Maybe RPing with people who are writers has spoiled me...
...But I don't think this character background is acceptable. Names changed to protect the oblivious.
"John Doe or "Johnny" for his friends... If he had some. Was Born on the dashing city of New Orleans. Son of a cook and a janitor. There where no moments in which he would just stop moving around. Be it walking the edge of the window on the 4th floor or Sticking his head on an ant hill. John* always wanted to learn more... It's a shame such an attitude was never really looked up to by his classmates... On class hours he would spend his time asking questions and solving problems.. and on recess exploring the interior of the Trashcans (Not always by his own will but oh well). As he grew he became prone to obsessions. Chew your food 25 times wash your hands 10 times a day walk 4736 steps to school and back ... The normal stuff. As a teenager there is one thing that obsessed him over all.... Woman... He would device a bunch of incredibly hard plans based on books of study's he had read until he eventually found one that worked... and so he got a girlfriend... He could finally study the great mystery's of kissing and the stimulation that their body's could achieve together... aaaand she run away... On a second thought maybe showing her the electrode's might have been a little pushy... But how else could he interpret her neurological responses in order to increase the sensations transmitted to the cortex of her brain... Some people just dont stop to think about the effort we do to make them happy... Oh well so that investigation was put on stand by. One day as he was... How to say... Taking out the trash for the house that constitutes his body...something hit him... physically (A lamp fell on his head) and then mentally... He could see numbers equations' thing's connecting to each other.... it was as his eyes had been opened after a lond sleep he was now Genius .On one night he got a call from one of his old... acquittance back at the university. " Why a band you say?? How... Interesting" And after all weren't interesting things the best?
John is 6'00'' Weighting a whooping 170 lbs... Or in other words skinny as hell. He is also Pale as a Sheet of paper and sports a set of brown eyes that can barely be seeing under the savannah that is his long curly brown hair."
*He misspells his own character's name here.
Kid, I will cut you.