
Nov 18, 2012 16:05

This is not my first transaction with Aya27 and my feedback for previous transactions with her remain on DOA.
I recently made a purchase for an Elfinhugs baby clown doll, from Aya27.
She was originally selling it for $46, but as I only had enough in my account to convert to $40, she settled for that, with postage included in the price.
The payment was made through paypal, which Aya27 specifically instructed me to send as a 'personal gift' because it was not her account but that of a friend's and she did not want any fees. 
As I had previously known that this is how she usually runs her sales, given that she does not have her own paypal account as she lives in Poland, I obliged to her instructions :

This is the conversation that was had between us up until the point of payment.

9th Nov 2012
Me : Hello Dear,
Just enquiring about the little clown baby - i would love to buy it. 
let me know the details please :)
 Thank you ! x o x o x

Fri, 9 Nov 2012
Aya27 : hi dear46$ include shipping, gift payment

let me know

9th Nov 2012
Me : Hello ! :)
I can do it for $40 as the currency went up this wkend and that is how much pounds i have available to make $40 !
 Please let me know !

Thank you ! x oxx

Sat, 10 Nov 2012
Aya27 : you can send as a gift personal?

Sat, 10 Nov 2012
Me : Dear let me know what paypal address to send the payment to :0) 
I will send it as 'personal gift'.

Here my address here before i forget.
It is:  
(My home address)
Let me know tonight if you can please.
I have work all week - don't want to forget to send you the payment for the clown baby!
Thanks  Ewa ! 
When will you be opening your clothing shop by the way ? I was looking forward to it :)

Sun, 11 Nov 2012
Aya27 : oh sorry dear, i was sure i gave you detailplease send here:

gabysrinursetyorini@yahoo.comin title/subject: Choc
total: 40$
please do NOT write nothing in descritpion and only this which i wrote in  title ;)
payment as a gift ;)
i dont have my pp and its my friend one this is why instruction ^^
let you know after i send it :)
UK or USA you are?:)
my shop will be open on Jan :) you can saving ;P
thanks a lot

11 Nov, 2012
Me : Dear let me know please that you received the personal gift payment which i sent for the clown ^___^
Thank you!! x o x
Wed, 14 Nov 2012
Aya27 : yes all good ;)

14 Nov 2012
Me : Oh good :)
Has it been posted ? Let me know that information also :) Our post service is so bad, I like to make sure when to expect my parcels so i don't miss the postman. 
They never knock and they leave red cards when i can't run down the stairs during my pregnancy to get the mail !
So it would be very helpful to know in advance if there is any parcels to be arriving :)
I can be downstairs around the time they deliver my mail !
Thanks dear! Looking forward to it :) x o

Wed, 14 Nov 2012
Aya27 : RR45892170http://sledzenie.poczta-polska.pl/


I received a small package within a few days, only to find that it was a different elfin baby doll, one which had already been sold BEFORE I had even paid for the clown one and sent my address. Throughout our emails, I did make it very clear it was the clown i was paying for, even the title of all the emails said "Adoption for little clown baby :)‏"
I was so annoyed that once again, i couldn't seem to have a smooth transaction all the way through with Aya27, I emailed her.

17 Nov 2012
 Me : Erm, so i received a package and you have sent me the wrong one. I paid for the clown one, remember ?????!

Sat, 17 Nov 2012
Aya27 : hi dear

omg :(( please wait i just wrote to person who bought baby from me :( i probably made mistake with pack :(
im so sorry.

when she only reply i will back to you.


By this time, I was so frustrated about it, I mentioned it on my personal flickr account. 
I had let my previous experiences slide before despite how little communication there had been in past events, but this just took the cake as now somebody else supposedly had my doll and i had theirs, and i was left with no other information or where to go from there / what to expect other than that short message.

My post on flickr on saturday night : 
"I'm in my third trimester of pregnancy as most of you may know. I have cut down on a lot of my hobby spending so i can support our new addition in my family as we do not receive any outside help from anyone else at all. 
So ofcourse, when I spend a little on myself via the doll community, there is hope in me that things will run smoothly and I won't be scammed over or treated so carelessly in terms of service by people whom should supposedly understand because they too are in some sort of position in which would entail that they need the $$ to get by..

