
Oct 19, 2009 02:01

When I first set up this community, I was crossing my fingers hoping that someone would actually sign up and that there would be at least a few stories. What ended up happening far and beyond exceeding my expectations. I want to thank you all for your participation, and for making this challenge as awesome as it turned out. There were a lot of great stories - I encourage you to continue reading (if you haven't finished yet) and leaving comments!

Now that the challenge is officially over, the community will be remaining open for unfinished prompts, which means any prompt that was not posted during the challenge window (Oct. 1-14). There will be no claiming, and I will not cross off prompts after they have been finished, meaning that you don't have to worry about someone posting the prompt you were working on and removing it from applicability. I will be going through the prompts list and fixing it so that only stories actually posted are crossed off of the list, but it might take me some time; for the meantime, if you're certain that a prompt hasn't been filled, feel free to go ahead and get started on it. (Those of you who signed up and didn't quite have time to finish, you are of course welcome to do so and post at any time. Or, if you want to write for a prompt other than the one you originally signed up for, that's fine too.)

To reiterate: you do NOT need to claim prompts, or contact me asking for permission to post - you may post at any time. All prompts can be found here.

As for art vs. fic, follow the same rules as the original challenge - if fic for a prompt was completed, but no art, you are welcome to submit art; likewise, if there was art but no fic, you can go ahead and write it. In general, the prompts are meant to stand alone, so if you want to do art for a prompt someone wrote fic for (or vice versa), you do not need to follow their interpretation. If you do want to do art based on someone's fic, or fic for someone's art, I ask that you clear it with them before submitting it to the community.

Thanks again for participating, and for the great few months! I hope you've enjoyed this as much as I have.
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