago.
“Pete, I was wondering something.” Sam started. “Would you be my witness for the wedding?”
“Of course I will.” Pete hugged her one armed, since he had a small attachment called Penny on the other arm.
“Awesome, now, lead us to drinks.”


“So, Gabey, I was wondering. Since the kids are with Patrick for today, and it is our anniversary, I thought maybe, I could do something for you?” Pete asked Gabe from behind him. Gabe was watching TV, trying to find something decent on.
“Like what Pete…” He turned around and saw Pete, dressed as a woman. Gabe’s jaw dropped and his eyes widened.
“You like?” Pete asked. Gabe nodded. “Good, because you are taking control today.”
“Like always.” Gabe smirked.
“Shush you, now get your ass up to the bedroom. We’ve only got a few hours.”
“I thought you just said I was taking control?” Gabe got up anyway and kissed Pete. “This takes me back. But I think this will bring back more memories.” Gabe picked Pete up bridal style and walked upstairs.
3 hours later, after 2 and a half hours of sex and half an hour showering and changing, they both headed out, but in different cars.
Gabe was staying at Alex’s with the rest of his band and both the twins, and Pete was staying at Sam’s with the rest of his band and Hemingway of course. Sam had grown especially fond of Pete’s band mates, so that was why she invited them all over.
“Hey Petey!” Sam said as she opened the door to Pete and Hemingway.
“Heya Sammy!” Pete said grinning. “Are the guys here yet?”
“Just Patrick.” Pete walked in and let Hemingway go. He raced off into the lounge and straight onto Patrick.
“Hey Pete.” He called out, knowing exactly who it was.
“Hey Pattycakes.” Pete walked through to find Hemingway on Patrick’s lap, licking his face. Patrick glared at him.
“4 and a half fucking years, and you still feel the need to call me that.”
“I still call Andy and Joe, Andykins and Mojo-Jojo, it’s not like you’re the only one.” Pete replied.
“Yeah, keep doing it and Lou and Penny might pick up on it.”
Pete looked at him, straight faced. “I plan on it.”
Sam shook her head, grinning. “Those kids were doomed from the beginning.”
“That’s my children you’re talking about.” Pete pouted.
“My point exactly.” Sam giggled.
“Oh, you might not even make it to your wedding tomorrow, Samira.” Pete attacked her with tickles, making her squeal.
“Pete, stop it! You know I’m ticklish! Stop it Petey!” She squirmed.
“Trick, wanna help me?” Pete asked. Patrick shook his head. “Your loss dude.”
The doorbell rang. “Pete, let me up, please!” Pete pouted and let her up to answer the door. She came back in with Andy and Joe in tow, grinning like mad.
“Tonight is New Years eve, it’s Pete’s anniversary and Sammy’s getting married tomorrow. We have cause for a celebration or two to say the least.” Andy grinned.
“We brought some beers, stuff for shots and something especially for you Sam.” Joe put his hand in the carrier bag he was holding and pulled out an L plate.
“Excellent!” Pete grinned.
Sam shook her head. “No guys, just no.”
“Oh yes, Samira Way. Or should we just start calling you Samira Asher?” Sam and Vicky had spoken about their surnames and what they were going to do about it, and Sam had told Vicky that we wanted to take her surname.
“I love hearing that. Sam Asher.” Sam smiled dreamily.
“Snap out of it, honey and get the alcohol flowing.” Pete smirked, grabbing the L plate. “Now, are we going to do this the easy way or the hard way, Way?”
The next morning, Sam woke especially early. She knew it was because of her nerves, but she knew that they were just excitement nerves. She had no regrets in saying yes to Vicky. In fact, it was one of the best days of her life.
She got out of bed and finally took the L plate off from her t-shirt she had been wearing the night before. She wanted to go wake all the guys up, but she knew it was way too early for them yet.
She decided instead that she’d let Hemingway out in the garden and sit out there for a while. It looked like a nice morning, and it was a new year. A crisp new year. She walked downstairs and saw Hemingway curled up on the couch with Pete. Andy, Joe and Patrick had the spare rooms, Pete volunteered sleeping on the couch, so he could stay with Hemingway.
