Title: The Big Freeze
badly_knittedCharacters: Ianto, Jack.
Rating: G
Written For: Challenge 741: Freeze at
Spoilers: Nada.
Summary: Cardiff seldom gets this cold.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.
A/N: Double drabble.
Being situated on the coast, Cardiff usually avoided the worst of the winter weather. Warmer air coming in off the sea tended to hold the snow and ice at bay, so they’d get frost, and the occasional light dusting of snow, but seldom much more than that.
Right now, however, the wind was blowing from the opposite direction, blasting across the Brecon Beacons, carrying heavy snow clouds that hadn’t managed to dump all of their load over the higher ground.
It wasn’t quite blizzard conditions yet, but the snow flurries meant business. Streets were already treacherous under a layer of snow, ponds were frozen solid, and ice was even forming at the edges of Cardiff Bay.
“Haven’t had a big freeze like this in a long time,” Jack said, as he and Ianto made their way across the Plas, bundled up like Arctic explorers.
“Good thing the council turns the water tower off in winter. If that froze solid it might cause us a few problems in the Hub. Too bad we can’t the turn the Rift off in bad weather though.”
“But think of the fun we’d have missed out on!” Jack said.
“Weevils on ice is NOT fun!”
The End