He Who Wears Permanent Earplugs

Dec 15, 2011 21:36

After many months of lurking, I've finally gotten the gall to make a LJ account... just to post here. Yup. So, anyway, here's my story:I've been Rping since the ripe young age of, like, 10. Over my few years, I've had some great experiences and a few awful ones. Heck, I even helped run a sadly underpopulated roleplaying site for a couple of years. The issue I want to post about today, however, is something recent that's been bothering me.

Over the past few months, I've been running a D&D game with a few of my friends. For the most part, it's been pretty fun. We've had our share of troubles, but I'm generally enjoying D.M.ing for these people.

Unfortunately, there's one problem in particular that I'd like to address - specifically, one of the players. I'd like to mention that we're not hardcore D&D players - we have our share of laughs at our characters' expense. However, this particular player seems to take it a little too far. I believe that I shall dub him “I<3Pie”.

You see, I<3Pie has somewhat of a 'lolsorandum' complex. He likes to do go off and do ridiculous things for a laugh - mostly his own. Now, I don't think there's anything wrong with having a little fun while roleplaying, but, as the D.M., I am pretty darn offended when people don't take my story and NPCs even somewhat seriously.  Normally, I would go the ICA=ICC route and make his character pay for their tomfoolery, but I want to get along with the story. My group has very little time when we're all free at the same time, and I can't waste time having his character (rightfully) killed by the high-level being that he spent the last three minutes aggravating and insulting. I tell I<3Pie (rather blatantly) to quit it, but he just doesn't seem to get that he cannot, in fact, godmod the other PCs into setting themselves on fire, nor can he randomly begin romances with enemy monsters.

No, I<3Pie, you can't bring futuristic tech into this game. It's a medieval-themed high-fantasy.

No, I<3Pie, you can't create your own special NPC for this. We already has one that fills that role.  No. I said no. Why do you already have her character sheet? I said no.

This has evolved into a problem with the other players, as well. It's really frustrating. I don't hate the guy, but he just doesn't listen. Has anyone else run into this problem?
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