She called him softly and he ran off the couch and over to wear she stood. She opened the door and Hemingway ran out straight away. Sam smiled at the dog and looked back at his owner. Then she frowned. Something wasn’t right. His hair wasn’t that long last night. Realization came into her head and she walked towards him. His hair was very long, just like when he had been-
She gasped, eyes wide. Then Pete came to and opened his eyes. He frowned, seeing her shocked expression.
“Pete, please don’t freak out or anything.” She began. “But… you’re Penny again.”


“You’re Penny again.” She said to him… her now. Pete frowned, sitting up and Sam could definitely see that Pete was in fact a woman again.
“What?” She asked, then brought her hand to her mouth.
“You changed into Penny again.”
“What?!” Pete screeched. She looked down at her body, pinching her arm to see if it was a dream.
“But, we get to go shopping again!” Sam said, a little more excited than she should be.
“Sam, I’m a fucking woman again, and all you can think about is shopping?”
“But, you’re Penny again. Penny liked shopping more than Pete.”
“I’m the same fucking person, Penny and Pete are both me.” She growled. “What is more important is the fact that today is your fucking wedding day and I do not have a fucking outfit for it!”
“Oh, yeah.” Sam said. Pete had brought a suit round, but she obviously couldn’t wear that now.
“’Oh yeah.’” Pete mocked.
“What’s with the noise down here? I wanted more sleep.” Joe yawned walking in. Then he froze when he saw Pete pouting for all there was. “Uhh…”
“Don’t say anything, Trohman.”
“I wasn’t going to?” It sounded more like a question than a statement.
“Joe, I know you. You were gonna say something. And if it had anything to do with tit’s the size of Texas again, I will make sure that you never reproduce, and Rhianna will not be happy with that.” Rhianna was Joe’s wife of 18 months.
“Calm it Pete.” Patrick said, walking in with Andy in tow. “No need to go that far.”
“Patrick, I’m a fucking woman again! Or can’t you see that?”
“I can see that very clearly.” Patrick commented.
“I’m a woman, I don’t know why, unless there was some new strange alignment with the planets, which I very highly doubt. It’s Sam and Vicky’s wedding day and my husband doesn’t even know about this yet.” Pete ranted. “Perfect fucking start to the day.”
Sam quickly motioned for Patrick, Andy and Joe to leave the room, so they walked outside. Sam went to sit next to Pete. “Pete, honey, you can’t let this put you in a bad mood. Ok, so you don’t know how it happened, but think of the… advantages you and Gabe can have in the bedroom again.” Pete looked up at her, biting her lip. “Make an appointment with Dr. Meeton and find out if she knows what happened. Until then, do you still have all your clothes from last time this happened?”
Pete blushed. “Yeah, I wear them sometimes, for Gabe.”
“Right, well we can drive over to your place now and pick something out for the wedding. As far as I can remember, there’s a really nice red dress that would be perfect today.”
Pete nodded, then hugged her. “Thanks Sammy. How are you staying calm about all this?”
“I don’t know. But the important thing is for you to stay calm about it all.”
“I’ll try, but how is Gabe going to react to this?” Then Pete’s eyes widened. “Fuck! The kids, what are they going to think about it? How are Gabe and I going to tell them that their daddy has to disappear for however long?”
“You’re still their dad Pete. Don’t do what you did last time, because I will not have you acting like that again.” Sam said sternly. “I will actually slap it out of you.”
“Alright, ok, fine. Jesus, Sam.”
“Good. Now, I’ll give you something to change into-”
“I can just wear my clothes from yesterday round to mine.” Pete told her. “It’s not like I’m going out to the mall or anything.”
“You know, if you’re still like this after my honeymoon, we blatantly have to go shopping again.” Sam told her, very seriously.
“You know what? That sounds good. Now let’s go get my outfit and I’ll let you do my hair and make up for today. BUT I refuse to be caked in make up.” Sam pouted.
“Fine. I’ll tell the others our plan.” Sam skipped out to the garden to tell Pete’s band mates about their plan.
