I've thought of asking in a community but to be honest, I wasn't sure I wanted to take someone's advice when you are never really sure..
I'm 16 weeks right now, the feeling of constant fatigue is gone but I'm still not able to sleep due to restless leg syndrome and a lot of tossing and turning, it sucks. :(
I know in that community, someone has the link to a drug classification system, and they could all have some suggestions. You'll probably get a lot of "I took X while I was pregnant but I was comfortable with the Y and Z that would happen, your mileage may vary."
I'm such a paranoid mom to be, I've read that there has been little studies done with Benadryl and the effects during pregnancy, you didn't have any adverse reactions?
I haven't taken anything since finding out, I've suffered through headaches (thank you peppermint halo), heartburn, the works. Bah!
I remember being given something to help me sleep when I was in the hospital while pregnant, but the doctor ordered it for me and I can't remember what it was. If you're having a lot of trouble sleeping I would recommend going to your OB/GYN and asking if they can prescribe or recommend something over the counter for you. It's not good for your body to be stressed any more than it already is, you know?
Yea the trip to shoppers was a bit of a last resort while driving home and wanting to cry because I was so tired. My next OB appointment isnt until the 23rd of this month so I was getting pretty desperate.
I'm holding up okay since I'm off work this week and can just doze off whenever I want, definitely going to bring it up to the OB though.
As for safe sleep aids, I was told Benadryl was OK, but when I was hospitalized while pregnant I was given Ambien AND Seconal by my OB to help me sleep. Most sleep aids that are over the counter are just anti-histamines anyway, and generally considered safe.
The problem with drugs and how they're classified is that no one is going to do a controlled study on pregnant women and see if it causes deformities. So the best you're going to get it "we think it's OK".
I dunno bout sleep itself, but have you tried a sublingual B12 supplement for the RLS? I take one that's 2500mcg but have seen 5000mcg. I take it daily, along with a multivitamin with magnesium in it, and my husband says I barely kick while asleep, and I have noticed a big difference while I'm going to sleep. Found mind at Walgreen's, but have seen a combo B12/Folic Acid one at GNC, and both are good for women, pregnant or not.
Comments 71
That's so shitty, I'm sorry :[ How far are you along, if you don't mind my asking? I've heard that how far along could interrupt sleep
I'm 16 weeks right now, the feeling of constant fatigue is gone but I'm still not able to sleep due to restless leg syndrome and a lot of tossing and turning, it sucks. :(
I haven't taken anything since finding out, I've suffered through headaches (thank you peppermint halo), heartburn, the works. Bah!
As for sleep, have you tried just plain old Melatonin?
Tylenol is also safe while pregnant.
It just breaks my heart to see pregnant women needlessly suffer.
Seconding the rec for www.safefetus.com.
I'm holding up okay since I'm off work this week and can just doze off whenever I want, definitely going to bring it up to the OB though.
As for safe sleep aids, I was told Benadryl was OK, but when I was hospitalized while pregnant I was given Ambien AND Seconal by my OB to help me sleep. Most sleep aids that are over the counter are just anti-histamines anyway, and generally considered safe.
The problem with drugs and how they're classified is that no one is going to do a controlled study on pregnant women and see if it causes deformities. So the best you're going to get it "we think it's OK".
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