May 13, 2012 21:31
Yesterday I biked 21 miles to a friend's house for lunch... You read that right. I surprised even me.... and then we all went to Forest park and biked off road: Leif Ericson trail which runs along the crest of the Tualatin Mountain Range adjacent to highway 30 running from Portland, toward St. Helens (as in Volcano)...Anyway, I had a BLAST biking offroad... Just like being a kid again. 42 miles biked yesterday, including quite a few hills.
Today, I headed out for a grocery run on the bike... 18 mile round trip, approx. .5mi short of my halfway destination, powering away from a stoplight, I heard a loud CRAQUE! (French bike)... broken rear axel. I was able to complete my shopping and bike the 8.85 miles slowly home...made it with no real trouble...
BUT...with all that, a MILESTONE WAS REACHED: I've officially biked 1006 miles since the beginning of the year. about 700 of that since March 22, (month and a half, basically, considering the week I took off for my trip). I'm actually kind of impressed with myself.
Oh yeah... I also, for the first time since New Years (I think), have dipped below 230 pounds. THAT feels pretty damn good, too.