Half an hour later, they arrived at Pete’s house and she let the two of them in. “Now, Petey, where are your dresses?”
“Back of the wardrobe.” Pete replied. Sam bolted upstairs and by the time Pete caught up with her in her bedroom, Sam had pulled out half a dozen outfits already.
“You’re still the same size, right?” She asked.
Pete shrugged. “I guess.”
“Good. Now, as I said earlier, this red one would be perfect for today. And I seem to remember Gabe liked this one a lot.” Sam held up a red and black dress. The dress that Sam and Vicky had picked out for Pete on the very first day they went shopping. Pete bit her lip and nodded. “Ooh, and you have some killer heels in here too. The red suede pumps.” Sam rooted around and pulled out the pair she wanted. “And since we’ve got like, 6 hours practically, can I cut your hair? Please? It’s really long and I think I know what would suit you perfectly.”
“You’re really enjoying this, aren’t you?” Pete asked.
“Petey, you know what I’m like. That’s all I’m going to say on the matter.” Sam said. “Now, can I cut your hair?”
“I guess.” Pete sighed, but she was smiling.
“Good, now come on. Downstairs and I’ll do it now, then we can head back to mine and get ready.”
5 and a half hours later, they arrived at where Sam and Vicky were getting married. Patrick, Joe and Andy had been sworn not to tell anyone about Pete until she did. Sam made sure that Vicky and Gabe were waiting outside the room before she and Pete arrived. She had rung Vicky earlier to explain what had happened, and told her not to tell any of her band.
She had also arranged to get Gabe with his back to where Sam and Pete would be walking to meet them from. Sam looked around the corner slyly and saw Gabe with his back to where she was.
“Come on Petey, go tell your husband.” She linked arms with Pete and walked around the corner. Pete let go and walked towards Gabe and put her arms around him.
“What the?” He asked, confused. “Who are…” His words died in his mouth as he turned around and saw Pete standing there.
“Guess what happened, Gabey?” She asked, shyly.
Gabe denied fainting at all when asked later.


“Gabe, are you ok baby?” Pete asked, slapping him gently.
“Pete, what… what the fuck happened?” He asked, realising it wasn’t a dream.
“I woke up like this. Again.” She told him, biting her lip. “Are you ok with it?”
“Yeah, I was last time, why wouldn’t I be this time?” He sat up and kissed her gently. “Who knows? Other than us three?”
“Trick, Andy and Joe. I wanted you to know before we announced it.”
“You mean, before you walked in the room and silently announced it with your body?” Sam asked.
“Exactly like that Sam, and you know it.” Pete told her. “Now get ready, the music’s just started.”
Gabe linked arms with Pete and quickly pecked her cheek. “I still love you, you know? This doesn’t change anything again.”
“It better not, or I’d have to slap you.” She winked at him. “Come on Gabey, let’s lead these love birds in.”
The doors opened and Gabe and Pete walked in before Sam and Vicky. Pete could see the stares from practically everyone in the room, and the ogling from Brendon, which she ignored.
After the ceremony, everyone first went to congratulate Sam and Vicky, then went over to where Pete and Gabe were sitting.
“Pete, what the fuck happened dude?” Ryan asked.
Pete just shrugged. “Woke up like this. Just like last time.”
“Yeah, except last time you were pregnant.” Brendon piped up with. Pete’s face paled as she turned to look at Gabe.
“What if I’m pregnant again Gabe? I can’t do this again, I can’t, not-” Gabe cut her off with a kiss.
“We’ll get through this Pete. We did it last time, we can do it again.” Gabe murmured, fingers brushing gently against her cheek. “We’re even stronger than we were before.”
“Mhm.” Pete closed her eyes and leant into her husband.
“Dad! Dad!” Lewis and Penny chorused as they ran over from Joe and Rhianna’s care.
“Oh God, how do we explain this?” Pete whispered.
“Dad, who’s this?” Penny asked, sitting up on Gabe’s knee.
“And where’s daddy?” Lewis added. Ever since they had started to talk, they had called Gabe dad and Pete daddy.
“Guys, daddy… turned into mommy for a while.” Gabe explained awkwardly. The two children looked over at Pete.