And by service, I mean having some awareness for delivering the right packages etc to the right person ! Life is hard enough without complicating it further, right ?!
Sure everyone makes mistakes... 
Today, I'm sitting here totally dismayed and losing my faith with people because I had specifically paid for an item that in no way could be mistaken for what I received as they were both so different and apparently the other one was already sold by the time I had paid for my own. I.e there were two choices... a clown and a brown normal one. I specifically stated throughout all conversations outside of flickr, that it was 'the clown' I was expecting to be delivered. 
I paid a little more than the usual amount for it also, so it doesn't even make up for the fact that I still got something atleast. 
This is just unfair as now I'm probably going to be expected to pay the return postage on top of what i already paid for something that isn't even what i wanted ? That is if they communicate with me at all. Quite frankly, it takes atleast 2 days before every reply that I've received anyway.
It seems that being extra pre-cautious about how i send the payment was so important to them and well-thought out, that it makes it hard to justify why such a mistake would have occurred !
I was even instructed to not leave any information in my payment about what the payment was for ! Seems like that idea worked a fuckin treat, right !??!
And to top it off, there is no way i can get a refund via PP as it was sent as a gift to an email that isn't even theirs as they don't have a PP of their own....
Time to wait it out and see what the outcome will be.... Sighhhhh. 
(I do wonder if anyone can guess whom my transaction was with)

This will most likely be one of the biggest reasons why I shall probably never buy second hand from the doll-community, ever again."
A flickr friend kindly directed me to this site to share my problem with this seller.

My email to Aya27 on Sunday, this morning (today) :
"This is so unacceptable, I'm 7 months pregnant and do not need this kind of stress.
I would like to know how you plan to rectify this situation because i certainly can't afford to spend any more !
I can't believe that no care was taken to ensure the right packages were being sent to the right people, especially after you ensured that you carefully received your payment with no hassles.
I expect that any extra costs for the shipping of these dolls to the right owners will be coming from you because there is no way i can do this !! I'm so angry and upset right now."

Aya27 : why you lie on your flickr? i cant belive this you did it :(( 
i said i cover shipping fee, and i can refund you if you dont want clown anymore...but you wrote all this! its not true!! i care about you! and i said you so sorry! we just people! its first time happened to me! i checked pack, dont know why...

karma is always back

My reply : First of all, 
You may not know how it happened because you say that you always check.. but it did happen because I'm sat here with a doll that isn't what i paid for whilst the clown i did pay for is on it's way to someone else. Take responsibility.
Yes, people make mistakes. My point is you carefully ensured that you received your payment of $40 which i did send to you, I can screen print my paypal too and show you. 
Paypal charges a smaller fee to the receiver of the money, no matter if i send it as a gift. This is because my currency is in british pounds and paypal charges the reciever to receive it in dollars. If you read their terms carefully, you will see that.
This is beyond my control because as far as I am aware, I sent you $40 and it was deducted out of my bank account. You can't hold that against me because you sent me the wrong item.
Here : http://i49.tinypic.com/9kz3tx.jpg
Secondly, how is then calling me a liar going to help in your defence when I have simply explained my exact transaction and messages exchanged ????
What have I lied about exactly ?
Everyone can see your responses, I haven't altered them in any way.
I simply stated that I expect the postage fees will be paid by you when both the other buyer and myself are expected to return these dolls and have them sent to the correct person as what should have occurred in the first place. I can't spend any more !
What is so wrong with that ? What is so unjust about me feeling angry and upset about this entire situation ??
Given that you have been through the process of pregnancy, surely then you can understand that this is the last thing a person in that position would need to have to go through, so how are you helping to redeem the matter by invalid accusations and uncalled for comments like "i cant belive what i reading but ok you can be angry bc of that i understandyou even sent me less than 40$, i dont care it was few cents but it was, i told you price is 46 but you said 40 i said ok but you sent me 39,80.
i didnt do this specially. i was in shock too when you wrote to me, i have much stress in my life too not only you, i was in pregnacy too then i know how this is! and i always checking everything and packing at home, i dont know how this could happened, i said you very sorry but you wrote me this! of course i cover shipping fee and if you dont want this clown baby anymore i will refund you money, i had many ppl wanted it for 47 but i choosed you bc i felt bad after this situation with dress. Person who should get baby didnt recevied pack yet but she wrote me that i dont should worry bc when she get it she will send it wherever i want. i think there are some kind people there but your email made me really sad too....

