From Twitter 09-19-2010

Sep 20, 2010 03:01

  • 03:01:30: From Twitter 09-18-2010
  • 08:14:53: You might not expect a money issue to hijack your day, but if ... More for Leo
  • 17:09:28: Mmm hot baths are LOVE
  • 18:55:05: Off to try and not drown!
  • 20:26:21: dear internet. i would quite like to be connected for more than 5 minutes at a time. no love. me
  • 20:28:42: also, yes. not drowning was successful. I managed to not drown for a whole 50m!
  • 21:22:21: how/why am i hungry?
  • 21:29:51: am bawling my eyes out over Clark & Lana breaking up
  • 23:23:50: no, really, i'm going to bed....
  • 23:46:48: seriously, i've temped for years. you'd think i'd have the hang of 'the night before the first day' by now!

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