[fic] Desolation Angel - Chapter 5

Feb 05, 2013 21:35

Title : Desolation Angel - Chapter 5
Pairing : akame, more pairings will be informed later.
Genre : AU, Angst, a little bit fluffy.
Rating : PG.
Warning : girl!Kame, character death.
Beta : babanashi
Disclaimer: it's a pure fiction

Summary : Having been through a very bad incident in her past turns her into a mentally shaken woman. No one knows how she ended up like that. No one can’t find out what has happened to her because she is unable to communicate. Her life is a dead-end without a way to turn back, she is stuck inside a ward. Until one day, a man named Akanishi Jin passed the ward she’s been living in. Keeping a questionable past as well, the man decides to help her. Will he be her way out from the dead-end?

a/n 1 : new chapter! enjoy~ There's also new character in this chapter XD

Three days of waiting finally shows its result, Jin gets the permission. Jin gets the call from the nurse when he’s working, she tells him that the police has given their permission for Jin to take care of Kame. That’s a very good news for him. He quickly leaves his work then go to hospital to sign some documents.

Right after he arrives at the hospital, he meets the nurse in the nurse’s room. He’s too excited it makes him forget to knock the door. The nurse has been waiting for him on her desk with all those documents that he have to sign.

“Good afternoon, Akanishi-san,” the nurse greets him as he approaches her desk.

“Good afternoon, ma’am,” Jin responds with smile. He sure is very happy.

“You look so happy. Congratulation, your request gets approval. As I’ve told you on the phone, you have to sign some documents.” The nurse shows him several papers on her desk, she motions him to read them first before signing it.

After Jin finishes reading those documents, he signs and give them back to the nurse. “So when I can take her to my place?” Jin asks.

“I think tomorrow you can take her with you already.” The nurse put the documents inside one envelope, “I’ll give these documents to the director today. I’ll tell one or two nurses to help you packing some of her things, then I’ll also give you a list of her daily activity, like what time she should eat and take her meds.”

Jin just nods. “Well then, if it’s clear, I’ll trust her to you, Akanishi-san. Don’t forget her check-up. Once a week!”

“Thank you. I promise I’ll take care of her and bring her here every once a week for her checkup,” Jin stands up to shake the nurse’s hand. With smile still plastered on his face. He shakes the nurse’s hand firmly.

When he’s out of the nurse room, he makes sure that no one is around only to shout, “Yatta!!” because from now onwards, Kame is fully his.


What was I just thinking? Oh well, he’s too happy, he’ll ponder about that later. Then he walks to Kame’s room, to pack some of her things and to talk to her that he will take her with him. He hopes she would be happy to hear that.

--Next day--
They finally arrive at Jin’s house after two hours driving from the hospital, Jin sees the lady beside him has already fallen asleep. Probably because she’s so tired or bored. He slowly gets out from his car, then he walks to open her door slowly in order not to wake her up. He carries her bridal style, luckily she doesn’t wake up. Maybe she’s really tired.

Jin carries her to the bedroom on the 2nd floor of his house, he prepared this room in one night only. He hopes the room is clean enough for her, he’ll continue cleaning the room tomorrow. After almost trip several times, he finally made it to put her on the bed. It seems that Kame’s very tired, because she only shifts a bit when Jin carries her, she doesn’t even wake up.

Jin covers her with a blanket. Letting out a small smile when she’s changing her position to find more comfortable position. After making sure that she has been tucked safely on the bed, he goes back to the car to take her belongings which is not so many. Only a baby doll and some medicine for one week. Because after a week, she have to go back to hospital again for a check up. The first two weeks will be a “tryout” for her, if there’s something wrong with her, or she freaks out with the condition in his house, she would be immediately moved back to hospital.

“Huh? She only has two clothes?” Jin’s mutters when he looks at the contain of one bag the nurse gave to him. “I must remind myself to buy her some clothes.” He says to himself. Convinced that nothing left on the car, he goes back to her bedroom to put the baby doll beside her so she won’t be freak out when she wakes up.

Jin looks at the clock on the table beside the bed, it shows 3 PM, then he hears the sound of the bell clinging. He checks on Kame one more time before going out from the bedroom to the 1st floor.

