Does bullying count if the bully is small and furry?

Jun 19, 2010 22:28

[Miria had just found the manors library. The sheer size and granduer of it alone astounds her, but to add to her amazement, she's never seen a room filled with so many books. As she stands there, aghast, Sweeney pops his head out of the deep pocket, and looks around. Flicking his black eyes between his ditzy charge and the library, he finally starts to speak]

I know this must be a big moment for you, Miria--

It's incredible! Have you ever seen any place like it?! Look at all the books! Where should we start?

Well, I don't suppose they have one of those play areas where they release the children do they? I'm sure I could leave you there whilst I go and find something productive to do--

[She looks fairly hurt]

...That was mean, Sweeney...OH LOOK! They even have those funny ladders that go all the way up to the top shelf! Let's see what's up there! Perhaps there'll be a really old, dusty book that has a secret treasure map on the inside! OOH! Or maybe even an acient spell book! Or maybe a--

You climb that ladder and swear to any transcendant deity that's listening I'll---

Hang on! Here we go!

Miria! Stop it! I'm incredibly delicate!--


[Her high pitched excitement and his rapidly growing fear for his life can be heard outside the double doors...]

plot: his dark materials, miria harvent, comment: emmett honeycutt

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