Why is it Monday

Sep 20, 2010 09:49

Apologise for the sudden disappearance from blogging over the last few days.

Friday I managed to have a bout of energy and did fuckloads of organising.
I dusted and polished. I cleaned the en-suite. I vacuumed - twice.
I reorganised my chest of drawers.
I sorted through my jewellery box, threw out 14 odd/broken earrings and repierced my right cartlidge.
I rearranged my desk, removed the middle shelf.
I put all my pictures up on the walls.
I transferred the toy collection into the box that fits under the bed - and discovered a lifetime's supply of lube and batteries.

Saturday my joints decided to tell me I'd done far too much and screamed at me.

Yesterday I went round my mum's, took her shopping, went swimming and cut some lengths of cut-off carpet to make some rugs.

Today is my first day at my new job.
It's a temp job, long-term sick cover, until the end of the year.
Back doing purchase ledger, which is a major yay because that's what I do, but also making me brick myself because it's been over a year since I've done any.
It's at a company called QMP based in Stourbridge - so it's a bit of a commute out there every day but I've got a route that DOESN'T involve the fucking M6 so \o/
I've got a doctors appointment at 11 - company are aware of this so for my first day I literally have to get there ASAP after the appointment. Tomorrow I'll find out my actual hours.
*bites nails*
Wish me luck?!

christian kane, mark sheppard, tony lovato, andrew lee potts, the morning wibble, joel madden, eric szmanda, drew barrymore, jensen ackles, house, ashley olsen, work, health, family, steve carlson, life, benji madden, jared padalecki

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