MorganOrton - resolved

Nov 11, 2012 21:49

**resolved, one doll received and refunded for other on 09/24/2013**

I really didn't want to make this post.. but I have decided that now I have to because I am getting frustrated, and I am having a hard time getting in contact with Morgan.  I'm also really worried if I will get my dolls back.

The first doll: Back in December 2011, Morgan posted on flickr that she wanted to have her own Blythe doll again.. and was looking for possible trades.  I offered to buy her a stock doll of her choice in exchange for custom service on one of my dolls.  She agreed to the trade, so I bought Morgan a Snowflake Sonata doll, sent her my doll, as well as some money because I wanted to have a faceup and re-root done on my doll.

Time went on.. we exchanged a couple e-mails over the months, but I knew that Morgan was going through a lot in her personal life during this time so I was being very patient and understanding.. finally in May 2012, Morgan posted on her blog that she was getting back into customizing dolls and that she would be finishing up her current dolls, and opening her commission list soon.  I e-mailed her to ask if it would be possible to have a middie customized by her when she opened her list.. she told me that since it was still "my turn" and since I have been waiting so long, that she would be able to squeeze the middie in now.. I was so excited so I agreed.  I sent Morgan my middie as well as the money to customize and re-root her.  Morgan told me that she would have both dolls ready for me in June for my birthday.  (I now know it was probably a mistake to send a second doll, but at the time I had no idea how many dolls Morgan actually had to work on.. and that there were so many people waiting).

It's now November.. I have heard from Morgan once since my middie arrived with her in May, she e-mailed me September 9th letting me know that she was finally getting things organized and would be working on everyone's dolls.  She didn't want to give an estimate in case she was completely off on it, and I understand.. but I wish we could keep in contact more often so I knew what was going on, and I wish I knew if/and when I would get my dolls back.  One doll has been with her nearly a year now... :(
edit: Sent Morgan another e-mail on 11/19 to ask about my dolls, waiting for response..
edit: Sent messages on 11/21 and 12/3 to both of Morgans e-mail addresses..
edit: I received a reply from Morgan on 12/4..
Hi Ashley,

I am extremely sorry for the long wait on a reply!! And the long wait in general, but especially for keeping you in the dark with what is going on with your dolls. I've had a lot of personal tragedy even since moving, it is almost comical and I don't even try to go into it anymore because I know I must sound rediculous. But I am extremely backed up with emails and with customizing right now and am trying to chip away work whenever I can. I have quite a few projects in different stages of completion here, which makes getting any one project done very slow. It was my own irresponsibility and stupidity with taking on too much, so I'm not complaining, just trying to update you on the situation. I am making a big effort though these past couple weeks to get everything completed. I will get you a picture of at least one of your dolls within the next week or two, hopefully much sooner, I'm just wary about giving out estimates now because things tend to come up and then people are annoyed I keep pushing things back, which I totally understand the frustration!

Again, I am terribly sorry for the hassle, stress, and wait. I WILL get this resolved for you and make sure you love your dolls and get to see them soon!!

I will give her the time to work on the doll, and keep my fingers crossed that I will get some photos from her soon.

morgan olivia, ashleydawnn, morgan orton, morganolivia, morganorton

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