I know the verse started in SWS, because let’s face it that’s where most of us play. So yeah cool we’re doing our own thing and some of us get dragged into the plot.
Seriously if I knew who was running the plot I would have run for the hills, because I’ve had a problem with that mun before, and same problem. First time they wanted my Fate to follow all their orders and bitched when I refused and had her side with his brother. That one, I thought I’d let slide when I saw the cast list. Because really, it couldn’t happen twice right?
Yeah foresight is 20/20.
This time takes the cake though. Yeah okay so we went to SWS with that thread, but really it was because Hello!!!!!!!! We were pretty much getting ignored. And we wanted to get our characters out of the jam they were in (Those muns countering us in that thread though, you guys were AWESOME!), but gee, it went on the wrong com so yeah we’re in trouble for that. Okay oops no biggie, little retcon and voila problem fixed right? I would have been fine with that.
Onward, posting with the little one in the verse no biggie. Then oh… let’s call them Vince McMahon here okay? Cool. Anyway, Vince goes all huffy because he orders my character to do something that there’s NO WAY IN HELL she’d do EVER and that was to kill an innocent. When she tells him why she can’t follow that order the mun goes to someone else to IM me about it saying it’s either my way or the highway.
If I stayed in the verse I would have had my character pretty much thrown to the sharks because she was doing her job. There’s no way that the BOSS would have ordered someone to kill an innocent. Especially when they are one of the GOOD GUYS.
Oh and great job there after bitching at me through our associate, erasing my posts to hide evidence perhaps? Makes me glad I have that account email me my comments. Makes things easier for my records.