“Daddy?” Lewis asked. Pete bit her lip and nodded.
“Yeah, it’s me Lewey.” Pete said, using her nickname for her son.
“Do we call you mommy or daddy?” Penny asked.
“I don’t mind darling.”
“I’m gonna call you mommy.” Lewis motioned to be picked up from Pete. She pulled him up on her lap and he threw his small arms around her.
“I’m gonna call you mommy too.” Penny said, finishing her sentence by putting her thumb in her mouth.
“Love you.” Lewis said, looking up at Pete with his dark brown eyes. Gabe’s eyes.
“Aww, that’s so cute guys!” Hayley cooed, walking over. “Hold that pose!”
A few hours later, Gabe had quickly rung Dr. Meeton to make an appointment for the next day.
“I think it’s just lucky that you kept all of your clothes from last time.” Gabe said as they slow danced together.
“You loved them all too much anyway. I just wanted to make you happy.”
“Baby, you make me happy whether you’re Pete or Penny or an alien from Pluto.”
“Pluto’s not actually a planet anymore, so I’d be from Uranus.”
“You want my anus.” Gabe muttered, looking into Pete’s eyes. He kissed her softly.
“I love you Gabey.” Pete sighed.
“Love you too babe.”


“I’m what?” Pete had to stop herself from full blown screeching at Dr. Meeton.
“You’re pregnant.” Dr. Meeton told her and Gabe.
“But… how can you be sure?”
“Pete, we got results in yesterday about the cases of pregnancy throughout the world. It seems roughly 250 of the cases have become pregnant again, whether they had an abortion or not.” Dr. Meeton told them.
“So, did it happen the same way as before then?” Gabe asked.
“We aren’t too sure, we can’t be 100% certain. These are very rare cases, but about 20% of the cases have become pregnant on more than two occasions since the original pregnancy. So what we can decipher is that there is still every possibility that if you are receiving during sexual intercourse, there is every possibility that you could get pregnant.”
“So, you didn’t think to tell us this yesterday?” Pete said, Gabe holding her hands tightly.
“I did try to contact you both, but your cell phones were off and I couldn’t get through to your answer machine.”
“Hemmy probably pulled it out.” Pete muttered.
“Actually, it might have been Penny.” Gabe told him. “You know what the twins are like.”
“Well, I’d like you to make an appointment for a month’s time, just to confirm if you are pregnant.”
“Ok.” Pete said.
They made the appointment and left the hospital, stopping off at Brendon and Nate’s first to pick up the twins.
“Are you ok Pete?” Gabe asked.
“I don’t know.” Pete snapped. “I just found out I might be pregnant again, what do you think Gabe?”
“Pete, we can get through this.”
“How? We’ve already got Lewis and Penny, how are we going to cope with another kid?”
“Because we will. Pete, you’ve got me, the twins, most of the fucking label, Mikey and the guys, we’ve got so many people around us that can help us out. It’s not you alone Pete, I’ll be here for you. I love you.”
Pete’s eyes watered as she walked into Gabe’s arms. “This is one thing I hate about being a woman.”
“What’s that?”
“When you say something really nice, I can’t help but cry.” Gabe chuckled and held Pete closer.
“It’s all true though baby.”
“Love you too Gabe.”
“Dad! I felled off the swing!” Penny cried as she ran in from the garden.
“Aww, come here sweetie, let’s see.” Gabe bent down so he was more his daughter’s level.
“I think I’m going to go have a bath Gabe.” Pete told him.
“Alright. Go up and relax. I think after the past two days, you need it.” Gabe kissed her softly and Pete walked upstairs to the bathroom.
20 minutes later, as she lay there, she ducked her head under and came back up. It might have seemed strange, but if Gabe walked in (she never bothered locking the door if it was just them in the house) she didn’t want him to see her crying.
She was confused about the whole thing. Even more than before. Sure, she had been through this once already, but that was near 4 years ago that she changed back. She wasn’t sure, even with the support of all her friends and family, if she could do this.
Not that she would let on.
