Demons are prowling everywhere nowadays...

Jan 02, 2008 23:52

I was watching Gossip Girl with my computer on my lap in the family room because FINALLY we got wireless in my house. *_*! And there was a promo for some Miss America reality show on TLC hosted by MARC FROM UGLY BETTY, and this was almost IMMEDIATELY after there was a Subway commercial starring CLIFF FROM UGLY BETTY. Genius marketing, CW.

In other news, I saw Sweeney Todd with liberalnun a few days ago, and it was OASINfosinfhosifnh AWESOME and amazing and I have been listening to the Broadway soundtrack rather a lot since. During the trailers, there was one for Step Up 2, and besides being nostalgic for when lazy_daze and I saw the FIRST Step Up, I spazzed out because there were some brief flashes of a chick in the movie who looks SO MUCH LIKE SANDY, and I was really excited for a second until I decided I totally would've heard about it by now if it WERE Sandy, and sure enough it was not. D: D: D: ANYWAY I clearly need to see Step Up 2 and imagine the spectacular Jsquared AU that could result.


Being home for break means LOTS of random TV watching. I saw Gypsy from Gilmore Girls on some Disney Channel monstrosity the other day, even. Also, I may possibly have watched most of an episode of Wife Swap. :/ CLEARLY I SHOULD NEVER BE ALLOWED TO HAVE FREE TIME NOT INVOLVING A COMPUTER. EVER. Although I did manage to see the GAY VERSION of that overplayed Levi commercial with the phone booth. SUDDENLY I'M NOT SICK OF IT ANYMORE! :D!

Speaking of free time. Now that I've finally finished If At First You Don't Succeed, Suck Seed, I have a BLISSFULLY FREE schedule, fic-and-fandom-commitment-wise. I kind of want to make a poll to see what I should write next, but like. THAT WOULD BE REALLY LAME, WOULDN'T IT? D: I want to, though! Okay, I'm doing it. I do not care if it's tacky!

Poll Lucy Cannot Make Decisions, Exhibit A

And, because I am not ENTIRELY self-centered, as shocking as that is, here are some RECS:

drinking dust with eyes of rust, by vinylroad. If you'd told me that I would one day read Sam/Jo preseries AU and love it, I would have said you were insane. But then Kat came along and BLEW MY PRECONCEIVED NOTIONS OUT OF THE WATER. This was lyrical and visceral and absolutely magnificent.

We Meed Face To Face To Face, by cormallen. I love nothing more than kinkfics that take the psychological issues the boys would clearly have in the real world seriously, and USE that to make the kinks real and believable and have purpose. And this fic does just that. Awesome.

Behold and See, by annella. Jared + Jensen + Handel's Messiah = HOT SEX. WOULD WOULD'VE GUESSED. ;)! Besides me, because clearly my ability to see Jsquared AUs everywhere I look was DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE for this epic feat. :D! I am only SORT OF kidding.

Real Person Fiction, by phaballa. I don't know whether to laugh or cry, oh my GOD. Jared/Jensen AU, and they are popslashers. Among other things. AMAZING. Hilarious but there's some stark and hurty too, because like. It's a kind of heavy dose of THIS IS YOUR LIFE. I may or may not be intimately familiar with a large number of events in this story in their original form, as I'm sure many of the rest of you are. ESPECIALLY IF YOU HAVE EVER BEEN IN HP FANDOM, JESUS. AHAHA.

I also wanted to talk about New Year's and grammar and prostates. But perhaps it's best to save it for the next post, as I do tend to get rather WORDY. Hah.

recs - spn and cwrps

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