[Deputy Sachs. Kudos for rocking the 'stache till it came back in style.]

Mar 19, 2014 19:31

Sorry, yesterday was just a long hard day.

On with the show!

[+] Veronica being a "location scout" and doing one of her many voices reminds me that I had no idea that Kristen Bell is classically trained, which is why her voice is all kinds of amazing. It wasn't until I heard her sing in Frozen that I looked her up. But then it made all kinds of sense.

[+] Della Pugh's photo was in the year book right next to Carmen Saro, one of Veronica's clients during her senior year. It's just the little details that make me have HEARTS IN ME EYES!

[+] As much as things haven't changed with the Logan/Veronica dynamic, it's fun to see the Wallace/Veronica dynamic didn't change either. He's still the TA in the office getting her that extra info. LOVE IT!

[+] Deputy Sachs! And Veronica, talking her way out of jail, just like always. Although this time with a nice assist from Ruby Jetson. At a HILARIOUS PRICE.

[+] CLIFF! Best public defender EVAH!

[+] Logan being pimped out to keep Veronica out of jail is the best thing I've ever seen. And JDoh's delivery of I've let her draw finger hearts on my upper thigh for the last 10 minutes. So, yeah. I get the stakes, is everything I love about Logan in a nutshell. Perfection. I know I keep saying that, but SERIOUSLY! And then his face the whole time, and how he's like a totally attentive date, and that somehow even Veronica's resourcefulness is still surprising to him--just, everything.

[+] The guys hitting on Veronica in da club....Justin Long...the other guy who I should know, but don't...and DAX SHEPHERD. By far my favorite funny moment of the whole film. Some people were put off by the inside jokes in the film, but let's remember people: THE FANS EFFING PAID FOR THIS. WE DESERVE IT!

[+] I also love that Ruby Jetson is actually the one who tips Veronica off to what went down with Carrie and her friends. And again, KUDOS to Gaby Hoffman. She's just stellar in this role.

[+] We should take the long way home. Oh, Veronica Mars, why do you torture him so???

There might be a more beautiful shot in the movie, but you got me on what it is. This is so lovely and perfect and them. Comfortable silences meet Logan and Veronica. And the voiceover. *flails* Best piece of writing to date.

[+] Okay, shifting into the High School Reunion part--I really love how Wallace, Mac, and Veronica all represent the various types of people and how they feel about their reunions: Wallace is a teacher now at the same school he graduated from, obviously high school for him was an okay adventure, minus a few tapings to the flagpole; Mac wants to show them all how she made it; and Veronica doesn't care to be there, like ever, for good reason. And then, you know, you totally see why. Madison Sinclair. The biggest bitch of all time who hasn't changed (or moved) in 10 years. LOL.

[+] The Most Awkward Scene goes to Gia, Dick, Mac and Veronica and the absent-but-very-present Ghost of Beaver! Whoa.

[+] WEEVIL. Okay, this part of the movie is my other favorite part that I can't talk about until later, so I will save it. BUT WEEVIL.

[+] Logan walking through the reunion looking all hot just to threaten Sean was, like, you know, SO LOGAN. #lovehim

[+] And that leads in, of course, to the epic brawl, over Veronica's sex tape, YET AGAIN. And the moment where Piz tries to be what Veronica wants by "doing what men do" -- oh, Piz, it's not that, really. It's just having a real thirst for vengeance, which you do not. But #kudos for trying! But seriously, Logan, Piz, Wallace, Weevil, AND DICK? All defending Veronica's honor? I'm verklempt.


[+] The after party: Dick's incredulous recognition of everything that is Veronica: priceless.

[+] And I'm not sure if I gasped louder at Weevil getting shot OR Celeste Kane being the shooter. It was an incredibly tension-filled part of the movie and I literally jumped and made a loud noise.

[+] How much did I love Keith berating his 28 year old daughter and her boyfriend for their sharing a bed under his roof? I love that he's so traditional, because I assume if Veronica were married to Piz, she would get no such treatment. Funny, nonetheless.

[+] Piz, being the nice guy that he is, goes quietly back to NY. It's the last time he'll ever see Veronica Mars while still holding on to a shred of hope that she will come back to him. In his heart, he already knows. He's been in this play before.

logan/veronica, they made a movie y'all they really did, veronica mars

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