Christmas/Birthday/New Year's/General Update

Jan 01, 2009 18:26

Well, for those of you who read Rune Master, you know that I had the wonderful misfortune of getting a bladder infection the week of finals and thus throwing me out of commission from comicking for about two weeks. It made me decide to take December off, and I've spent time rebuilding the comic page buffer (after I finished recovering from the fever and dizziness) and enjoying time with my family.

Mom's back to normal - she was soon after I went back to school for finals. Just like Dad and I suspected, it was withdrawl from the meds that was making her wonky. So, even with being sick, this Christmas holiday has been MUCH better than Thanksgiving.

On top on Christmas, Mom and I both have birthdays in December - and mine's just two days after Christmas. So, our "Holiday Haul" is generally a bit more than other people. I don't mean that in a bragging or superior way; simply that since me and my family are a bunch of movie junkies, we tend to leave December with a lot more DVDs than we started with. This year was no different, even with us working on a tighter budget thanks to the economy. Which is honestly fine with me, because these days the only things I find I really want that aren't directly related to my art supplies or something else practical are DVDs, books, or games.

So I just asked for the first few books of Elaine Cunningham's Songs and Swords and the first season of Scrubs. I got those, plus a few humorous books for my birthday [If you love Stephen Colbert like I do, you MUST read I am America (And so can you!)]. Basically, in just two weeks, I've finished three fantasy novels, two short humor books, watched two full seasons of Scrubs and plenty of other DVDs, drawn around 20 RM pages... And been working on retweaking BAH Studios - the last won't be done until I'm back in Savannah. It's been an amazingly productive, yet very stress-relieving break. I couldn't think of a better way to end a very shaky year.

To kick off this year, I got one of my piercings redone (it was too slanted and hard to put earrings in, so I finally got sick of it and let it close up) and I'll be off my comic hiatus on Monday. I have a little less than two weeks before classes start, so we'll see if I can keep up the level of productivity before school encroaches on a fair chunk of my time.

Don't worry - as long as I don't get horribly, horribly sick again/there's no insane family crisis, I'll have no problem keeping up the Monday-Friday schedule, even with classes.

Speaking of RM, CP (Carissa) and I started it in December 2005, and I since I can't remember what day it was, I declared last year to celebrate it on my birthday so I can be lazy and only memorize one date. So, as of December 27th, 2008, I am 22 and Rune Master is 3 years old. Whoo!

Here's hoping everyone has a great New Year!

christmas, new year, birthday

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