Fic: Guilt

Oct 20, 2009 00:49

title: Guilt
pairing: Frank/Gerard
rating: NC-17
words: 7300+
prompt: 373: Gerard is a priest. Frank is an altar boy. Frank lusts over the new priest. Gerard has to advise a rebellious teenager Frank. Frank comes on to Gerard, but Gerard is horrified over abusing any trust and recoils away from Frank even though he finds Frank really hot. But someone sees! and they think Gerard is a pervert. It comes out and Gerard leaves the priesthood. A couple years later Frank is totally legal and comes across Gerard who is a drunk because of what happened. Frank feels really guilty and vows to make Gerard's life good again.
warning: Catholic kink, hebephilia, major angst and pining, alcoholism.
summary: Frank has an obsession with Father Way.
disclaimer: totally untrue. also, I'm not Catholic, so everything I know about altar boys is from wikipedia.
a/n: written for bandom_hc, sort of, but mostly for my own pleasure. Thank you to philosiraptors for the quick look through and confidence boost. :D

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