Jul 18, 2008 21:29
So I was justing thinking the other day when things were getting real shitty and I came up with some thoughts. I haven't posted in a while so I figured I'd share them with you all.
So when times get real shitty and nobody loves you (not even your brother Billo), many of us turn to [insert any religious figure here]. So times are tough and everyone hates you and you turn to Jesus. And you may turn to him for comfort or solance or hope but really, I think you turn to him because Jesus (or whoever) can't tell you to shut up and go away. Jesus can't turn his back on you like everyone else; therefore, he is the perfect confidante! So what I am getting at, is that maybe Jesus, just religionin general, only exists for comfort. Because religion allows forgivness, it is the perfect best friend. Always there to forgive and forget. It's like religion is just a hotline you can call into and feel better about yourself. But I mean, are you really solving any problems if you just turn to religion at every little boo hoo? Cheating on your husband or commiting murder in the third degree isn't something to be forgiven just because Jesus loves you. So maybe religion is just this dream, this hope that someone really does love us and we really can be forgiven. But just because someone believes in this hopeful solance, doesn't mean it's real. I mean, I believe in ghosts, but that doesn't mean everyone has to. And just because I believe in ghosts and someone else believes in urban legends doesn't mean urban legends shouldn't be believed in, it just means we are two different people with two different minds. So ghosts or no ghosts, Jesus or no Jesus, Mohammad or no Mohammad, we are all still people living in the same contained sphere of land breathing the same air and we should respect and love that. I may not believe in religion, but I believe in faith and hope and love. Above all things, love.