A few days after the season finale of Lost aired, I found a Sawyer/Kate fic. It's not that great. Story link:
What Kind of Love Is This.
Sporking is in bold.
Vincent?” Jack asked. Kate didn’t say anything, but when they came through the clearing, there was no sign of Rose or Bernard.
“Where are they?” Sawyer asked Vincent. Vincent barked again and then bounded into the jungle. Sawyer, Kate, and Jack all followed him. They were walking quickly and they were walking for about 15 minutes before they heard a small trickling sound. When they came through the trees they were at the caves. Vincent was barking again and pawing slightly at the skeletons which had deteriorated even more.
“They died here?” Kate whispered. “Well when the hell did they die?”
“I’m guessing back in the 70’s,” Jack answered. -Okay, Rose and Bernard died, but Vincent didn't? It's 2007 in Lost world. How exactly did Vincent survive so long?
“Yeah,” she nodded. He took a deep breath and then leaned toward her and kissed her. I'm sorry, but it's only been less than day since Juliet's death? Why exactly would Sawyer and Kate kiss?
He knew why. He loved Kate because of everything she was and everything she wasn’t. Juliet was the safe route. Kate was someone who challenged him day to day. Kate had his heart. Kate was with him through all the good times and bad times. Even though he had more time with Juliet, he shared more experiences with Kate. All he and Juliet had to do was live happily with the Dharma Initiative. The only bad things they ever went through was flashing through time and the flaming arrows. I don't even know what to say here. How was Juliet the safe route exactly?
What I was going to say Kate,” he began again. “Is that, I know that Sawyer loved Juliet. They spent all their time together. You know that saying "time heals all wounds"…well in Sawyer’s case, it was really true. -Yes, two days is enough to heal Sawyer of his love for Juliet. I mean, that's totally true to life. You get over the girl you've been with for three years in only two days!
“No,” Jacob shook his head. “Juliet doesn’t count. She knew all that stuff about you. You didn’t have to tell her anything. She just knew. I know you think what you had with Juliet was real, but how can it be real when she knew everything about you and you knew nothing about her.” -Why is Jacob getting involved? And why is he alive again? And how would Jacob even know this stuff?
I loved her,” Sawyer said.
“I know you did,” he nodded. “But it wasn’t a real love James. You and Kate loved each other. That was real and it still is. It’s very much real for the both of you. Kate thought that Jack was who she wanted. She thought that she loved him because he was a hero and he was good. But he wasn’t good enough for her.” -Way to tell the guy that, Jacob! And who is he to know that what Sawyer and Juliet had wasn't a real love?
“So you slept with him the night before you came?” he asked. “How do you know that you’re not pregnant then?”
“Because it’s call birth control Sawyer,” she answered, trying to be light about it, but not succeeding in making him smile. -Yes, because birth control is always 100% effective. And it's only been a few days since Jack and Kate slept together, so Kate wouldn't even know if she was pregnant yet.
“You and Kate,” she started again. “You and Kate are supposed to raise Aaron. Aaron deserves a mommy and a daddy. You’re supposed to raise him.”
“Ok,” Jacob began. “Mommy and daddy first.” -Excuse me, but what about the fact that Aaron can't be raised by another? I'm pretty sure Sawyer and Kate are included in that.
I’ll have to do the right thing I guess,” she said. “It won’t be easy. It will suck for me, but I did it once, and this time, I have someone to help me through it.”
“Ok,” Carole answered. “I guess I can’t keep you from him. He missed you. He asked for you every night.”
“I missed you momma,” Aaron confirmed. -I'm pretty sure Carole isn't going to just give up her grandson like that. Who does that?
“He knew that I only kept Aaron because Aaron filled the void that you left,” she said. -I'm pretty sure Kate kept Aaron because she loved him.
“I’m not pregnant,” she insisted. “I’m not. I couldn’t get pregnant on an island where the sperm count is heightened…I don’t know why I’d get pregnant off the island.” -Who said anything about the sperm count being heightened on the island? And how would Kate even know what's up with the Island?
“Juliet,” he sighed. “Juliet, you don’t want me and Kate to take your baby away from you.”
“I don’t want her,” she shook her head. “She reminds me too much of you. I can’t-”
“Me and Kate are not going to take her,” he told her firmly.
“You said you would take responsibility if she was yours!” she screamed. Sawyer sighed heavily and looked at Juliet. She had tears streaming down her face. He looked at her and shook her head. -Juliet would totally abandon her baby. She's just that type of person! And why exactly would Sawyer refuse to take the baby?
I don't even know why everyone would get off the Island when it took them three years to get back! I just can't believe this fic.