Doctor Who Ficlet: Paralysed

May 05, 2022 17:53

Title: Paralysed
Fandom: Doctor Who
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Donna Noble, Tenth Doctor.
Rating: G
Spoilers: Not really.
Summary: Donna is not at all happy about the situation the Doctor’s landed them in.
Word Count: 525
Written For: juliet316’s prompt ‘Doctor Who, Ten and Donna, (temporary) paralysis,’ at fic_promptly.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Doctor Who, or the characters. They belong to the BBC.

She’s going to kill him this time, Donna swears silently inside her head. Just as soon as they get out of this, she’s going to kill him deader than dead, and then kill him again! Of all the stupid situations the Doctor’s dragged her into this is hands down the worst. And if she doesn’t actually kill him, because on second thoughts that wouldn’t be anywhere near enough of a punishment, she’s going to make him wish she had. She can’t move so much as an eyelash, and it’s all his fault!

What was he thinking? Oh, that’s right, he’s the Doctor so he probably wasn’t thinking at all. For a supposedly intelligent alien super-brainiac, he can be as thick as two short planks, just blundering in without any kind of plan in case things go wrong, which they often do.

‘I should’ve stayed home with mum and gramps,’ Donna decides. London might be a bit on the boring, unexciting side most days, but from what she’s seen since she agreed to go travelling through time and space in the TARDIS, that isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

It’s no consolation to Donna knowing that the Doctor’s in exactly the same predicament as she is, the pair of them as stiff and frozen as a couple of marble statues, completely paralysed head to toe by some kind of… paralysing ray. He looks stupid, frozen in mid-action, mouth open and eyebrows raised, caught in the act of scratching his nose. He’s drooling a bit too. Hah! Serves him right. Donna tries not to think how she must look. She can’t quite remember what she was doing when the ray hit her, and as she can neither move her eyes nor feel sensation in any part of her body, she has no way of finding out. Hopefully she’s managed to retain at least a modicum of dignity.

In a way she’s glad they were frozen more or less facing each other. It’s vaguely comforting being able to see the Doctor, even if she’s mad at him, and anyway, if she can see him then he can see her, so she focuses her eyes on his and gives him her best death glare, pouring all her anger and indignation into it. He’s so going to owe her if, no, WHEN they get out of this. A nice quiet planet somewhere, with a beach, where nobody’s trying to kill them, that’s where she’ll tell him to take her, and he’ll listen to her if he knows what’s good for him. One thing she’s learned from her mother is how to nag; she’ll keep at him until he gives in.

One of the Doctor’s eyes twitches faintly, a barely perceptible movement; Donna wouldn’t have caught it if she hadn’t been focusing on his eyes so intently. Is he trying to wink at her? The bloody cheek of it! Or is he trying to tell her something? Does he have a plan for getting them both out of this? If he doesn’t then he’d better come up with one sharpish!

Oh, she is SO going to kill him! Just maybe not today.

The End

fic, fic_promptly, fic: one-shot, donna noble, ficlet, doctor who, the doctor, fic: g

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