fic: in sickness and in health

Oct 14, 2009 10:48

in sickness and in health
Pairing: Bob/Frank/Jamia
Rating: NC-17
prompt: 410. MCR Bob/Frank/Jamia WWII AU - (I am borrowing elements of this from someone else who may or may not wish to remain nameless) Frank and Jamia get married right before Frank goes off and gets killed in the war. Bob is wounded trying to save him and gets sent home. Jamia is pregnant, and Bob promised Frank he'd take care of her if anything happened to Frank, and they end up getting married. It's totally a ~marriage of convenience~ at first, but over time, they fall in love and it is slow and shy and full of guilty longing. BUT THEN it turns out Frank hadn't died, he'd been taken prisoner, and he's released when the war's over. He's starved and beaten and sick, and Jamia and Bob nurse him back to health, and there is stoic pining and people worried about honor and duty and thinking they're the fifth wheel. AND THEN A HAPPY THREESOME ENDING. *cough*

warnings: off-screen character death, angst, threesomes, discussion/memories of war

notes: Thank you so much to cool_rain_kiss who corralled all my commas and was the best editor/sounding board/cheerleader I could want ♥ Thanks to spuzz and anoneknewmoose for listening to me chatter/bitch about this fic, and thanks to everyone who read parts of it at some point in time and wanted to see more :D Title and cuttext from Catholic wedding vows

To love and cherish, until death do us part
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