So I was justing thinking the other day when things were getting real shitty and I came up with some thoughts. I haven't posted in a while so I figured I'd share them with you all.
So when times get real shitty and nobody loves you (not even your brother Billo), many of us turn to [insert any religious figure here]. So times are tough and
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Personally, I believe in the possibility of anything that has any sort of basis in science or philosophical logic. I don't know if Jesus was the Son of God, if Mohammad was a genuine profit, or if a "god" actually exists. They haven't been proven, but they also haven't been disproved and any of the possibilities has a logical philosophical argument for it. I would consider it to be ignorant of me to have total faith in one idea without at least considering the possibility that any of them may be true. Although, I must admit, I lean a very very small amount towards christianity...eternal happiness and continuation of your consciousness all for asking for forgiveness, sounds like a sweet deal to me, haha.
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