She was Pete Wentz, mother fucking bassist for Fall Out Boy. She wasn’t weak and pathetic like this. Not that everyone knew at least. She put on a brave face in public. No one could know what she was truly thinking.
Especially not Gabe.


Pete got out of the bath and got changed, laying down on the bed. She didn’t know what she was going to do about keeping all her feelings from Gabe, but she didn’t want anyone to know that she was weak.
But it was at that moment, when a few tears started to fall down her cheeks, when Gabe walked in, grinning.
“Hey Pete, I was thinking, if it’s a boy can we call it… you’ve been crying.” Gabe said, seeing Pete wipe her face.
“No I haven’t.” Pete told him. “And you’ve been crying is a stupid name.”
“Pete, don’t lie to me.” Gabe said, sitting on the bed. “You don’t have to lie to me, why are you crying?”
“I’m not crying! Ok? Gabe, just… just go away.”
Gabe looked at her. “You’re not going into this self conscious moody shit again are you?”
Pete glared at him. “Fuck you Gabe! You aren’t the one who might be pregnant! You aren’t the one who has to go through all this shit! You aren’t the one who’s already had to go through this shit before!”
Gabe sat closer to Pete, taking hold of her hands gently. “Pete…”
“What?” She snapped, her eyes glowing with fury.
“It’s going to be ok.” Gabe stroked the side of her face gently. “Everythings fine-”
“No Gabe, everything is not fine! You just don’t get it. I don’t want this again, I can’t do it again!”
“Well get rid of it then!” Gabe snapped at her. He had tried calm, but he was as stubborn and changeable as Pete.
If anything, Pete glared at him more. “You know I don’t agree with that. How could you even say that to me, you know how much I hate it! You hate it too, why would you even suggest it?”
“You know what? Fucking forget it Pete.” Gabe stood up, dropping Pete’s hands on the bed. “I’m going out. And I’ll take you dreaded children with me.”
“Like hell you are taking my children from this house.”
“They’re my children too!” Gabe protested.
Pete was close to slapping him now. “ I fucking gave birth to them, I went through that fucking pain, and you just called them my children anyway!”
Gabe sighed. “Yeah, well I didn’t fucking mean that.”
“Why did you say it in the first fucking place then?” Pete looked away from him. “Just piss off Gabe, leave me the fuck alone.”
“Fine! Call me when you’re ready to act like my husband again and not some pissy bitch!” He stormed out of the room.
“FUCKER!” Pete screamed at his back.
That day, Gabe had taken Penny and Lewis and was staying with Brendon and Nate. They only knew that Pete and Gabe had an argument, but Gabe wouldn’t say anything else. But it was 3 days after Gabe had walked out that Brendon and Nate sat him down, practically cornered.
“She’s fucking depressed Gabe.” Brendon told him, not even having to specify who ‘she’ was.
“You need to talk to her.” Nate told him. “She’s been on the phone to me, crying her eyes out the last 3 nights.”
“Please don’t fuck this up Gabe. You love her, you know you do.”
“She was the one who was getting all pissy!” Gabe defended himself.
Nate rolled his eyes. He knew that Gabe was a headstrong but stubborn person, and he was just being way too stubborn this time. “Are you saying you won’t go round to see her then?” Before Gabe even got a chance to answer, Lewis ran over to them.
“Dad! Penny stoled my toy!” He whined.
“Penny!” Gabe scolded. “Give your brother back his toy.”
Penny pouted but gave the toy back to him. She walked over to him and tugged on his shirt. He picked her up and cuddled into him.
“I miss mommy.” She said, putting her thumb in her mouth.
“Me too.” Lewis said.
“If you aren’t doing it for yourself Gabe, do it for them.” Brendon pleaded.
Gabe still shook his head. “She needs to talk to me. I’m not changing my mind.”
“Fine.” Brendon said, picking up his keys. “I’m going to go round there and bring her back here.”
Gabe snorted. “Your house if full enough already.”
“Now, now, Gabe. She’s not fat yet.” Nate told him. “That’s no way to talk about a lady.”
“A pregnant lady.” Brendon interjected.
“It’s Pete though. Pete’s never been a lady.” Gabe mumbled.
