When you roam around the virtual streets of DeviantArt looking for something to read, you can find many things. You can find hilarious and anatomically impossible porn. You can find badfics that locate the Berlin Wall in Poland. You can actually find something good to read, really.
And then you can find
To all chubbies, a piece of writing by a girl who thinks respect equates with fear, and that she will never age because, you know, we humans will have invented the eternal youth medicine or something.
I warn you; this is pretty offensive. I chopped off most of the thing, but the basic idea is still here. If the mods think that this doesn't belong here, please feel free to delete the post.
Original in italics, spork in bold.
Women must be beautiful. Men must be strong. What the hell happened to the world?
YEAH, YOU TELL ME. Since when I, a girl, have to learn how to read or do something that maybe make me, GOD FORBID, wear glasses? I'm actually wasting time to go to school, man. I don't even have time to put on make up in the morning! And all that ugly and successful women like Angela Merkel? It's such a shame for a glorious place that used to keep their women PRETTY like Europe to let someone not beautiful like her have a power position.
And you know, we can afford to be pretty and shallow because we've got MEN to protect us and be useful! :D
[Snip! Here she says ugly people (because, you know, there's ONLY one beauty standard in the world and is so made to show that you're healthy, not rich or anything) should die. Yeah.]
In Sparta, you'd been born right into the gulf. In a monkey pack, your mother would eat you.
Hey, I thought we should be like in the Medieval age, not in some ancient civilization that disappeared like, thousands of years ago. But I suppose that have the women be trained to be strong massive child bearers is better than be monkeys.
But, wait a mom- Nah, nah.
Oh, man, for a moment I thought that maybe Spartan beauty standard wouldn't be like the current one! What a woman I am :D
The world was made for beautiful people.
Or for Spartans. Well, who am I kidding. Pretty Spartans only, please. The others can go die in a gulf.
Now excuse me while I go repairing my sarcasm. I think I may have used it too much these days