LiveJournal is 25: interesting facts about me and my blog

Apr 16, 2024 22:24

1. LJ appeared in April 1999, the year when I… Don't have a clue what I was doing. I didn't even own a computer back then.

2. As a child, I wanted to become a… Stuntwoman, or a policewoman, or a vet, but it turned out I wasn't suited to be any of those things. We live and learn.

3. My favorite school subject was… English, which, now that I write fanfic, is at least still useful, unlike most of the other subjects I was required to take.

4. The tune of my carefree youth is... A toss up between Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody and Glen Campbell's Rhinestone Cowboy, with a side order of Tiger Feet by Mud.

5. A book (or an author) that influenced me Alan Garner's Weirdstone of Brisingamen, which still creeps me out as much as it did when my schoolteacher first read in to the class. I was 9 or 10 at the time, but the story still holds up even so many years later.

6. A city (or cities) I truly love London, I guess. My family came from there originally, and we used to visit relatives there several times a year. It holds a lot of fond memories, even though all the relatives are long gone.

7. I started an LJ blog in … because I wanted... To read fanfic, of course. Lots and lots of fanfic. I never intended to write anything, but over 2k fics later, well, you can see how well THAT worked out. I still read fanfic though.

8. The catch phrase that nearest and dearest recognize me by… Where did I put my...?

9. A movie I’m never tired to watch again The first Hellboy movie, Pitch Black, and Serenity are my three most-watched movies.

10. When I was 25, I liked to… Read books while knitting. I read and knitted a lot. I knitted so much I'll never need to buy another sweater. I'm still knitting sweaters. I need more sweater storage. Or a few clones to wear all the sweaters...

11. I can’t live a day without… Writing. I haven't missed a day of writing in at least 12 years. That's a lot of days, and several million words.

12. An LJ post I’d like to recommend to everyone… Any of my Nosy-Verse fics. My fluffy friend was supposed to be a one-off character, but it stuck around, and now I wish Fluffs were real.

13. I’m proud of… Oddly enough, my writing. I'll never be one of the greats, but my fics make people laugh, and that makes me happy.

14. If I could give advice to myself from 1999, I’d… Tell my self to start writing now instead of waiting until 2010. Think how many more fics I could have written if only I'd started sooner!

15. My favorite LJ blog(s) All of my wonderful LJ friends who have supported me through some rough times over the last decade and a half.

16. My favorite LJ community (-ies) All of the Torchwood communities, and currently, 1_million_words, because I'm loving the inventive Weekend writing challenges.

17. A dish (or a food product) I learned to like only as an adult Yogurt. Weird, huh? My mother would never buy it when I was a kid. I had to wait until I had money to buy it for myself.

18. Within these 25 years I’ve visited… Countless realms inside my own head. It's the only way to travel.

19. My favorite cure for sadness is… Writing something silly. The sadder I am, the funnier my stories are.

20. If I didn’t have to work, I’d do… Writing, and gardening, and crafting, all day, every day, and I'd still need longer days to do it all. Where do I apply for the extended 48-hour day package?

21. My superpower is… the ability to type fast using only one finger! Seriously, that's how I type.

22. A useful skill I’d like to teach younger generations is… How to use apostrophes correctly. Also, how to knit, because if you can knit you can make cosy things to wear, and cute toys, and knitting is just awesome. So are apostrophes when they're in the right places.

23. If I could spend a day as an animal, that would be… Ooh, difficult choice. A horse maybe, or a wolf. Or a dragon.

24. The way I’d like to grow old is… Happily, healthily, and still writing.

25. I’m grateful to LJ for… All the friends I've made all over the world.

#lj25, real life

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