“If you don’t want her round here Pete, then we’re taking you back home.” Brendon told him. “Penny and Lewis need Pete, you know they do Gabe.”
Gabe knew in Brendon’s voice that one way or another, he would get Gabe back home. He looked down at his children and saw Pete in them both.
He sighed. “Fine.”
Within half an hour, they pulled up at the house. Gabe was hesitant about getting out of the car, but after a glare from Brendon and Nate, he got out.
Brendon rang the doorbell and Pete answered, looking terrible. She had tears down her face. She saw Brendon and Nate first, then Gabe.
“What do you want?” She asked.
“Mommy!” Lewis cried out as he and Penny ran to Pete. “I’ve missed you.” Pete picked him up and stroked Penny’s hair softly.
“Missed you too babies.”
Brendon and Nate forced Gabe in and then sat them both down. “You two are going to talk, you both need to sort this out.”
Pete snorted. “He’s an asshole though.”
“And she’s a bitch.” Gabe retorted.
“Guys! Watch it, Jesus.” Nate said. “Don’t swear in front of Penny and Lew.”
“But they swear all the time uncle Nate.”
“Guys, do you wanna show me your swings you got for Christmas?” Brendon asked. The twins nodded and the three of them walked out to the garden.
“Now, I want to know how this all started.” Nate said, crossing his arms.
“She started getting all pissy-”
“Oh, don’t you even dare put the blame on me Gabriel!” Pete glared at him. “You were being a twat.”
“You were the one who wasn’t telling me what was up!”
“Maybe that’s because I didn’t want anyone to know.”
“We’re married Pete! You should be able to tell me everything!” Gabe told her.
“But I…” Pete looked away from Gabe and Nate, feeling slightly ashamed. “I didn’t want anyone to see how pathetic I was being.”
“Do you not trust me or something? Is that it?” Gabe asked. “Can you not tell me anything?”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa… I’m pretty sure-”
“Don’t get involved in this Nate, you’ve got us talking, so leave it at that.” Pete said. Then she turned to Gabe.” It’s not that I don’t trust you, it’s just, I feel like… like I’m weaker when I’m like this. I’m not myself.”
“We’ve been through this Pete.” Gabe told her. “You’re still the same person.”
“It’s kind of difficult thinking that when you see someone else looking at you in the mirror.”
Gabe moved towards her and pulled her shirt collar down so the tattoo of Gabe’s name was visible. “But you still have this. You still have all your tattoos. It’s still you Pete, it’s still your body.” Gabe looked away and blinked hard before he started talking again. “If you can’t go through with this again, maybe we can terminate it. It probably hasn’t even fertilised yet Pete.”
“No.” Pete said immediately, pulling Gabe’s head up so he was looking into her eyes. “No, even if I did agree with it, I wouldn’t. I know you don’t agree with it, and I wouldn’t want to put you through that.” She bit her lip. “I’m… I’m sorry for being such a pissy bitch.”
Gabe chuckled, leaning forward to put an arm around Pete. “Hey, it’s not your fault.”
“Yes it is. I started all this off. It is my fault.”
“It’s both our faults.” Gabe kissed Pete gently. “Now can we forget about it and make Brendon and Nate fuck off home?”
Nate pouted. “Nice to see you like us.”
“Nate,” Pete started, smiling sweetly. “Gabe and I are probably going to have a lot of make up sex, now if you want-”


A month later, it was nearing William’s birthday and he had decided to have a costume party. It had been planned for a few months, so that everyone could arrange tours around it, and so Pete and Gabe had already planned their costumes.
“I was just going to pad out a bra and wear a wig.” Pete giggled. “But I guess I don’t need to now.”
“You seem happier this past week.” Gabe noted. “Not that I’m complaining or anything.” He quickly added.
“I don’t know, I just feel happier this week. I think it’s because we got the pregnancy confirmed and it’s not just me randomly changing.”
“I’d love you even if you were stuck like this forever. You know that Pete.” Gabe kissed her. “Now, I’ll leave you to get ready while I get the kids changed.”
