My first try at summaries, because they just seem like so much fun! (Don't be scared away, that in itself was a spork)
For the record, breaking someone's nose doesn't sound anything like it does in movies. It sounds sick, and perverse, and strangely intimate, like snapping the cartilage in a dude's face somehow makes you know him better than anyone else. Destiel.
Speaking from personal experience, are we?
An AU for the Supernatural crew. Romeo and Juliet! But this story has a modern twist and is without the petty teen deaths. John Montague and his son's live a life of theft and drug dealing while the Capulet police force try to stop them.
Supernatural comes into this somewhere, I’m sure…any minute now…
My first Supernatural fic. Another Sam and Deans little sister fic. I tried to make it different
This has been done so many times, I don’t think there is a way to make it different anymore, but they get points for trying (it's their first fic, after all). I haven’t read one of these yet that wasn’t a Mary Sue, either.
Oh my Gee! Is That Jensen all the way out here! Wait, did he just call Jared "SAM"! First Fanfic ever! Rated T to be safe. Please R&R!
First fic ever? You don’t say! Also, if you’re going to go ahead and spell out the “Oh Em Gee”, you might want to pick a system and stick to it.
Doctor Who:
Luna De'vour had everything a child could want, including a loving mother. But when the Doctor and Dalek come in, not only her mother dies.
I had to read this over a few times, and I encourage you to do the same to fully appreciate everything contained in this simple little summary. First, and I might be a bit hasty, but judging just from that name alone I think we’re in for an epic Mary Sue. Secondly, “Dalek” has become a single entity. Why, I don’t know. I don’t want to know. The Doctor and this Dalek person come in…where? I’m assuming into the story, but it doesn’t actually say. And then, we get the “not only her mother dies” tacked on the end of it all like an afterthought.
A three part free verse poem. As told by The Doctor to Rose.
You lost me at “three part”, “free verse”, and “poem”.
In the parallel world, the twin children of Rose and the Meta-crisis Doctor have landed themselves into trouble: they took the TARDIS out without asking. Groundings are imminent! But along the way, they find something suspicious: a vanishing space port!
“Groundings are imminent!” This is what my future children will hear when they get in trouble. Also, vanishing space port!
Dawn Melody is the Forgotten Child. Of who? Exactly. Doctor Who! Along with her faithful companion Jason, also known as Dusk, and her TARDIS, Dawn Melody searches for her parents. And maybe, along the way, some mysteries will be uncovered...
Head desk? Exactly. Hello Mary Sue, hello Gary Stu, and oh look, she even gets her own TARDIS!
Hang on a minute...does that mean the characters names are Dawn and Dusk? I'm not sure if that's actually clever or what. Thoughts?
random thing I thought of while talking to my sister after watching the new Alice in Wonderland
This was listed in the Doctor Who category, I promise.
yet another human nature fic. what if it was rose who had been john smith's maid rather than martha? wht if rose falls in love with this new man as well? and what happens when the doctor is needed? rating may change later
What happened to all the capital letters in this summary? What if it doesn’t make sense? What happens when better spelling and grammar is needed?
Alright, that’s all for tonight! This is addictive and probably shouldn’t be done after midnight.