Third Guitar Solo // Eddie Riggs - [Accidental video]

Jun 19, 2010 20:55

[The video comes on with a audible whirr. The view skewered as two people- well a familiar roadie and his Toucan talk. Eddie's once again shed his vest, the berry slanted half way decently, enough to show the roadie hacking away at the tree with his axe. Hair tied back in a loose pony tail as the metal of his axe hits the tree trunk with a solid thunk.]

I still don't see the point of this, if you can chop down trees like this, why not do it this way?

Cause its not practical, it'd take forever. I'm the only one with a axe remember? [He doesn't glance back as he frees his axe from the tree, taking another hard swing. The next few swings probably going to topple this one over.]

True. Though I still say it seems odd to just build some giant thing over cutting it down this way.

Like I said, take for.fuckin'.ever. If we want to leave by this century, we'd have to take all the trees on at once. It's also a good way to figure out what's back there, walking in gets you lost as all hell. I somehow ended up heading in and bumbling my way out the same way I can. Bizzaro shit.

Why do you over look the simple option? Why don't I just go check?

[Eddie gives a grunt, once again loosening his axe from the tree. Stopping for now to wipe his brow, he turning to smile at Anvil. The bird behind the communicator from the looks of it.] Does sound like a good idea, I kind of forgot you could fly, especially with you riding on me this whole time.

[Anvil comes into frame now, flying over to land on another tree.] Why not join me? A overview would help whatever odd plan you've cooked up at this point.

[Eddie shakes his head. Using his axe as something to lean on, the sharp tip at the top of the axe digging into the lush grass underfoot.] No thanks, gotta kick this trees ass. I need it to start building after all.

[Anvil clicks her tongue against her beak, fluffling her feathers up.] If you are sure, I'll report what I've seen when I get back.

Yeah, yeah, go far as you can. [He waves a hand, careless watching her fly away.

Nothing really interesting happens after that, Eddie picks back up on chopping at the tree, it eventually toppling onto the grass. Eddie pumps his fist in victory at it, grinning some as he pats the axe fondly.

He moving to strip the tree of its branches and greenery. This lasting a few moments before Eddie just- stops for no apparent reason. He dropping his axe to press a hand flying upwards to against his chest intently. Expression reasonably pained as well as surprised. Breath hitching slightly as the pain increases. He clenches his free hand into a fist, the knuckles turning white.]

The- hell?

[His fingers clutch at his shirt's fabric, wincing openly as he moves away from the downed tree. Hand still clutching at his chest, the communicator only able to see his back, his legs and eventually his feet before he manages to stumble into his own blackberry, the feed able to hear a thump as Eddie hits the ground, heel of his sneaker whalloping the blackberry, ending the feed there.]

comment: mello, plot: his dark materials, eddie riggs

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