When Kame wakes up, she immediately looks at her side and smiles at her baby doll. But then she feels that there’s something unfamiliar with this room, she scans the room quickly and realizes that it isn’t her room. She’s starting to feel scared, hugging her baby doll protectively. She looks troubled by the fact that she’s alone in the room which is definitely not hers. She doesn’t know what to do. She doesn’t remember how she ends up at this place anyway. She’s still sitting on the bed when she remembers about the man who’s always accompany her at the hospital. Where is he? Tears threatens to fall from her eyes after she realizes that man is nowhere to be seen.

She almost cries but then her gaze falls on the window which is showing a blue sky. Slowly she gets off the bed then walks closer to the window. She can see a beautiful beach from the window. Beach, remembering that time at the beach where she met a cute little turtle, she loves the smell of sea breeze, she likes the feeling of water and sands touching her feet. She wants to go to the beach again. Her fear about the man being nowhere to be seen seems to be forgotten, she walks quietly towards the door to find it unlocked, she opens it and walks to the stairs at the corner.

She climbs down the stairs slowly. Stop when she reaches the end of the stairs, there’s a man, not the man whom she usually see, this man has scary look. She hugs her baby doll tightly and doesn’t even move an inch. The man, feeling someone’s presence behind his back immediately turn around. She flinches when their eyes met. They stand still, silence.

“Wha-- who?” the man suddenly speaks, he looks shocked to see unfamiliar girl appears from he doesn’t know where. Kame takes a step back when she hears the man speak.

“Wait..” the man speaks again. She becomes more afraid and takes few steps back.

“Wait wait..!” the man walks closer to her. It scares the hell out of her. When he realizes, she has already run to the second floor.

“Hey! Wait!!” She hears the man’s voice and footsteps, it seems that he’s chasing her. She’s extremely scared, then she decides to go back to the bedroom. She runs to the corner of the room, crouching down with one hand hugging the baby doll and her other hand protecting her head.

She can hear his footsteps, closer and closer to her. She’s so scared but she doesn’t dare to scream. She hears the clicked sound of the door being opened. Oh no.. help me.. please help me.... She screams inside her head.

But then she hears the door being closed again, still feeling scared. After a few minutes of silence, she gathers her courage to glance at the door without getting up from her position. The door is still closed, it means that the scary man doesn’t chase her anymore.

Jin arrives at home with a big bag of groceries and one bag of nice clothes for Kame. He’s a bit embarrassed when he has to choose all of those girl clothes for Kame at the department store all by himself, but he can’t deny that he wants to see Kame in those clothes as soon as possible. She will be very beautiful. All these times, he only sees her in plain white pajama for hospital patients.

He doesn’t even bother to arrange the groceries inside the fridge, he just put it on the counter. He’s too busy imagining Kame in her new clothes when his friend approaches him and babbling about something sounds like ‘angel, white, and transparent’.

“Woah.. Koki calm down. What are you babbling about?” Jin asks his friend confusedly.

“Oh god I think I saw an angel!”

He doesn’t quite catch what is this angel his friend talking about, so he just staring at his friend dumbfoundedly.

“Oh my god, Jin! I think I saw an angel!!” his friend screams to his face.

“What? angel?” maybe Koki has gone crazy or something because it makes nonsense to him, angel?!

“Angel. She is pretty, dressed in white, long black hair, and looks transparent.” Koki explains while making some awkward gesture with his hands.

“Maybe what you were seeing a ghost.”

“No! It’s undoubtedly an angel!”

“How can you be so sure?”

“She’s stunning, Jin! She’s so bright, she’s the most beautiful creature I’ve ever seen in my entire life! She is definitely an angel. One hundred percent sure.”

Jin laughs at that, his friend can be so weird sometimes. He believes that his friend is only seeing things, maybe one day-off will be useful for him. “If she’s an angel then she would have gotten scared by your scary looks,” he points out as a matter of factly.

“Yeah.. she’s scared of me. She ran to your room, I was about to open the door when I heard you came,” Koki says.

“Eh?!” Realization hit him, he knows who’s this angel his friend has seen. Bewildered, he ran to his room, leaving Koki all confused.

“Why does everyone run away from me?!” Koki asks to himself as he proceeds to check on groceries Jin bought.

When Jin comes into his room, he scans the room and finds the girl at the corner of his room. Curling up and sobbing, she’s also covering her head with her hand. Jin has noticed that it’s kind of her way for protecting herself.

