[fic] Desolation Angel - Chapter 5 -part 2-

Feb 05, 2013 22:03

After fifteen minutes or more, Kame finally opens her mouth and begins to chew the food. Jin’s feeding her as he starts a conversation with Koki who’s still sitting in the sofa, watching Jin feeding Kame.

“Sorry I haven’t had a time to tell you about her.” Jin says.

“No need to feel sorry. I was surprised to see her, yes. But it isn’t like I’ll be angry or anything. I’m just curious, what happened to her? Is she mute?” Koki asks from his seat.

“She is suffering from a severe depression and need a proper treatment.” Jin explains briefly to Koki. “I met her on the hospital, I think it won’t do any good for her if she stays at that hospital for too long. That’s why I took her with me.”

“Huh? Do you think you can cure her?” Koki is dumbfounded by what Jin said. He perfectly knows that Jin isn’t a doctor and never plans to be one. How on earth Jin can cure the girl, he wonders “How?”

Jin is about to answer to Koki’s question when they hear the sound of the bell clinging from the 1st floor. Koki takes a glance at the clock, it’s time to open the cafe, that must be one of their customer. “We’ll talk about this later.” Koki says to Jin before he walks out from the room to greet the customer.

Kame ignores him, she’s busy brushing her baby doll’s hair. Jin frowns and starts to wonder if he has done something wrong that makes Kame mad or annoyed. He looks at the clock, he doesn’t have much time to dwell with Kame right now. “Be a good girl. I’ll see you after I’m done with my work.” He smiles to the girl who’s still ignoring him before exiting the room.

After Jin reaches the 1st floor, he goes to the kitchen, wearing an apron and starts preparing order that Koki takes from the customer. The customer of his cafe. He runs a family cafe for a living, with his best friend, Koki. Koki’s been a great help to him, he owes so much to the guy. Despite his scary appearance, Koki doesn’t mind helping him to run a cafe. He knows it might seem strange to see a man, who looks capable enough to do other job, running a family cafe for a living. But what else he can do to support his life? No one wants to employ a person who..

“Jin!” His thought gets interrupted by Koki’s voice who suddenly appearing in the kitchen. “I think I need help on taking orders, can’t handle it! There are too many customers today!” Taking a short glance at the cafe, Jin can see from the counter that they’ve got too many customers and today will be a busy day.

He throws that depressing thought he has before Koki came to the back of his mind, he needs to focus himself on his work. Just a mere thought can’t make him fall apart, not when he’s got a nice life already, with his friend who’s willing to help and Kame who needs his help. “Yosh!! Let’s do this Koki.” With that said, he takes his notes and pencil then proceeds to take orders from customers.

After what feels like a super busy and tiring day, finally it’s time to close the cafe. Jin’s wiping the table when Koki bids goodbye, “See you tomorrow Jin! Get some sleep.” Jin nods and smiles at Koki. He finishes wiping the last table then make sure that the door already locked. Glancing at the clock, it’s almost midnight, Kame must have been sleeping already. He stretches his body then go to the 2nd floor. Opening the door slowly because he doesn’t want to wake up Kame.

To his surprised, Kame’s still wide awake, sitting on the bed with her doll. “Uhm.. Why you haven’t slept? I’ll just take pillow and blanket then sleep on the 1st floor. You don’t have to worry, you can sleep without my presence bothered you.” Jin says as he takes pillow and blanket, then his phone charger from the drawer near the bed.

“Good night, Kame-chan.” He smiles to Kame and ruffling her hair. When he’s about to walk away from the bed, he feels a tug on his shirt. Kame’s gripping the tip of his shirt. “What’s wrong, Kame-chan?” He asks softly.

Kame doesn’t answer, she hangs her head low. It makes Jin feeling worried. “Kame-chan?” Jin tries to gain her attention again. He’s really beginning to feel worried if something bad happened when she’s alone in this room. She’s tightening her grip. Jin’s clueless and worried at the same time. There must be something that bothers her, but she neither answering nor looking at him. How he supposed to understand? He’s beginning to feel frustrated.

Kame looks helpless, she’s biting her lips. Refusing to look at Jin. Then Jin thinks that she might be still scared of what happened with Koki or still haven’t gotten use with her new room. Sighing, Jin told Kame, “I don’t know what’s wrong. But I’ll sleep on that sofa.”

After she hears that, the grip on Jin’s shirt weakened. “And Kame-chan, I think you should release your grip from my shirt.” Kame takes a quick glance at Jin before releasing her grip, she turns her face quickly from Jin. He just chuckles at her antics, then he walks to the sofa near the bed.

“Good night, Kame-chan.” He says when lays down on the couch. He can feel Kame’s stare on his back when he walks towards the sofa. After a few minutes, he hears a soft breathing, it looks like Kame has already fallen asleep. He gets up to check on her, he’s right, she has fallen asleep. Kame must be tired and scared to sleep alone, there’s something about it that makes Jin happy, Kame seems beginning to trust him. She won’t let him sleep on the sofa if she doesn’t trust him, right?

Jin brushes a strand of hair from her face, taking one last glance before turning of the lamp on the bedside table. Then he walks back to the sofa, lays down, and fall asleep instantly with a smile plastered on his face.

a/n 2 : don't you think it's quite a long chapter? Somehow I have to split it into two parts again. Anyhow, now we know about Jin's job, Jin's friend, and more progress from Kame-chan XD I feel kinda bad for Koki because of the shock he got when he saw Kame-chan for the first time. Angel? LOL Oh Koki <3 and sorry because it took me longer than usual to update this fic :/ thank you for those who keep reading and commenting, I LOVE YOU GUYS! See you on the next chapter~

het!kame, multichapter, desolation angel, fanfiction, akame

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