I've thought of asking in a community but to be honest, I wasn't sure I wanted to take someone's advice when you are never really sure..
I'm 16 weeks right now, the feeling of constant fatigue is gone but I'm still not able to sleep due to restless leg syndrome and a lot of tossing and turning, it sucks. :(
I know in that community, someone has the link to a drug classification system, and they could all have some suggestions. You'll probably get a lot of "I took X while I was pregnant but I was comfortable with the Y and Z that would happen, your mileage may vary."
Ugh, restless legs syndrome... I'm lucky, I only get it when I'm really tired but not wanting to go to bed yet so it hasn't kept me up. For some reason, it goes away when I finally cave and say, "Fine, I'll go to bed." It's almost like my body telling me "No, we aren't staying up, go to bed already!" while I'm acting like a little kid and saying, "Don't want to, want to stay up for this." And I have to actually mean it and actually intend to go to bed and then my legs leave me alone.
I wish mine was just a go to sleep symptom! haha I get mine if I'm sitting on the couch watching tv, lying in the bath, trying to sleep, the works. It's not supposed to be a 1-2nd trimester symptom either so I'm all WTF!?
Exercise.... I have chronic restless leg and I don't want to take any of the meds out there for it ... exercise is the only thing that helps me. If I skip a day - I 100% know it. Try a 20-30 minute walk daily.
That's so shitty, I'm sorry :[ How far are you along, if you don't mind my asking? I've heard that how far along could interrupt sleep
I'm 16 weeks right now, the feeling of constant fatigue is gone but I'm still not able to sleep due to restless leg syndrome and a lot of tossing and turning, it sucks. :(
I'm lucky, I only get it when I'm really tired but not wanting to go to bed yet so it hasn't kept me up. For some reason, it goes away when I finally cave and say, "Fine, I'll go to bed." It's almost like my body telling me "No, we aren't staying up, go to bed already!" while I'm acting like a little kid and saying, "Don't want to, want to stay up for this." And I have to actually mean it and actually intend to go to bed and then my legs leave me alone.
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