Title: In The Undergrowth
badly_knittedCharacters: Jack, Tosh, Owen, Ianto, Team.
Rating: G
Written For: Challenge 719: Tangle at
Spoilers: Nada.
Summary: The Rift seems to enjoy making life difficult for the Torchwood team.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.
A/N: Double drabble.
Cardiff was a big city, with several residential suburbs, of which Splott was probably the least appealing. From a Torchwood agent’s point of view that was at least partly because the Rift seemed to like it so much. A good fifty-five percent of all Rift events occurred either in Splott, or just outside the area, which couldn’t be put down to mere coincidence.
So here the team was, once again searching for something among the neglected backyards of a derelict row of terraced houses deep in the wilds of Splott.
Tosh was having trouble getting a lock on the new arrival’s exact position, so the team split up, each taking one of the gardens, more like jungles with their overgrown shrubs and tangles of bramble, ivy, and bindweed. It was slow going.
“Found it!” Tosh called over comms. an hour or so later.
“Good work! Okay, kids, back to base!” Jack was more than happy to call it a day. Owen, on the other hand…
“Help! Get me outta here!” Torchwood’s medic was now completely tangled in brambles.
“At least it’s not you this time,” Ianto told Jack as he pulled secateurs from his pocket. “Good thing I came prepared.”
The End