Fluff Attack - Komoriuta

Apr 15, 2012 02:58

Light always wondered why L had such dark circles under his eyes.

This is my very first sporking. I really hate fluff in Death Note fanfiction, because it just goes so much against canon. Given the "summary", I expected some crack, but no.

Sporking in bold.

This title is never explained. I supposed it's a Japanese word but was too lazy to google. After showing the spork to my room-mate, though, who speaks Japanese, he explained to me it means "cradle-song". This has no connection to the story whatsoever.

Light always wondered why L had such dark circles under his eyes.
This is not a summary, it's a tagline at best. A tagline that doesn't sum up the story. Also, since Light is not an idiot, why would he have trouble figuring this out?

Someone is touching me.
Who are you? This is the very first sentence.

L lies next to me, his pale face white in the dark. His eyes are closed, darting about wildly behind the eyelids. Asleep, and dreaming, and holding onto my arm as if I'm the safest thing in the world.
I deduce it's Light, although without the hint in the "summary" it could easily be Watari, Matsuda or, in fact, anybody.

And I realize I've never seen him asleep before.
Ahem... If you've never seen him sleep before, are you sure you have to wonder why he has dark circles under his eyes?

He shuts his eyes tighter as if tears are struggling to get out.
Because shutting your eyes tightly will not squeeze them out.

I look at him and I don't see the coolness or the calmness of daylight's Ryuzaki, no...now he's just L, just the person chained to me, [...]
He's just L? He's just the world's greatest detective?
At least now we know it really is Light who's telling the story.

"Ryuzaki, you're having a nightmare. Wake up."


Speaking nonsense.
I guess any normal person would mumble perfectly eloquent conversation in their sleep. However, this actually makes more sense than most of the stuff I've heard from real people in their sleep, e.g. "The towers are the Blues Brothers".

"You were having a bad dream."


He looks bewildered.

"I was...dreaming?"
You just woke up from a nightmare and don't remember the dream at all?

None of the confidence I'm so used to in his voice. Just confusion.


"I was...asleep?"
Wow, L. You really deserve the title of being the three best detectives in the world.

"Mmmngh." L buries his face in the pillow like a tired child. "Don't...normally sleep...night terrors."
Did he take sleeping pills before he went to bed? Or why is he talking like that?

I look at the black rings under his eyes, and suddenly understand.
Wow, Light. You truly are one of the greatest young minds in all Japan.

He curls up under the covers, eyes closed, but I can tell he's not asleep.
Yet another brilliant observation by Light.



He opens one eye again, only halfway. "It's cold."
Since you're staying in a hotel, you could turn the heat up. Just a crazy thought.

Someone is warm and soft, and hasn't had a night terror since.
Because sleeping with the prime suspect of a murder investigation is nothing to get night terrors from.

A.N. - LxLight fluff is fun to write. ^-^ And sleepy L is adorable.
Not to mention OOC.

death note

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