Nov 23, 2010 17:14
I'm a big fan of snarky, bantery sibling interactions. They're fun. But can there be...I don't know, at least some sort of hint from your character that she actually cares about her brother? He sprinkles in smilie faces in his written comments, gives her compliments as well as teases, and says stuff like "I love you and there's nothing you can do about it, so nya-nya-nay." She...just threatens bodily harm at everything he says and appears to fly off the handle when he expresses concern over her life choices and rather cruelly insults his professional abilities. And then when you're called out on it, you say she's just being snarky/teasing him.
How is that teasing? How is that anything except a cruel, one-sided relationship? I'm tempted to have my brother get offended and just say "Yeah, well screw you," but I get the feeling I'd be accused of OOC/IC line-crossing. *sigh*
characterization fail