thanks a lot" 
 "karma is always back"What is that supposed to entail ? That I'm in the wrong ? 
Where is the integrity ?
What a lovely way in trying to rectify this, given that the mistake was yours to begin with !
How am I supposed to be re-assured by your current responses and not to mention my previous experiences ?
Thirdly, I am accepting that this has occurred... we can't rewind time.
I only simply stated my feelings and my expectations that you will take responsibility for this mistake and do the right thing in covering the postage fees now so that both the other buyer and myself receive the correct doll we paid for. 
Sorry that i cannot harbour a method in which to convey this to you in such a manner that you do not take offence to but quite frankly I have a baby inside me and i'm not thinking about your feelings, other than that of my own and my child's. Sorry that offends you and makes me out to be unkind when placed in a situation like this. 
I just want to receive the right doll in exchange for this brown and pink one without any more hassles or long periods of waiting or stress on anyone. I want there to be better communication rather than having to chase up after this, as like previous transactions with you.
I have screen printed all of these messages also.

Aya27 : first i cant see your fotos bc you deleted me from friends
what you exacly want me to do bc i dont understand, i told you when only person get your clown she send it directly to you but you wrote me "You can't hold that against me because you sent me the wrong item" thats mean you want just refund yes? no doll anymore?

of course i cover shipping fee when you send doll, only tell me how much.

about lie bc you wrote on the top that i dont want refund or you need pay for shipping, this not true, and i didnt do this specially!
and i dont know why you writing "take responsibility" i taking it and offer you options but you still not write anything about it.
i know how you feel, yes i was in pregancy and you can be mad on me i understand, but i said so sorry and trying fix it out but you didnt want it be in nice atmosphere only writing all this on flickr :(
even when i was in pregnacy i never treat people bad and i always care about other and not only me and baby inside me.

ok which previous experience? i didnt made you anything wrong before. i sold you Cookie and sent it everything in perfect way.

My reply : The previous experience with the dress, which you clearly recalled and felt bad for ?
The cookie, there was lots of lack of communication, i mentioned that in the feedback on DOA.
(I wasn't even pregnant during those times)
Besides all of that. I have just told you what i want.
But I will say it again, I want for both myself and the other buyer to rightfully receive the dolls we paid for, and that the postage of these dolls to be sent back to you and back to us will be covered by you.
If you can do that, that's great !
I would greatly appreciate it, as like the other buyer will too, I'm sure !
But I expect that you will continue to update me about the doll without me worrying and having to wait for a long time for your responses.
Is the other buyer in the US, UK or where ?
Whom are you going to be sharing my address with ? Or will they send it back to you, to send back to me ?
To clarify, I never did say that you wouldn't pay the shipping. Infact, you can read what i said, i don't need to repeat myself. 
If there is a chance that you miss-interpreted what i said, then simply put, I stated that "This is just unfair as now I'm probably going to be expected to pay the return postage on top of what i already paid for something that isn't even what i wanted ? That is if they communicate with me at all. "
and then i stated: 
"I reckon that i should have the seller pay for both postage fees of having the parcels switched back to each rightful owner. That is if the other person is going to be willing to even let go of the clown."
The same as stated above to you in regards to what i am requesting  that i want. 
There has been no mention of you NOT willing to pay. It has only been said that we HOPE you will pay as that is what anyone else would expect also.
Mostly I stated my annoyance with the situation, given that I AM pregnant and do not need this sort of stress as I recall what my experiences have been like in communicating with you, previously. 
And as i was really looking forward to receiving the clown, I also then have to worry about another buyer whom i do not know who has been sent my package, on top of that !
Is it a pleasant situation ? Not really.
You can't see my photos because i only have contacts whom communicate with me a lot and know of my own personal life and met me in real life.
But whomever is sharing with you, i'm glad because there is nothing that i haven't already told you.
Bear in mind, everyone can still see our messages. I have no issues with being open about it.

Aya27 : Yes i sold dress bc i waited to long for you, and you said it will be few days.about Cookie nothing was wrong, you sent money, i got it and sent if few days later, i had option WU only and for my one thread i made mistake mark pp and you neeeded write it in feedback, of course if you didnt accept WU you could just say no and not buy.

please focus on you and not for other person, its my thing to get it done with her and you dont need to tell me what i need to do with her.
She send you doll after she get it, she is in EU then she get it this week.

and please just tell me how much will be shipping cost which i need cover you.

i want done it asap bc i dont need more stress, i have enought it in my life

I have yet to reply to that last message as I can't quite believe the audacity ! I would love to receive other people's perspective and what they feel I should do now. Never mind the fact that my personal address is now going to be shared with some random stranger, whom i still do not know the identity of, but according to aya27, they're going to send my doll to me even though they have yet to receive the package.
And I am expected to "ASAP send the other doll back to her because she doesn't need any more stress" !
WOW !!

