... where the girl (and it's always a girl) is frantically trying every door to look for a place to hide from whatever's following her, but they're all locked?
Well, it happened to me today. I was followed by a creeper. My car's in the shop, so I walked to the AAA to drop off my change of address form. On my way, I passed a guy who turned his car around and came back and said I was attractive. Which was no big deal, but 15 minutes later, heading the other way, he passed me again, and kept trying to talk to me, and was feeling himself up. I tried to lose him twice and thought I did, but then he was pulled to the sidewalk, waiting for me.
The first two businesses I tried were closed; finally I found one that was open, and they let me sit there while I called my dad to come and pick me up and drive me home. Not my most self-sufficient moment, but the important thing is, I'm safe.
(And I didn't have a panic attack. Waiting for my dad, jumping at every sound, I gave myself permission to have one once I was safe. But by then, I didn't need to anymore. I'm still jittery and hyper-vigilant, and probably will be for a few more hours, but the worst is over.)
Now I'm at home, with my two big dogs. I gave them each a cookie, for making me feel safe. And I'm going to try and channel what I felt through Esther's POV, and write a tense scene about evading Nazis.
I'm such a writer.
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