They were taking the twins with them but when they started to get tired, they would take them up to one of William’s spare rooms.
Penny wanted to be a fairy, and Lewis wanted to be a crocodile, the same costumes they had worn last Halloween. Pete was just glad the costumes still fit them. They had been growing fast.
She got ready quicker than she thought, she walked downstairs to finding Penny and Lewis chasing each other and Gabe standing in front of a mirror, buttoning his shirt. Pete coughed and Gabe turned and grinned at her.
“You look gorgeous baby.” Gabe said, walking over to her and kissing her.
“And you look very very fuckable tonight.” Pete whispered. “I’m glad to see you’ve got over that little problem with me in dresses.”
Gabe raised an eyebrow. “Who are you calling small?”
“You know what I meant.”
“Mommy, you look all prettyful.” Penny said, waving the plastic wand she wouldn’t let go of.
“Thank you sweetie. You look very pretty too.” Pete picked her up.
“What about me mommy?” Lewis asked.
“You look very nice too Lou-Lou.”
“So, there’s just one more thing we both need Pete.” Gabe walked over to the couch and picked up a bag and pulled two things out. He walked over to Pete and placed a tiara on her head. Then he placed a crown on his own head. “Now, we’re ready.”
They made their way to William’s house and when the door opened, they found a pirate standing there.
“Hey guys, nice costumes.” William grinned.
“Do you like my costume, uncle Bilvy?” Penny twirled.
“You two look especially good.” He said, kneeling down. “Why don’t you head inside. El’s already in there, why don’t you find her?” He said to them, referring to Mikey and Alicia’s daughter, Elena.
“Yay!” Penny and Lewis ran in and William chuckled, standing up again.
“Come on in guys.” They walked in to find a whole range of different characters.
“Princess Pete and Prince Gabe have entered the building.” Brendon grinned.
“And so have the Dandies, it seems.” Pete commented on Brendon and Nate’s costumes. They were dressed like the vampires from the ‘A Little Less Sixteen Candles’ video.
“I got to keep the costume, remember? And Spence leant Nate his one.”
“Speaking of, where is Spencer? And Ryan too?”
Brendon smirked. You mean God and his bitch? I think they’re talking to you, actually.” Pete and Gabe looked confused. “Go check the kitchen.”
Pete and Gabe, curious, walked into the kitchen and saw 4 people talking.
“Hey there.” Ryan smirked at them. He was wearing plain jeans and a plain blue t-shirt that said God. Spencer was wearing the same thing, but his t-shirt said God’s Bitch.
The two other people in the room threw Pete and Gabe off. They could only see the backs of them.
“Uhh… did we walk into an alternative universe or something?”
“Don’t worry about that Petey.” ‘Pete’ said, turning around, ‘Gabe’ following.
Pete smirked at them. “Should have known it would be you.”
“You know us too well, it seems.” Sam said, winking. “What do you think then? I thought I’d go for the Pete Wentz look, pre-turning into a woman.”
“You can really pull off the whole guy look Sammy.” Pete smirked.
“Hey! Mean.” Sam pouted.
“Seriously though, what do you think?” Vicky asked.
“You just wanted to wear one of my hoodies, didn’t you?” Gabe asked. Vicky was wearing one of Gabe’s purple hoodies. Sam had sneakily got a hoody from when she had been over at Pete and Gabe’s last.
“Maybe. Come on though, it suits me.”
“You guys didn’t actually cut your hair, did you?” Vicky and Sam looked at Gabe like he had grown a second head. “Ok, stupid question. I’ll shut up now.”
“Hey guys.” Mikey said, walking in with Alicia. He had come in his old black parade uniform and Alicia was dressed as the woman from the Helena video. “So Ryan, how did you decide who was God’s bitch?”
“Flipped a coin.” He smirked.
“Figures he’d choose head.” Spencer kissed Ryan’s cheek.
“What can I say?” Ryan shrugged, a smirk planted firmly on his face.


girl!pete, sex!swap, kid!fic, cobra starship, fall out boy, mcr, brendon/nate, pete/gabe, the academy is, vicky-t/oc, gym class heroes, panic at the disco

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