Title: Riding The Rapids - Sequel To ‘
Time For Fun’
Fandom: FAKE
badly_knittedCharacters: Dee, Ryo.
Rating: PG
Setting: After Vol. 7.
Summary: The kayaking trip is finally getting underway.
Written Using: The tw100 prompt ‘Speed’.
Disclaimer: I don’t own FAKE, or the characters. They belong to the wonderful Sanami Matoh.
A/N: Triple drabble.
The water here at the starting point is slow and lazy. They load their supplies, encased in plastic, into the bottom of their rented kayak and strap everything down securely, just in case they manage to capsize. It probably won’t happen, but it’s always wise to take precautions so that food, camping equipment, and clothes stay dry. There’s always the chance it might rain too, and the spray from the rapids themselves can soak a guy to the skin; Dee knows that from experience.
He and Ryo check each other’s lifejackets; there’s a spare with their gear in case a sharp rock causes a puncture, but in all the times they’ve done this they’ve never needed it. Doesn’t mean they can afford to ignore safety protocols. Once they’re ready, they settle themselves comfortably into their kayak, Ryo towards the front and Dee further back. They share a giddy grin as they pick up their paddles, then they unhitch the mooring lines and they’re away, carried gently along by the current in the pre-dawn light.
The sun is just cresting the mountains as they reach the first set of rapids some three miles downstream from their starting point. The current has been picking up speed over the last mile or so as the canyon narrows, rocky walls closing in from both sides, so they’re ready for it when the foaming white water comes into view and they dig their paddles in hard, steering their craft towards a narrow channel between two massive boulders.
Dee can hear Ryo laughing as he’s hit by a wall of spray, and then they’re through, riding the crest of the surge, pushing off from rocks, working their paddles to aim the kayak’s bow in the right direction.
The speed’s exhilarating; it’s like soaring through a thunderstorm!
TBC in ‘
Winding Down’