Aug 01, 2005 22:53
The other day I had a stocatzo pizza, It had mozzarella and goat cheese, caramelized onions, woodgrilled chicken, roasted garlic, and rosemary. I think it was just about the best pizza Ive ever had....better than St louis pizza too. My sister would like it except the chicken. But yea This place up here called Deep Fork Wood Grill has excellent food. Lee works there as the catering manager so Im there fairly often. I helped him make Tiramisu (< spelling?) for 7 caterings. Im doing an ice sculpture for one of his caterings this week. But yea anyway before I got that awesome pizza last night I saw a blues singer named "watermelon slim"...some of you might have heard of him, and it was a lot of fun. Thats about everything interesting that has happened lately. I gotta go register for classes tomorrow...hopefully its not to late. Anyways that it for now.