The home inspection on the new house turned up no major issue, and few minor ones, so all is well.
Our mortgage is in place, so we're good to go there. Five more weeks until the move. I can't wait until it's over. LOL
M had M3 for a sleepover the past two nights. They had a good time together, which is good considering M3 is moving to Maryland in a couple of weeks. M knows now, but I don't think she fully understands just how far M3 is moving.
Our running joke in the house is that J has a steel-plated head, and M has a titanium-plated head, because of their.... err.... *strong* personality. Without going into details, M3 is at a whole new level. Titanium doesn't do M3 justice! But, she's still a neat kid. It's going to be weird not having her around.....
We pick up J from Washington, DC tomorrow, and I'll be registering both kids at their new school tomorrow before we go down. Two more days, and my class for work ends. YIPPEE!!! One time consuming event out of the way.
Next week,
trystan830's computer class is over. YIPPEE!!!!! The 18-month string of classes is over. She only needs to take four or five more tests to be fully MCSE certified. Now, hopefully that'll land her a better job....
Well, that's where we stand for now. Nothing Earth-shattering or witty, so it's time to bring this entry to a close....