Step right over the line...

Jan 06, 2008 03:26

DUDE. *_*! DUDE. I have my brand-new Moto Q, and there has never ever been any inanimate object more beautiful on the face of the planet. I am going to take pictures and ramble incessantly at some point in the near future. I NEED A NAME FOR IT. My laptop is Sammy II (Because it is an exact replica of Sammy, which was my most recent stolen laptop and which replaced Remus, the laptop-before-last because that one got beaten down by the Man, and was also an exact replica of Rufus, which was my FIRST stolen laptop. They have all been HP Pavilions, and I will NEVER HAVE ANYTHING ELSE. THEY OWN ME.) and my movie/music player (an Archos, not an iPod, thank you very much) is Jared. I have an external hard drive named Sirius which I never use and another one that is 500 gigs that I use all the time, but it doesn't have a name. I don't think. It might, but if it does, I do not remember it. I am kind of lame about naming my electronic equipment, because I like to do it, but I always forget to call the named things by their names. :/ I always just say "my laptop" or "my hard drive". It's harder to say "AV500" though, so I actually do call that one Jared. I'm getting more uesd to Sammy now that I have been saying it for a while.

ANYWAY POINT IS. I have a brand new phone and it does email and IM and web-browsing and document-reading and pictures and video and music and everything anyone could ever dream of and it is beautiful and slim but has nice big buttons and I have spent ALL DAY fiddling with it and setting it up and stuff. :D! I need to do some more file transfers between it and my computer to get all the music and pictures I want on it, but then it will be ALL READY.


In other news, I finished making amissio watch SPN season 1, and MAN. I am STILL not over Sammy's wall-slamming and Dean's ridiculous eyes of emo-love, even though that makes about the billionth time I've seen them. *_*! I am forcing him to start season 2 with me on Tuesday, too, and I am v. excited. REWATCHING MAKES THE HEART GROW FONDER! I don't know that I will be able to make it all the way to the 31st without dying of withdrawal, though. D: At least Steven heartily approves of and clearly sees the RAMPANT BROTHERLOVE.

We also watched Spun (coincidentally! I say "SPN" like "spun", so it is extra-funny), which is a fucking INSANE movie about meth-heads which has like. Everyone EVER in it. Has anyone else seen it? It was AWESOME yet left us going o.O?! rather spectacularly.

I ALSO went out to the movies a few days ago with auroradream and redragonfly027 and madorange, and we saw PS I Love You. Now, I freely admit that it was lame and sappy and not a great cinematic achievement. And I also freely admit that I'm not generally all that much of a JDM fan. BUT OMFG. JDM WITH AN IRISH ACCENT PLAYING THE GUITAR AND HAVING TATTOOS AND RUNNING AROUND NAKED? Suddenly it is like. A SERIOUSLY WORTHWHILE FILM. Ahahaha. <3333! He was so lovely! And so schmoo! And SO WEIRDLY ATTRACTIVE.

Kind of relatedly: WHY DID NO ONE TELL ME ALEXIS BLEDEL IS IN BRIDE AND PREJUDICE? I like. Had a heart attack when she came on screen. *_*!

UNrelatedly, I meant to talk about NYE stuff, but it's kind of late for that, now. :/ I went out with some friends to an actual bar and had actual champagne while watching the ball drop and it was all very nice until one of said friends was SO BLINDINGLY DRUNK I had to take her outside and watch her belch grotesquely into the gutter. Also, there was this guy there, and he was probably the hottest person I have ever actually seen in real life, and he was hitting on this blindingly drunk friend of mine, and while he went away to get her a drink, she made out with this horrifying old guy instead. And when hot guy came back, he saw her making out with ugly guy, and IT WAS SO SAD. D: Jesus, though. I will never forget hot guy as long as I live. HE WAS SIX FOOT SIX, PEOPLE. AND SO GORGEOUS I THOUGHT MY EYES WOULD FALL OUT OF MY HEAD. I should have pretended to be off-my-ass drunk and molested him.

And then Steven and I went to IHOP at 3 AM and some drunk guys thought we were a couple, and one of them put his arm around me while we were waiting for a table and assured Steven that he wasn't making a move on "his girl". I ALMOST DIED LAUGHING. Then the other guy complimented my shoes. And said he'd looked for a similar pair for his girlfriend but couldn't find them. INDEED.

So it looks like I am on RL stuff now. Um, my big sister has been here for all of break so far, but she is leaving tomorrow. D: She hopped in bed with me this morning, though, and we had a long snuggly sleep-in together, and then tonight we had a nice long heart-to-heart about various Issues before she went to sleep, so that was really great. I miss her a lot sometimes, just because we have completely separate lives these days, and it's hard to ever find places and times for them to overlap. I am probs still going to be awake when she and my mom get up to go to the airport soon, ahaha whoops!

And back to non-RL! I have a list of 3028604863087 grammar issues I want to broach at some point, since people seemed to find the "awhile"/"a while" thing useful. I'd thought about maybe doing like. A SERIES kind of a thing where I talk about something different every week, but I also think maybe that would seem really lame and condescending, which is obvs not my intention. Maybe I will do a poll or something (speaking of which, Vet AU it is!).

Although! You know what I don't mind sounding condescending about? THE PROSTATE. For serious. I was going to post a big rant about it tonight, but it's actually tomorrow morning by now, so I am going to save up my in-depth discussion with pictorial aids to foist upon you all later.

...WOW THAT WAS A LAME POST. Here, have something that is not lame, instead: Trickle Down to Our Goodbyes, by gretazreta. I know everyone in the world has recced this, but that is because IT DESERVES TO BE RECCED BY EVERYONE IN THE WORLD. I was all-out sobbing at this, and it's not even angsty. It is beautiful and schmoopy and moving and TOUCHING. And I just felt so *hands* while reading it, I cannot even describe it. It makes you cry and your chest hurt, but then it wraps you in a big fluffy blanket and holds you close and tells you it'll all be okay, you know? GOD it was so awesome.

recs - spn and cwrps

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