As for her flickr vent :

"ok now im in shock and really sad, my hands waving.
i adopted out my two baby by ElfinHugs and for mistake sent them not to good person, Clown sent to this who should get baby and this who should get clown got baby.

i didnt do this specially, dont know how this could happened, i checked two times, im really sorry about that and wrote to both people, i said i cover the shipping fees and all, i can even refund everything.

one person said dont worry all is ok i will send it when i only get it.

but second made from this really something big and not acceptable, wrote even about it on her flickr, where copy all my private date
for 39,8!!
im really good person and honest and never cheat anyone i hate when something like that happend, i really didnt wanted do sent wrong things, but we are only people, we cant understand each other??
i understand this person in pregnacy, i was too and i know how it is, but i didnt do this specially bc this was her!"

So later tonight, I replied back with an email :

 "please focus on you and not for other person, its my thing to get it done with her and you dont need to tell me what i need to do with her.
She send you doll after she get it, she is in EU then she get it this week."

Erm, it is absolutely my business as she will be receiving the doll i paid for as like i have received hers, thank you.
As for telling you what to do, are you for real ?!
You haven't even asked me if I would like for you to be sharing MY PERSONAL HOME ADDRESS with a complete stranger whom i don't even know and nor have you even revealed to me who they are !
"and please just tell me how much will be shipping cost which i need cover you.
i want done it asap bc i dont need more stress, i have enought it in my life"
You're certainly not in the position to be making demands on me, are you ?
I'm the one whom is pregnant and working every day of the week and having to make time for my antenatal classes in between all of it.
Not to mention that I have hospital appointments booked this week for blood tests, vaccines and scans. I'm not going to spend hours arguing with you on the internet or chasing after you.
You can save the obnoxious comments and demands, thank you ! 
If you can be more civilised, this is what I would like.
When the clown doll is returned to YOUR address from the other buyer and you are ready to post it to me, let me know. 
Once I receive proof of this, and that it is on it's way to MY address, I will then go to the post office to send the other one back to you AFTER i receive the quoted recorded delivery postage price from the postal office so that you may pay for it to be delivered back to your address.
Please also leave me with your address in an email.
I'm NOT going to argue back and forth with you, if you continue to do so, I am keeping all records of it.
Thank you

Tell me if I have been fair in my response ? What would you do in my position ?
I absolutely do not want to spend hours with her on this as the emails seem to get really repetitive, like this needs to turn into a long winded bitter childish argument than a productive resolution.

**EDIT : Please read my reply comments in the comment part to view the updates on the matter. It has now been successfully resolved with the parties involved without the aid of this group, thanks to the numerous unproductive comments from people whom were uniterested to actually read the updates on the matter and advise me accordingly. 
I had my reasons for my highly struung emotions which I've been absolutely open about and the approval of such isn't needed nor was it asked for. But you're entitled to your own, as like I am, my calm little swans whom  floated through pregnancy with such grace in temperant.

Edited 9th December 2012 : Final update in comments 
All in all, not every transaction listed here on BDD needs to end badly for both sellers and buyers. I am really thankful that Ewa and I were able to resolve this the way it was originally intended and wished upon by all three of us, it seems.
It's been a very hectic time, right in the middle of all of hospital appointments, full time work, and prenatal classes. Ewa has been wonderfully understanding since and this has been the most commuincative transation with her to date. I'm so pleased that the other buyer also received her package so fast and we were all able to articulate ourselves without any further confusion. It was all the more impressive that Ewa kept the communication flowing between all of us and updating both N and myself, accordingly and frequently.
I cannot put into words how thankful I am because you have no idea how much it eased the tension and anxiety that would have otherwise had me worrying and panicking. 
It was also very noble of her to pay the stupidly high postage rates for N's doll to erturn to her safely and assume all responsibilities for the arrivals of both dolls. Not many individuals out there would have been so willing to rectify it in the way that she did - and personally for me, that really redeemed any doubts I may have previously had in dealing with her.
Though there were a few communication / service issues in the past, we have agreed to put it behind us and start afresh. Ewa and I do not hold any hard feelings towards eachother and we were mutually able to understand where the other was coming from without throwing blame or any more negativity. And I wish her the best in her upcoming business. <3

hssc, resolved, aya27, ewa

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