He walks closer to her, slowly, to prevent from freaking her out. “Kame-chan?” He calls her gently. But she flinches and wraps her body tighter.

“Kame-chan?” He calls her again, waiting a few seconds to see her reaction.

As if her brain has registered his familiar voice, she raises her face to look at him. There’s a streak of tears on both of her cheeks. She looks at him helplessly like a lost puppy.

“Kame-chan, are you okay?” He asks her again. A drop tears falls from her eyes before she starts sobbing. Jin doesn’t know what to do and her next action renders him perplexed. Kame suddenly jumps on him then clings to his left arm tightly while crying. Jin only stays still. He thinks it’ll be better to let Kame cries, clinging onto him than pushing her away.

After a few minutes, Kame’s sob has subsided. Jin waits a few more minutes until she fully calmed down. He remembers Koki and his outburst about seeing an angel, he should introduce Kame to Koki. Unless he wants Koki to think that what he has seen is really an angel.

When Jin is sure enough that Kame has calmed down, he takes her left hand, guiding her to go out from the room. She hesitates when they almost reaches the stair. “Don’t worry, I’m here. I’ll be with you.” He convinces her.

She seems to trust Jin because after he says that, she walks down the stairs as Jin keeps on repeating, “Don’t worry. I’ll be beside you. That’s good.” Until they reaches the 1st floor. Jin smiles reassuringly to her while guiding her to the counter where Koki’s busy preparing something.

“Oi Koki!” Jin calls his friend.

“AH THAT ANGEL!” Koki shrieks when he turns his body and sees who is beside Jin. It scares Kame so she immediately hides behind Jin.

“Idiot! Shut up! You’re scaring her.” Jin warns Koki. “She’s definitely a human.”

“Hey Kame-chan, don’t be scared.” Jin turns his head to Kame who’s still hiding behind him. “He’s just my friend.”

Koki approaches them as Kame’s grip on Jin’s hand gets tighter. “Uhm.. I’m sorry about what happened earlier. Didn’t mean to scare you.” Koki apologizes to the girl who still hiding on Jin’s back. Koki sends a confused stare to Jin, wondering why the girl seems to be so scared of him.

“Sorry Koki, she still needs to adapt to her new surroundings.” Jin apologizes on her behalf. He guides her back to the stairs. “I’ll tell you about her later.” He says to Koki before climbing up the stairs with Kame.

When they already back at Jin’s room, he let her to sit on the bed and gives her the baby doll, she hugs it immediately. Chuckling at her antics, Jin sits on the sofa near the bed. He needs to talk about Koki to her.

“You know, that guy we met downstairs is one of my best friend.” Jin starts, he knows that Kame is listening to him. “His name is Koki. I think he mistook you as an angel.” He chuckles lightly at his friend silliness.

“He’s got that scary look, I know. But you don’t have to be scared of him because he’s a nice and gentle person at heart.” Despite his scary look, Jin knows better than anyone that Koki’s the most gentle guy he ever find on earth. That guy doesn’t even have a heart to kill ants.

Seeing that there’s no reaction from her, he keeps on going with his talks. “He will protect you too, just like I do.” Kame shakes her head, hugging her baby doll tighter. “He will take care of you when I’m too busy and unable to do that.”

Kame keeps shaking her head upon hearing what Jin said. Jin’s about to continue on convincing her about Koki when he hears someone’s calling him from out of the door. “Jin! It’s me, I bring dinner for her.” It’s Koki, Jin opens the door for him and takes the tray from Koki. “Thanks.” He says to Koki.

Jin comes back inside the room with Koki trailing behind him then sits on the sofa near the bed. Jin brings the food to the bed. Then he starts feeding Kame but she refuses to eat the food.

“Kame-chan you have to eat.” Jin says gently as he hands a spoonful of rice in front of her mouth. She keeps her mouth closed, she even turns her face away from Jin direction. Jin realizes that perhaps it’s because Koki’s still there, looking at them intently from the sofa.

Sighing, he can’t tell Koki to leave them. Kame must to get used to Koki’s presence. Jin knows from the beginning that even though he has managed to get Kame out of the hospital, he needs someone to help him on taking care of Kame, and Koki is the right person for it. So he keeps persuading Kame to eat the food. It might take longer than usual but it doesn’t matter to him.

( part 2)

het!kame, multichapter, desolation angel, akame

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